Chapter 324 A shocking battle

No one in the entire fleet had imagined that just after they launched the first batch of anti-ship missiles, in less than ten minutes, the entire huge fleet almost ceased to exist.

It seemed as if just a second ago, he was still inspired by the thought that "the rise and fall of the empire depends on this battle."

The next second, the fleet disappeared, like a dream.

At this time, Shimazu Toshi was standing on the bridge of the supply ship "Mashu", looking at the six destroyers and frigates that had not yet sunk but were emitting thick smoke on the sea in the distance.

His eyes were still filled with a complex mixture of disbelief, fear, and deep sorrow.

After decades of hard work, Japan finally built a task force with two aircraft carriers, but it sank into the sea in just ten minutes.

Although there were still 6 destroyers and frigates remaining on the sea, the two most valuable light aircraft carriers and 5 Aegis air defense destroyers in the task force were all sunk.

He turned around to look at himself and the several supply ships following behind him. It was obvious that the enemy had deliberately let these four ships go.

The supply ship is loaded with fuel and ammunition, not much. It only needs to be hit by a missile and it will definitely explode and sink.

As the commander of the supply fleet, General Shimazu Toshimasa would not (Major General) even though he knew that the enemy might launch a second round of supplementary attacks.

He also had to bring a supply fleet to rescue people.

However, the adjutant soon came to report.

"General, the carrier-based aircraft stranded in the sky reported that there are enemy planes attacking. They are running low on fuel. Can we evacuate to the islands of our ally White Elephant?"

Shimazu Toshimasa was slightly stunned. Shouldn't these carrier-based aircraft search for the enemy fleet and then launch a desperate attack?
Then he saw that the sailors on his ship, including his adjutant, all had expressions of fear and panic on their faces.

All the blame in my heart turned into a heavy sigh.

Japan has been at peace for so many years, and following the Imperial Army, the Self-Defense Forces are truly the Self-Defense Forces.

He said helplessly: “Immediately send a telegram to the Defense Ministry headquarters, requesting to contact the ally White Elephant to open the airspace and airports of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands and allow our carrier-based aircraft to land.

At the same time, allow our supply fleet to retreat to the archipelago!"

"Hi." The adjutant showed an obvious smile on his face and ran away excitedly.

Shimazu Toshimasa shook his head, raised the telescope in front of his chest, and looked at the burning warships of his own side again.

In just a short while, two more warships could no longer hold on and were slowly sinking into the sea.

Shimazu Toshimasa raised his wrist and looked at his watch.

He couldn't help but mutter to himself: "It has been more than ten minutes since the fleet launched the first wave of anti-ship missiles.

At this time, the eight frigates of Pagan may have sunk into the sea like their own warships. "

While Shimazu Toshimasa was talking to himself, more than 200 kilometers away, eight frigates of the Pagan Navy were patrolling in four locations.

The same scene is playing out.

These second-rate frigates were spurting out terrifying streams of metal bullets from the bow, midship, and stern.

There was no smoke, but the air was filled with the smell of burning metal.

And some strange and continuous "chirp" sound.

The weather is very good today, the blue sky and the blue sea seem to be completely integrated.

About three kilometers away from these frigates, Harpoon anti-ship missiles suddenly rose up from about 5 meters near the sea surface.

But these missiles also reached their end.

As soon as the missile rose high, it was hit head-on by a sudden hail of bullets and exploded.

The East Japanese Task Force launched a total of 80 Harpoon anti-ship missiles, as there is always a sequence in launching missiles.

Therefore, even if their speeds are the same, they arrive one after the other.

Just like the waves of the sea, one wave after another.

Unfortunately, at the moment they were rising high, they were blown up by a strange rain of bullets, forming fireworks in the air.

It's like the splashes of waves hitting the rocks.

The 80 missiles were quickly used up after a few waves of spray.

Bagan’s eight second-rate frigates stand tall on the sea!
At this time, the commander of the 2nd Escort Fleet of the Pagan Navy on the "Jiangxiduo", the deputy commander of the Pagan Navy, Bamo, looked at the scene in front of him with surprise.

He gave a loud order: "All Second Escort Fleet, attack, target the supply fleet of the East Japanese Task Force, we must capture them alive!"

Eight frigates, in groups of two, formed a net from four directions and rushed towards the remnants of the East Japanese Combined Fleet 8 kilometers away.

At this time, the other party had not even been seen on the radar of the Jiang Xituo.

However, when the electromagnetic close-in defense gun system was modified, a new ship combat brain system was also installed in the crude war situation room.

It can not only fully automatically command the electromagnetic close-in weapon system, but also receive any target instructions from the star network system.

In other words, even if the Jiangxituo does not have a radar, it can still use the C802 anti-ship missiles on board to attack enemy targets within range.

The electromagnetic close-in defense gun system gives these second-rate frigates powerful air defense and self-protection capabilities, and the combat brain system gives them precision strike capabilities.

In this way, these second-rate frigates have already demonstrated combat power that is even more powerful than first-rate Aegis battleships!
The three Feiyu-class frigates are still the trump card of the Pagan Navy. They are still hidden in the heavy fog and will not be easily shown to the public.

After all, at this moment, the 30-strong army of the Pagan coalition was fighting with the neighboring White Elephant.

White Elephant is a naval power and also has a dual aircraft carrier fleet.

Previously, when the East Japanese Task Force was dispatched, White Elephant was spared from sending out its own fleet. Now that the East Japanese Task Force was completely sunk in one battle, it is hard to say whether White Elephant will stubbornly send out its own fleet.

What if White Elephant is extremely confident and thinks that its dual aircraft carrier fleet is invincible?

Therefore, it was these second-rate frigates that went to capture the remaining supply ships of the East Japanese Task Force.

In order to ensure that the East Japanese mixed fleet would not escape, the Pagan Air Force dispatched 24 Raptor C fighters.

Facing the 20 F35Bs of the Middle Eastern Japanese task force in the sky, the 24 Raptor Cs, with the support of the star network system, are enough to easily deal with the opponent.

If the electromagnetic close-in defense gun systems of the eight second-rate frigates are additional modifications, then the Feiyu-class frigates are equipped with original equipment.

At that time, Kuroda Nobuzawa used 44 Harpoon anti-ship missiles to attack three Hiyu-class frigates, and the saturation strike force exceeded that of the eight second-rate frigates.

Faced with attacks from more than 3 Harpoon anti-ship missiles each, the three Feiyu-class frigates launched 14 Baihong missiles each in the first wave.

When the Harpoon anti-ship missiles were flying over the sea, 50 of them were intercepted by the Baihong when they were still 30 kilometers away from the warship.

The remaining 14 Harpoon anti-ship missiles were also blown up by the close-in defense system the moment they jumped up to within 3 kilometers of the Feiyu-class frigate.

This Battle of the Andaman Sea will most likely change the world's perception of naval warfare.

Only with powerful air defense missiles and close-in defense gun systems can surface ships have survivability.

Otherwise, they will be killed by anti-ship missiles and their survivability can only be calculated in minutes.

The navy and the air force are both high-tech military services, and it is obvious that this is only because the Future Science and Technology Research Institute is leading in battery technology and artificial intelligence.

We have created an intelligent all-round missile and electromagnetic close-in defense system that is superior in technology and can crush the enemy.

Even though the East Japanese Combined Fleet possessed first-rate regional air defense capabilities on the Blue Planet, it was overwhelmed by the seemingly second-rate Pagan Navy and annihilated in one battle.

Just like the East Japanese fleet was the best in Asia back then, it suppressed the Dragon Kingdom Navy without any temper.

Being ahead in technology is so unethical.

Li Tang is now working hard to research various weapons and has begun to test new weapons in the war, also with an eye on the war that will inevitably come in 26 years.

As for the current competition between Blue Star and the Empire and other Western Alliance, Li Tang has gradually placed it in second place.

Li Tang’s current idea is that as long as the Western Alliance does not go crazy and play the S3 season, he will use this time to accelerate the improvement of his own technological strength.

In this battle, the Pagan Air Force also experienced the thrill of technological crushing.

A month ago, Xing Ming led 1 Raptor C fighters of the 1st Squadron of the 24st Air Force Division and moved to the air force base near Yanggao.

After receiving the news today that the East Japanese Combined Fleet had launched an attack, the Air Force combat alert was immediately sounded.

After Ming boarded the plane, he took off first and led the 1st Squadron straight to the south.

The command has assigned the task, and they will be responsible for clearing out the carrier-based aircraft of the task force and providing air superiority for the navy to completely annihilate the task force.

This batch of Raptor Cs of the United Army were not only obtained directly from Dragon Country, but also underwent additional modifications recently.

All of their air-to-air missiles have been replaced and are no longer PL-15.

Instead, it is a brand-new air-to-air missile designed by Datang Precision. Its body is thinner and shorter than that of PL-15.

This long-range air-to-air missile, named Lightning 1, has an astonishing range of 300 kilometers.

The Raptor C originally had 11 racks, excluding 3 for carrying auxiliary fuel tanks, there are still 7 available.

At one time, it could carry four PL-4 missiles, which was a powerful firepower.

Now that the new missiles are smaller and lighter, five Lightning 5 missiles can be carried directly.

After being modified, the Raptors C added an energy storage device to provide special energy for large power consumers such as radars.

This reduces fuel consumption, and now even with only two auxiliary fuel tanks, a combat radius of 1500 kilometers can be achieved.

There is an additional belly rack position, which, after modification, becomes a special composite rack that can carry another 4 [Lightning 1] air-to-air missiles.

This means it can carry 9 Lightning 1 missiles.

Except for the Dragon Country Air Force, its long-range attack capability is already the best in the world.

On this day, Raptors C is destined to shock the world with a battle.

The 24 Raptor C fighters led by Xing Ming discovered the 500 F12Bs that were searching for the Feiyu-class frigate of the Pagan Navy 35 kilometers away through the StarNet system.

The stealth performance of the F35B cannot escape detection by StarNet at all.

The 24 fighter planes found by the enemy were divided into two groups, with 12 planes fighting against these 12 planes.

Another 12 planes continued to fly south, preparing to search and attack the remaining 8 planes.

At a distance of 280 kilometers, Xing Ming led his fighter planes to directly lock and launch two [Lightning 2] air-to-air missiles each.

At maximum power, the radar of East Japan's F35B can detect a distance of 500 kilometers.

But usually, for the sake of stealth, the F35B will not even turn on its radar, or will only turn on the radar of one fighter in the formation.

When the radar alarm suddenly sounded in the cabins of the 12 F35Bs, the 12 pilots led by Captain Ito Chiba were all startled.

"Attention everyone, turn on the airborne radar immediately!"

Following the order from Second Lieutenant Ito Chiba, everyone immediately turned on the airborne radar and raised the power to maximum.

Everyone immediately spotted the enemy plane on their radar screen!
(End of this chapter)

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