Chapter 339 Who will win?
After the People's Army's 3rd Army completely wiped out the Imperial Marine 2nd Division's task force.

Du Yiyan's gaze also shifted from Lusong Island to Lusong Sea.

There is the Imperial "Ronald" aircraft carrier strike group.

Just a week ago, there were three aircraft carriers there, with around 180 carrier-based fighter jets.

In contrast, the People's Army, the newly established People's Army Air Force, has only just over 100 pilots who have passed the virtual system assessment and become combat-capable pilots.

In addition, there are 12 flight instructors sent by the Red Star Security Air Force Brigade.

There are a total of 112 pilots, but the number of F16L fighter jets assembled and produced by the country is only 48 at this time.

This number is less than the number of carrier-based fighter jets on the USS Ronald.

Originally, the number of conventional carrier-based fighter jets on the USS Ronald was a wing of 48 F/A-18 Hornet fighters.

But in wartime, it would increase that number to 60.

The main problem is that it has four EA-4 electronic warfare aircraft.

If the opponent's electronic warfare umbrella cannot be effectively broken, our F16L will not be able to attack the USS Ronald.

Last time, those 12 F16Is were able to successfully attack the USS Theodore.

On the one hand, it was because they sent out their electronic warfare ace [Predator], and even Zero took action.

On the other hand, the friend-or-foe identification systems of the 12 F16Is had not yet been cancelled by the Imperial Navy and Air Force, which led to the other side not identifying them as enemy aircraft at first.

Now both of these conditions are gone.

This time, Li Tang let Du Yiyan fight the Battle of Lusong, but he would never deploy domestic active equipment to avoid causing unnecessary problems.

Previously, only the [Baihong 1] all-purpose missile was launched through a shore-to-ship missile launcher, sinking an Imperial littoral combat ship and an Aegis destroyer.

Let the Empire complain to the world, believing that the Giants have violated the 300-kilometer missile range limit.

Although the first generation of [Predator] has very good stealth performance, it is inevitable that you will get your feet wet if you walk by the river often.

In particular, this time Du Yiyan planned to launch an air strike on the Imperial aircraft carrier fleet in broad daylight.

What supported her in making this decision was the 【White Rainbow 1】omnipotent bullet in her hand.

The F16L can fully load and launch this missile.

Although its carrying capacity is not as exaggerated as 9 missiles as Raptor C, it can still carry 7 missiles.

In addition to this, it can also carry two 2 kg laser-guided bombs.

Add in two close-range combat missiles, and all 2 hanging points are used up.

Even when fully loaded, the F16L can still achieve a combat radius of 950 kilometers thanks to its own fuel tank.

The People's Army Air Force's F800L fighter jets have a complete advantage against the USS Ronald, an aircraft carrier just over 16 kilometers from the coast.


Just destroy this electronic umbrella and the corresponding early warning aircraft.

In terms of fighter performance, the F16L can definitely make the F/A-18 Hornet suffer a defeat!

At this time, Du Yiyan once again checked the current status of the "Ronald" aircraft carrier battle group and the corresponding early warning aircraft location.

This is intelligence support from the StarNet system, which can accurately capture the location of the "Ronald" aircraft carrier battle group.

As for why she did not choose the USS Carl carrier strike group in the South China Sea.

Because this fleet is mixed with the USS America amphibious assault ship strike group, there are as many as eight Aegis air defense ships.

After the 2nd Marine Division Task Force was destroyed, the fleet retreated to the south and entered the protection network of the F15EX fleet stationed in Manila.

No matter how you look at it, the USS Ronald carrier battle group has become the best piece of fat meat.

"Order, 2nd Air Force Regiment, anti-sea attack mode, all regiments attack!"

As the combat order was issued.

Fighter planes far away at the Lalo Air Force Base began to take off fully loaded.

The person in charge of this air strike was Colonel Sumaher, commander of the 2nd Air Force Regiment.

His original name was Mach Carlos, and he was an apprentice and wingman of instructor Su Cheng sent by the Red Star Security Air Force Brigade.

He had participated in the previous raid on the USS Theodore with Sioux City.

Under the cover of Su Cheng, he successfully parachuted into the sea and was rescued.

Later, when he changed his surname to Longguo, he took his teacher's surname Su.

That time, in the battle to sink the USS Theodore, of the three people who came back alive, only Ding Richang and Sumach flew back into the sky.

Another could no longer be a pilot due to injuries.

Sumakh piloted the F16L and led the 2 fighter planes of the 48nd Regiment. After taking off, they began to divide into three formations as planned.

"Teacher, your spirit in heaven is watching, our students will sink the Imperial aircraft carrier again!"

Sumahe muttered to himself.

Then he gave the order on the communication channel, "Attention, all aircraft, according to the plan, Formation A will move forward and shoot down the enemy fleet's early warning aircraft.

Formation B followed closely behind, dealing with the enemy aircraft escorted by the AWACS and attracting the enemy fleet's air patrol forces.

"C formation, please follow me closely, very low altitude raid!"

"Yes, Captain!" A uniform response came from the communication channel.

I saw four F4Ls climbing rapidly to an altitude of 16 meters and flying towards the east at high speed.

Another 6 F16Ls opened up the formation, climbed to an altitude of meters, and flew towards the east.

Formation B uses large spacing and some gadgets to enhance radar transmission waves, so that the six fighters can appear as a large formation of dozens of fighters on enemy radars.

Sumakh led the remaining 38 F16Ls in a dense formation, rapidly approaching about 30 meters above sea level.

This altitude is considered a dangerous altitude. If you are not careful, the plane will crash.

Although there are not many pilots in the People's Army Air Force, all those who have passed the virtual system combat assessment have first-class flying skills.

Flying at this altitude close to the sea, it is generally difficult for warship radar to detect it.

Once Formation A shoots down the early warning aircraft, the success rate of Sumakh's Formation C's sneak attack will be greatly increased.

Lusong Sea, on the sea 800 kilometers away from Lusong Island.

The USS Ronald carrier strike group is cruising. Since the 2nd Marine Division has been surrounded and annihilated, there are no carrier-based aircraft to perform air support missions today.

But because it was wartime, Major General Tiago still arranged the fleet into a defensive formation.

A Ticonderoga-class cruiser, the USS Bunker Hill, was guarding in front of the aircraft carrier, and two Aegis destroyers were guarding on the left and right sides of the aircraft carrier.

Behind it are the Hobart-class Aegis destroyer of Turkey and Australia and the "Sejong the Great" Aegis destroyer of the South Peninsula.

Just a week ago, this was a dual-carrier strike group with as many as ten Aegis warships providing the fleet with a powerful air defense network.

Now, it is half as many as before, and two of the Aegis ships are provided by the allied navies.

After the Battle of the Andaman Sea, navies of various countries questioned the ability of Aegis warships to defend against anti-ship missiles.

At that time, the East Japanese Task Force had five Aegis destroyers, four Mogami-class frigates, and an additional 64 vertical launch units.

Such a powerful air defense network was unable to block 156 anti-ship missiles.

This is also why the "Gerald" aircraft carrier battle group was allowed to turn to Lusonghai when the turret withdrew its troops, bringing the number of Aegis ships to 16.

However, as the withdrawal order came down, the fleet was withdrawn one after another.

Major General Tiago stood on the bridge, looking at the few warships around him.

His face was full of bleak expression. The empire's defeat in Lusong turned out to be an opportunity to withdraw its troops from the Asia-Pacific region.

This made him feel quite uncomfortable.

Originally, he thought this would be the place where he would achieve great things.

Perhaps after this battle, I will have another star on my shoulder.

Who would have thought that the imperial army would suffer defeat after defeat.

He thought about the two battle examples. Whether it was the 25th Army Division or the 2nd Marine Division, the loss of air superiority was the biggest problem.

The Imperial Army has not fought a battle without air superiority since Season 2.

As the commander of this navy and air force, Thiago was the one who truly felt the sense of powerlessness.

At its peak, the Imperial Navy and Air Force had 180 carrier-based fighters provided by four aircraft carriers and 48 fighter planes from the Air Force on the battlefield.

As for the People's Army, the Air Force had almost nothing in the early stage, and the number of second-hand F16s that were recently purchased from somewhere did not exceed 12.

However, such an overwhelming advantage in fighter jets still failed to gain air superiority.

Weird, right?
The answer is the People’s Army’s powerful air defense missile force, and the Imperial fighter planes simply cannot safely pass through its defense zone.

Beilusong is not a big place, only about 200 kilometers from north to south and from east to west.

Its air defense missile radars have completely formed a cross-network, and no matter which direction the Imperial fighters attack from, they will collide head-on with the air defense missiles.

The key is that the People’s Army’s air defense missiles are very accurate.

Almost locking means shooting down.

After more than 39 days of fighting, the Empire lost fighter planes.

This was in the later period when the Empire's fighter planes did not dare to enter the airspace over North Lusong Island.

Tiago sighed and was about to go back to the war room when he suddenly heard the battleship's air raid alarm.

His face suddenly changed and he ran back to the war room in two steps.

"what happened?"

"Report, Hawkeye E-2C spotted a group of People's Army fighter planes, attacking our fleet in two formations."

Tiago immediately said, "Quick, release the fighter planes! Ask Hawkeye again and report the number of enemy planes as soon as possible!"

He knew that the enemy aircraft group must have taken off not long ago, and the distance was too far, so Hawkeye could not clearly distinguish the number of aircraft in the group.

Thiago had a bad feeling.

The People's Army Air Force does not have many fighter jets. Why would they choose this time to attack the fleet?
Either they have added new fighter jets, or they already have a certain number of fighter jets but have not displayed them.

But before that, because the Empire had as many as three aircraft carrier battle groups, their strength was not enough to break through the air defense network here.

When Tiago thought of this, he quickly thought of the USS Carl carrier strike group and compared the situation there with his own.

There was some anger on his face.

Haha, am I being treated as a weakling?

"Order, all air defense ship radars are turned on at full power, and all vertical launch units are ready to launch missiles!
Order all fighter jets to take off, including the spare Hawkeye E-2C and four EA-6s!

Order, immediately telegraph the joint command and request the 35th Wing of the Manila Air Force to come to reinforce!

Order, immediately send a telegram to the Guam base and request to send fighter jets to provide support!

Order, the fleet to retreat towards Guam in anti-aircraft formation at maximum speed! "

(End of this chapter)

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