Chapter 340 Death Attack
"Commander-in-chief, the long-range warning radar has detected that the fighter jets of the 35th Air Force Wing of Manila have taken off urgently!"

"Commander-in-chief, Formation A shot down a Hawkeye E-2C and two escorting F/A-2 Hornets!"

"Commander-in-chief, Formation B shot down eight F/A-8 Hornets patrolling the enemy fleet's airspace!"

"Commander-in-chief, the enemy fleet has launched 50 F/A-18 Hornet fighter jets!"

"Commander-in-chief, the enemy fleet has launched three E-3C early warning aircraft!"

"Commander-in-chief, the enemy fleet has launched four EA-4B electronic warfare aircraft!"

"Commander-in-chief, the StarNet system has sent the latest coordinates of the enemy fleet. The Ronald aircraft carrier strike group is evacuating eastward at full speed!"


A series of reports suddenly made the atmosphere in the People's Army headquarters tense.

Du Yiyan looked at the projected battlefield situation map and watched the enemy fleet fighting like a hornet's nest.

With a sneer on his face, he said, "Order, formations A and B must complete the mission of destroying the enemy's three early warning aircraft and four EA-3B electronic warfare aircraft!"

"Orders, Navy submarines No. 277, 278, and 279, the enemy fleet is heading in the direction where your formation is hiding, you must wait for the best opportunity and execute the final kill!"

The People’s Army Air Force does have fewer fighter jets.

The time was too short and the production line's capacity could not be increased.

Being able to complete the production of 60 F16L fighter jets in less than a month is an amazing achievement that is unique in the world.

Therefore, Du Yiyan did not place all her hopes of victory on the Air Force.

This battle will be accomplished by the joint efforts of the People's Army Navy and Air Force. This is also Du Yiyan's last contribution to the Lusong People's Army before leaving Lusong.

Through this battle, the People's Army Navy and Air Force accumulated real combat experience and trained a group of naval and air force officers and soldiers.

In this way, the Lusong People's Army's navy, army and air force will have real combat capabilities.

Just as she arranged for the 2nd Army to annihilate the 25th Division of the Imperial Army, and the 3rd Army to annihilate the 2nd Division Mixed Brigade of the Imperial Marine Corps.

Only an army that has defeated strong opponents has its own true military soul.

At this moment, all her pieces have been placed on the chessboard of this battle.

The same is true for the Empire. Everything depends on the outcome of the desperate fight between the frontline commanders and fighters of both sides.

Over the Luson Sea, the Sumach C formation was flying close to the sea surface, and was about 350 kilometers away from the USS Ronald aircraft carrier strike group.

The data link transmitted the latest battlefield situation.

Therefore, even if the airborne radars of Formation C were not turned on, Sumach and his men could still have the best awareness of the battlefield situation.

At this time, 550 kilometers behind the C formation were 48 F15EXs that had just taken off from the Manila Air Force Base.

About 200 kilometers ahead of Formation C, there are 50 F/A-18 carrier-based fighter jets taking off from the "Ronald"!
These 50 enemy planes were rushing towards Formation A and Formation B.

Behind these 50 enemy planes were four EA-4Bs.

Sumakh also noticed that there was a mark behind the enemy carrier fleet, representing an early warning aircraft.

He frowned, not expecting the enemy aircraft carrier to launch an early warning aircraft so quickly.

It was obvious that their C formation would no longer be able to hide, and they had to launch an attack as soon as possible to shorten the enemy fleet's reaction time.

"Attention, all aircraft. Prepare to launch [White Rainbow 1] after taking off. Now assign each aircraft to attack the target."

Just 20 seconds later, 38 F16Ls suddenly climbed rapidly from 30 meters above sea level.

Because of the target data transmitted by the data link, these fighters did not even turn on their onboard radars, and the [Baihong 1] missiles under their wings were already launched in groups of two.


There are 2 missiles left, which each aircraft will use as the final trump card.

After all, this is a long-range all-round missile with a range of 450 kilometers!

It is still very useful for attacking carrier-based aircraft!
Du Yiyan's original plan was to have each fighter jet launch four [Baihong 4] all-purpose bombs, bringing the total number to 1.

This is only four fewer than the number fired by the Pagan Navy's Feiyu-class frigates during the Battle of the Andaman Sea.

In that battle, two light aircraft carriers, five Aegis air defense destroyers, three Mogami-class frigates, and eight Hatsuyuki-class destroyers were sunk.


The submarines are not visible, and there are only 9 surface ships in total, with an average of more than 16 missiles allocated to each ship.

As a result, in order to ensure the sinking of the aircraft carrier, Sumakh fired one more missile from each fighter plane.

The total number reaches 190 [Baihong 1], and each warship can be allocated more than 21.

Sumach was obviously determined to send the entire empire's aircraft carrier fleet to the bottom of the sea.

After launching missiles against the aircraft carrier fleet, Sumakh commanded the formation to continue climbing.

When rising to an altitude of 1.2 meters, Sumach's formation fired another of the remaining two [Baihong 1] missiles.

This time, they all turned on their onboard radars.

The radar locked onto 150 F50 carrier-based aircraft of the enemy fleet that were flying head-on at a distance of less than 18 kilometers ahead.

This time, the 38 [Baihong 1] missiles were used to rescue Formation B and intercept the 50 enemy planes.

It took only one minute for Sumach's C formation to climb from sea level to launch missiles to attack the Imperial aircraft carrier fleet. The three Hawkeye E-2Cs that had just taken off immediately spotted the fighter formation on the radar screen.

And 190 missiles are rising into the sky.

These AWACS just relayed this information back to the mother ship.

Then, they discovered that there seemed to be missiles flying towards their plane!
With the detection capability of the early warning aircraft radar, it was discovered that the distance of the incoming missile was farther than that of ordinary fighter jets.

However, facing supersonic air-to-air missiles, it is basically impossible to escape by the time they are discovered.

He was so frightened that he began to perform evasive maneuvers, prepared jamming bombs, and got ready to parachute.

Just wait for the missile to get closer and then fire, hoping to lure the missile away.

Once these jamming bombs become ineffective, the only option is to parachute to escape.

At this moment, the four EA-4Bs flying between the two sides have frantically turned on their powerful jammers.

They also discovered the missiles flying towards them, and the missile lock alarm in the cabin kept beeping.

With their size, it is completely impossible for them to escape the missile's no-escape zone within a few minutes.

At this time, the only thing they can do is turn on high-frequency fire control radar interference, hoping to affect the enemy missile indexing head, so that it will not be able to lock on to them and avoid being shot down.

In fact, the EA-6B had received an alert from the early warning aircraft that the enemy aircraft had launched 190 missiles at the fleet.

Therefore, the EA-6B has actually implemented full-frequency interference in the airspace within a radius of 50 kilometers.

Because the EA-6B had previously cooperated with carrier-based aircraft to penetrate the northern part of Lusong, it was never able to effectively interfere with the People's Army's air defense radar.

This time, they also tried their best.

All the jamming threads on board were thrown out, hoping that this desperate attack would affect the radars of the fighter jets that launched the anti-ship missiles.

After all, those 190 anti-ship missiles are now flying at an altitude of 2.8 meters, which is completely out of their reach.

Unfortunately, they were wrong. It was not these fighter jets that guided the targets of the 190 anti-ship missiles.

But it is the high and mighty StarNet network!
At this moment, in the space 200 kilometers above the "Ronald" aircraft carrier fleet, three Starlink satellites are locking onto them.

The USS Ronald aircraft carrier fleet is doomed.

In the aircraft carrier's combat room, Major General Tiago stared at the situation map and had already seen the 190 anti-ship missiles rushing at him at high speed.

He immediately issued an anti-missile combat order.

All the Aegis warships of the entire fleet worked together, and all vertical launch units fired Standard 6 all-round missiles one after another.

The last batch launched was the Standard 2 for the South Peninsula's "Sejong the Great".

After the Battle of the Andaman Sea, the Imperial Navy immediately conducted a comprehensive review to check whether the Imperial Navy's aircraft carrier fleet could withstand the saturation attack of that kind of missile.

The results of the inspection are extremely worrying.

After all, the East Japanese Combined Fleet uses the Aegis technology of the Empire.

After repeated calculations, it was finally determined that at least five Aegis warships would be needed to withstand such a saturation attack.

At the same time, these five warships need to act in a unified manner, and the air defense missiles of all vertical launch units must be launched in layers and batches.

The most important thing is that all air defense missiles must be replaced with Standard 6 all-round missiles!
The two Atago-class ships of the East Japan Task Force were originally intended to be equipped with Standard-6 missiles, but the number of Standard-6 missiles originally purchased by the East Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force was insufficient.

In order to facilitate supply, the Atago-class standard 6 was simply replaced with the previous standard 2.

Unexpectedly, such a big mistake happened.

You should know that the Standard 6 missile is the Imperial Navy's new generation of anti-ship and air defense missile, and its performance is in no way inferior to Russia's hypersonic anti-ship missile.

There is no doubt that the Imperial Navy's Aegis warships in the "Ronald" aircraft carrier strike group are all equipped with Standard 6 missiles.

Even though Australia's Hobart-class Aegis destroyer has been equipped with Standard 6 missiles this time, unfortunately it only has 48 vertical launch units.

The "Sejong the Great" sent from the South Peninsula is the first ship of the Sejong the Great class, and it still uses the Standard 2 air defense missile.

Although the "Sejong the Great" has 128 vertical launch units, only 2 of them can launch the Imperial Standard 80, and the remaining 48 can only launch South Peninsula's own cruise missiles and anti-ship missiles.

In other words, the Imperial Navy originally calculated that five Aegis warships using Standard 6 all-round missiles could defend against the saturation attack of hundreds of anti-ship missiles like the one in the Battle of the Andaman Sea.

Now, because the two warships in Turkey and Australia and South Peninsula are discounted Aegis warships, the anti-missile combat capability has been greatly reduced.

What was even more unexpected was that Sumahe, with a revengeful mentality, actually fired 190 [White Rainbow 1]!
The USS Ronald aircraft carrier fleet now has 362 vertical launch units capable of launching Standard 6 and 80 vertical launch units capable of launching Standard 2.

Tiago is now very glad that his combat thinking became conservative after the "Gerald" and "Abraham" aircraft carrier battle groups left one after another.

The fleet no longer considers launching ground-attack cruise missiles, and all vertical launch units are equipped with Standard 6.

Of course, the Standard 6 can also carry out ground attacks, but its price is much more expensive than the Tomahawk cruise missile.

Even though it is now 362 Standard 6 missiles against 190 People's Army anti-ship missiles, Tiago is still not sure.

Because he had no idea what kind of air-launched anti-ship missiles the People's Army was using.

If it was the kind of missile that the Pagan Navy had, he felt it would be very difficult to resist.

The reason why he fired all the Standard 6 missiles in the vertical launch units was because he was worried that if he didn't fire them, he might not have another chance.

The so-called risking everything refers to this kind of desperate attack.

(End of this chapter)

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