Chapter 349 Follow Me Charge
Auburn Palace Stadium.

There were huge crowds of people, flags waving, gongs and drums beating...

The crowd was shouting slogans wildly.

"Support Olena!"

“Welcome to the new world!”


"New world!"


On the stage, the woman didn’t look like a seventy-year-old woman at all.

She paced back and forth on the stage, moving her hands from time to time to match her language, denouncing the policies of the elites on the one hand and making continuous promises on the other.

She described to her supporters a beautiful new world built with various high technologies.

She even shouted on the stage like Joan of Arc, "Those who love me, follow me and charge!"

Amidst the huge cheers, gunshots suddenly rang out!
Almost in an instant, before the cheering crowd could react, a group of bodyguards holding huge shields surrounded the woman.

Two Secret Service gunmen jumped onto the stage and fired continuously.

"Bang bang bang..."

The crowd was in an uproar!

At the same time, a voice suddenly came from the huge loudspeaker, "Get down!"
At this moment, people vaguely realized that something had happened again.

Soon, the security personnel at the scene quickly identified the gunman who was shot by the Secret Service and the people who were accidentally injured.

At this moment, everyone present became angry.

Who is it? Who is it that repeatedly takes such extreme measures to target candidates?

Whether it is Michigan yesterday or today.

These two places are voting bases for the elites, but two people got into trouble in succession, which makes people extremely angry.

At this time, the woman surrounded by bodyguards suddenly stood up again.

There was some blood on her forehead, and she seemed to be injured.

But she didn't care, raised her hands high and shouted: "Charge for the new world!"

The crowd in the audience were all fans and supporters of Karai Olina, if some of them were calm supporters before.

At this moment, he became completely crazy!
The cheers of "Olena" seemed to be about to blow the roof of the Auburn Palace Stadium off.

Through the intelligent aiming system, Zhao Zhongyuan saw Kale Orina's resolute face and the blood dripping from her forehead, just right!
Zhao Zhongyuan grinned. This time, the bullet fired from the special gun in his hand was also very special.

It is no longer a bullet capable of penetrating the frontal armor of a main battle tank.

It's not the same bullet as the one used in other firearms yesterday.

It's an ice bullet that will melt.

Mission accomplished perfectly!

Zhao Zhongyuan put away his gun, picked up the box, and left whistling.

This is the Inquisitors' final plan for the Empire, and it is already moving forward with an unstoppable trend.



A special meeting room.

An emergency meeting is being held.

Bristol's eyes were filled with fatigue; he had just flown back from East Japan.

The two main locations for the empire to withdraw its troops from the Asia-Pacific region were the Southern Peninsula and eastern Japan.

The top priority is Eastern Japan, which has been the empire's dog for many years.

Although the empire is about to retreat, this dog must stay on the front line to share the pressure on the empire's military forces on the second line.

On the other hand, it was also necessary to pay high military equipment procurement costs to the empire.

Although the empire withdrew its troops from the Asia-Pacific region, it did not give up its interests in these two places.

Whether it's a big stick or a sweet date, Bristol needs to explain it to the East Japanese.

Bristow promised that the Empire would return to the Asia-Pacific region and that the Empire would continue to provide support when troubles occurred in the South Peninsula and Eastern Japan.

In short, when it is time to comfort, you should comfort.

You must also be willing to give out the benefits that are due, and this is very brain-intensive.

Who would have thought that something big would happen at home? Two rival candidates got into trouble in a row, and both of them happened in his own voting base.

The key point is that both gunmen were shot dead by the Secret Service.

This gives people a feeling of no evidence at all!

Public opinion throughout the empire has become extremely unfavorable for the elites.

You know, during these four years, there was an economic crisis and the stock market crash.

The empire was completely defeated in the technological battle with the other side, and lost all its previous advantages in all fields of science and technology. The hegemony of Daole was completely destroyed!

In the military, major failures occurred one after another, and the heavy aircraft carrier, the symbol of the empire's military power, was sunk twice in a row.

The opponent turned out to be a small opposition local government.

Even though they have Li Tang behind them, Ermao has the entire Western Alliance behind him, so Damao didn't feel so uncomfortable, did he?

Why did the imperial military fail so completely?
Withdrawing troops from the Asia-Pacific is an extremely helpless thing to do. Otherwise, two-thirds of the empire's military power will be put in danger!
It will waste a lot of resources and hinder the realization of the plan to colonize Mars.

The empire's military hegemony was thus destroyed!

Because the empire had been overdrawing its future financial resources for a long time, with the disappearance of the two major hegemonies, the empire was finally bitten back by its economic model of living beyond its means.

Now, if even the only remaining advantages of the imperial system are gone, then the empire is really not far from collapse.

Now that the financial backers behind the scenes have stopped funding, the elites have been forced to decide to push Ms. Halle to participate in the election.

Everyone in the meeting room looked depressed.

Bristow looked at Chief Duke of Foppole, "How is Foppole's investigation going on these two incidents?"

Director Duke coughed lightly and said, "The identity of the gunman who was sent to the hospital but failed to be rescued and was shot dead has been confirmed.

The Michigan lady was grazed in the head by a bullet but survived.

The identity of the gunman who was shot dead was one of our personnel.

The two shooters were not related in any way, so it is impossible to determine whether there is a connection between the two incidents."

Firwen couldn't help but ask, "Is it possible that they directed and acted this out themselves?"

Director Duke looked at him in surprise, and then said, "That's unlikely. After all, the former was the most likely to win the election, but now he is dead.

They can't possibly expect Ms. Carle to win the election, can they? "

At this time, Ms. Loren suddenly said: "It may not be impossible. The latest poll yesterday showed that her support rate soared to 45%, which is her highest peak ever.

If she can maintain her composure in the future, she will become our formidable rival!
Right now, Ms. Halliday's approval rating is only 43 percent."

Bristol tapped his fingers on the table and asked, "William, do you have any additional information?"

Chief William Heigl said: "I will just add that our experts used artificial intelligence to simulate the scene of the two incidents and found something strange."

Director Duke frowned and asked, "What's strange?"

Chief Heigl said: "The bullets that hit the two people did not appear to have been fired from the gunman's gun."

"Hmm? Please explain it clearly." Bristol asked immediately.

Director Heiger said: "In the on-site situation simulated by artificial intelligence, it was found that the trajectory seemed to have a certain deviation.

However, the actual investigation by Foppole showed that the trajectory of the bullet fired by the gunman that hit the victim was consistent.

That’s what’s weird, because they should be consistent.”

Upon hearing this, Director Duke immediately mocked: “You said you are an artificial intelligence simulation, maybe the given parameters are wrong, so the simulation is wrong.

Our on-site investigation report was authenticated by the ballistics expert from Fobolle, so it cannot be wrong."

William Heigl ignored Director Duke's ridicule and said bluntly: "So we didn't raise any objections, but we did feel strange.

Our experts are still verifying to see what went wrong.”

At this time, Michelle Brick suddenly said: "If the bullets fired by the gunman did not hit those two people, where could the bullets have been shot from that would have matched the gunman's shooting trajectory?"

Chief Duke perked up and said, “Yes, if it wasn’t the shooter, then could the bullet have been shot out of thin air?
Especially the case in Michigan, the Palace of Auburn Hills is a closed stadium, and the shooter was not far from the wall. "

William Heigl spread his hands and said, "This is a simulation by our bureau using the latest artificial intelligence, so we cannot be sure of its accuracy."

Bristow said, "Okay, no need to say more. Director Duke, please arrange another group of experts to conduct another on-site ballistics test.

William, please have the experts check the corresponding parameters to ensure the accuracy of the artificial intelligence simulation."

Both of them nodded in agreement.

Seeing this, Firwin immediately said, "Speaking of artificial intelligence, we have made considerable progress in science and technology recently, so I would like to inform you of this.

Mark's Starship VI and Starship 1 are under full development, and the current progress is about a week faster than expected.

It is expected to be completed next month, and will take another week to test before it can be launched.

This progress can be advanced thanks to the progress in artificial intelligence.

In addition, thanks to advances in artificial intelligence, we have also made great progress in intelligent robots and intelligent drones.

The new generation of Standard 7 all-purpose ammunition is being developed at full capacity and is expected to be ready for testing next year."

After hearing this, Michelle Brick was immediately excited and said: "With the new all-round bomb and the intelligent drone, we will be able to attack and defend against the enemy.

It won’t be like the Lu Songhai naval and air battle, where we have no ability to resist at all.”

The biggest reason why the imperial military agreed with the decision of the upper elites and made the decision to withdraw all troops from the Asia-Pacific region was that all their defense and counterattack measures were ineffective in the Lusonghai naval and air battle.

This is very scary, as it means that our side is basically sitting there waiting to die.

If they continue to hold on to the first island chain, two-thirds of the imperial military's strength will probably be courting death.

There has never been a moment when the Imperial military has felt so powerless.

Perhaps, more than 20 years ago, the opposing navy and air force were just so desperate and powerless when facing the Imperial Navy and Air Force?

No one could have imagined that in just over twenty years, the offensive and defensive situation would change!
(End of this chapter)

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