Chapter 350: Western Alliance Dilemma
While the elites of the White House were still racking their brains to continue the glory of the empire, a meeting was also being held in the Prime Minister's Office in East Japan on the other side of the ocean.

This meeting is the East Japan Security Conference.

Participants included Prime Minister Takehisa Shinda, Foreign Minister Masahiko Kawada, Finance Minister Hisaichi Kojima, Chief Cabinet Secretary Uesugihara, Defense Minister Mitsuo Kino, and National Public Service Commission Chairman Keiji Inoue.

Nobuda Takehisa looked at everyone present and said in a deep voice: "The empire's withdrawal this time was very decisive and quick. It has been less than two months since the announcement, and nearly 2 troops have been withdrawn.

Our Self-Defense Forces are not recruiting that fast, and that is not good for us.”

Foreign Minister Masahiko Kawada said carefully: "I have talked to Mr. Desires, the Imperial Ambassador to Japan. He has received orders to assist the Imperial military in completing the withdrawal of all troops by the end of June."

Defense Minister Mitsuo Kino also nodded and said, “Yes, General Robert Malowe, commander of the Imperial Seventh Fleet, also told me the same thing.

At this rate, the remaining 1.8 people will be evacuated before June."

Chief Cabinet Secretary Uesugihara groaned, "This speed is indeed astonishing. I had always thought that it would take at least a year for the Empire to withdraw its troops.

After all, the Empire has stationed troops in Japan for nearly eighty years, and when it was promoting its Asia-Pacific strategy, it also invested in adding many additional facilities.

We never thought that this time they would withdraw their troops and give them to us almost at a bargain price.

Everyone, is the Empire really frightened by the battle of Lu Song? "

Nobuda Takehisa looked at the Minister of Defense, "Kino-kun, what do you think?"

Kino Mitsuo's face became serious, "Sir, after the battle of Lusong, the Joint Staff Office conducted many simulated war games.

But no matter how we deduce, we cannot get such a result.


When Kino Mitsuo said this, he looked at Nobuda Takehisa, as if asking, can you continue talking about this?

Nobuda Takehisa nodded slightly.

Uesugihara didn't notice and was already asking, "Unless what? Please speak frankly, Kino-kun."

Mitsuo Kino continued: "Unless the air-to-air missiles and air-to-ship missiles used by the Northern Luzon People's Army have the same performance as the anti-ship missiles of the Pagan Navy.

No, it even performs better.

Neither Pagan nor Northern Lusong can produce missiles of this performance.

We all know who is behind them. The ability to transport fighter planes and missiles to North Lusong during wartime is the most terrifying thing. "

Everyone here knows who is behind what Kino Mitsuo is talking about.

Finance Minister Kojima Hisaichi suddenly said: "I would like to remind you that our economic output fell by another 11% last year.

Fiscal revenue has dropped by 37%, and I'm afraid it will be difficult for us to support a Self-Defense Force of too large a scale.

There are two main reasons why the economy suffered such a severe blow. One is that it was affected by the imperial economic crisis.

One is that a large portion of the tax revenue was withheld by [Dream Shadow].

Let me remind you one more thing, the impact caused by [Dream Shadow] actually only occurred in the last quarter, but the impact accounted for 70%!

I really don’t know how much money [Dream Shadow] will take away from us throughout this year.

You should understand that [Dream Shadow] can deliver goods to any place in Japan!"

The focus of Kojima Hisaichi's speech was on the last sentence.

This made everyone react instantly. Yes, with the delivery capabilities of the [Mengying] platform supermarkets, who could stop them from sending missiles and fighter jets to the blockaded Beilusong?
When Mitsuo Kino thought about the losses of the Maritime Self-Defense Force task force, he felt a chill in his heart.

Seeing that everyone present was low on confidence and the atmosphere was somewhat heavy, Takehisa Nobuda snorted coldly.

"Gentlemen, are you frightened by Li Tang's technology?"

Uesugihara looked around and immediately replied, "Sir, as far as I know, Nakamura-kun has just obtained the latest baseline version of the Aegis system and the full set of F35 fighter technology.

I think we can pool the scientific research strength of several major companies to digest these technologies as quickly as possible.

As long as we can develop Aegis and F35 fighter jets that truly belong to Japan on this basis, Japan will surely stand tall in the East."

Shinoda Takehisa's frozen face rarely moved, "Everyone heard what Uesugi-kun said, right?

Mr. Nakamura has made such a great contribution to Japan that he has laid the foundation for Japan to become a normal country again.

I suggest that the Great Japanese Intelligence Headquarters be rebuilt, with Kazuo Nakamura as the first director, and he will be able to attend security meetings in the future."

Uesugihara immediately agreed, "If Japan wants to become a normal country, an intelligence headquarters is indispensable. Your Excellency's suggestion is extremely appropriate!"

Kino Sanxiong also nodded and said, "I second the motion."

The other few people represented other factions in the country and had been lobbied by Nakamura before, so they naturally would not stop Nakamura Kazuo from taking the lead at this time.

"I second the motion!" voices rang out one after another. Nobuda Takehisa nodded and said, "What Kojima-kun just said is related to the survival of Japan. The [Dream Shadow] platform has seriously affected Japan's finances and taxes.

Does anyone have a good way to limit this?"

Foreign Minister Masahiko Kawada said, "We, Great Japan, belong to the Western Alliance. Since the Western Alliance has already severed its links with the Star Alliance, it can take any measures against Dream Shadow."

Uesugihara said: "Kawata-kun, you think too simply. We followed the Western Alliance and completely banned [Dream Shadow].

However, since [Mengying] does not have any hardware facilities established in any country, they have the ability to deliver supplies to any country.

As far as I know, the Empire is completely unable to prohibit Dream Shadow's drones from delivering goods.

The entire Western Alliance now has no technical restrictions at all and has been completely trapped in the dilemma created by [Dream Shadow]. "

Finance Minister Kojima Hisaichi asked: "Can't we restrict the purchases of our citizens? They have to pay, right? Can't our banks restrict it?"

Uesugihara replied: "It's useless. Citizens can make money on the Mengying platform, so of course they can also spend money.

[Mengying] Dragon coins are accepted on the platform, and citizens can make payments without going through any bank in Japan.

Citizens can fully realize the turnover of income and expenditure on the [Mengying] platform, and this virtual money can circulate in their accounts on the [Mengying] platform.

If someone needs to exchange actual currency, the [Mengying] platform can also guarantee the delivery of the corresponding physical currency.

All these things have caused the people to be deeply trapped, and the entire Western Alliance has no way to drive their people off the Dream Shadow platform."

Kino Sanxiong suddenly said: "No, in fact, the Western Alliance still has a way to solve this dilemma."

Kojima asked quickly, "What method? As long as it is useful, I will find a way to lobby the Western Alliance member states to implement it together."

To be honest, the [Mengying] platform is too aggressive in stealing money, and Kojima Hisaichi can no longer stand it.

Kino Mitsuo said: "It seems that the [Dream Shadow] platform does not have any hardware facilities in any country, so countries cannot restrict it.

Even signal interference is ineffective due to technical reasons.

But there is a way to solve it once and for all.”

Kojima Shouichi urged, "Hey, hurry up and tell me."

Kino Mitsuo said: "We can unite all the member states of the Western Alliance to shoot down the satellites of the StarNet system flying over our country, and the [Dream Shadow] platform will naturally be unable to operate."

Uesugihara stared at Kino Mitsuo with his mouth wide open, and said, "Kino-kun, do you know that by doing this, the Western Alliance is actually declaring war on the Star Alliance?"

Kino Sanxiong spread his hands and said, "Either the Western Alliance countries will be slowly trapped to death by the Dream Shadow platform, or they will fight to the death in one go."

A hint of ruthlessness flashed in Nobuda Takehisa's eyes, and he suddenly said, "This is a very good idea, Kawada-kun, go contact the Western Alliance countries immediately."

Kawada Masahiko said: "Okay, I will visit all the countries as soon as possible and try to get them to agree."

Kojima thought for a moment and said, "Kawata-kun, I'll go with you. This matter requires the joint promotion of the finance ministers of the Western Alliance countries.

We need to make it clear to everyone that if we don’t take action, we will no longer have the money to resist.

By that time, maybe everyone will have to join the Star Alliance.

At the very least, if you join the Star Alliance, the [Mengying] platform will give you a certain percentage of fund return rewards.

In fact, this is the international tax that we in the Western Alliance wanted to collect in the first place, but the proportion is set by Future Technology itself, and it is not imposed every year.

Instead, it has become a weapon for Future Technology to control the Star Alliance countries, and a benefit fee that Future Technology gives to the countries. "

After hearing what Kojima Toshikazu said, Uesugihara suggested without thinking: "Everyone, now that the Empire has withdrawn its troops, our Great Japan will also become a normal country.

So why can't we, Japan, abandon the Western Alliance and join the Star Alliance?

In this way, we in Japan may also be able to enjoy some benefits of technological advancement."

Uesugihara's words instantly opened everyone's minds.

Yes, since they can’t win, why should Japan continue to resist foolishly?

Since the empire has withdrawn its troops anyway, why should Japan fight to the death?
It doesn't seem like a big deal to just bow your head and acknowledge the new world boss.

When Takehisa Nobuda saw the longing in everyone's eyes, he suddenly became furious.

He slammed the table and said, "Uesugi-kun, you are confused!

Japan and the Titans are sworn enemies. If Japan wants to become a normal country, it is impossible to reconcile with the Titans.

Do you want me to kneel down over there and confess my guilt?
Do you want to close down the shrine?
Do you want to rewrite the textbooks so that future generations will be immersed in atonement?"

(End of this chapter)

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