Chapter 364 Robbery Battle
Director Foboleduk, who had been silent the whole time, suddenly said, "Everyone, in the past few months, at least thousands of our researchers have left the empire."

Ms. Loren asked in confusion: "Is this a large number? Are they traveling or emigrating?"

“They’re all immigrants,” Chief Duke said.

Firven asked in surprise, "Did they all migrate to the giants?"

Director Duke shook his head, "No, most of them immigrated to Europe, and a few immigrated to South America."

Firven breathed a sigh of relief. "It's good that we didn't immigrate to the giants."

Director Duke raised his hand and motioned to William Heigl, "Tell me where these people ended up."

William Heigl said under everyone's curious gaze, "This was discovered by Director Duke. Although there are scientific researchers who emigrate every month, there have never been as many as in the past two months.

Therefore, he entrusted us, Lanli, to track and investigate the situation of these people after they left the empire.

In the end, we found that 20% of them went to Shangdu, where the Future Science and Technology Research Institute is located.

Another 50% went to Bagan, and the remaining 30% simply disappeared.”

Ms. Halli exclaimed: "Bagan? The poor country that just defeated the white elephant?
And what does it mean to disappear? Were they kidnapped?"

William Heigl shook his head and said, "Of course not. If these people were kidnapped, their entire families wouldn't be kidnapped together, right? Then who would the kidnappers ask for money?"

Ms. Harley pressed on, "Where will they go? Can't any of you Bluegrains find out where they're going?"

William Heigl shook his head again and said, “We don’t know. In order to track this matter, we at Blue Grain have lost at least 137 overseas agents.

The detectives who were following the investigation also disappeared. I think they were kidnapped or murdered.

The most likely possibility is that they discovered something, but it was exposed, so they were kidnapped or silenced.

To this end, I joined forces with some allied intelligence agencies to investigate.

Only then did we realize that it was not just our empire that had a large number of scientific researchers who had emigrated and disappeared.

Some scientific researchers in those allied countries have had the same experience.

After comparing the data, we found that all the researchers who have disappeared from the allied countries recently are related to nuclear energy. "

Firwen immediately asked, "Is it related to nuclear energy? Do you think this was Li Tang's doing?"

William Heigl said: "We investigated and we can't say that it was Li Tang who did it, but the beneficiary was Li Tang.

The one who caused this incident was an organization called "Temple of Science" that has quietly emerged in the scientific community recently.

We convinced a scientist to infiltrate the group.

The feedback we got was that this organization worshipped Li Tang so much that they tried every possible way to get scientists in the organization to work at the Future Technology Research Institute in Shangdu."

Ms. Hallie asked: "Could it be that this organization was created by Li Tang? Do all those scientists worship Li Tang?"

William Heigl spread his hands and said, "At present, it seems that all the scientists in this organization are fans of Li Tang, and they are crazy fans.

The scientist we sent in got trapped in it in just one week and ignored us no longer.

The liaison officer we sent out even got into trouble directly.”

Bristol suddenly said: "Everyone, this is the battle for talent that Li Tang is having.

As a reminder, the large-scale loss of scientific researchers began when our "Lost Lambs" program was exposed.

Not long after that, Li Tang's Future Technology began a war to recruit talent, but at that time he mainly recruited Dragon scientists and brought back many outstanding international students from the Dragon Kingdom from the Empire.

It just so happened that at that time we pursued a decoupling policy and drove away a group of people, which was equivalent to sending them to Li Tang.

The Future Science and Technology Research Institute has produced numerous scientific and technological achievements, and from a chronological perspective, it was after that point in time.

The competition in technology is a competition for talent. Before the empire, technology was at its peak and talented people from all over the world immigrated to us.

Now the world's scientific and technological talents are trying to find ways to go to the giants, so it's no wonder we lost."

Ms. Harley asked in confusion: "The empire's talent policy has not changed much, so why was it able to attract so many talents from other countries before?

Why is it losing money now? Could it be that Li Tang and his men have adopted some dishonorable means?
Why else would they leave so secretly?"

Firwin looked at William and Duke and said, "Why else? It's because of the 'Lost Lamb' plan that Lanli came up with.

This should have hurt the feelings of scientific researchers from other countries.

Of course, I think what is more important is that the empire’s technology has been surpassed by Li Tang, and we are no longer at the forefront of scientific research.

Talented people who want to achieve results in the field of scientific research naturally have to go to the most technologically advanced places. For example, some of our astronauts gave up their imperial citizenship in order to go to the lunar scientific research base. "

Michelle Brick suddenly said: "So, we must persist in our plan to colonize Mars.

Otherwise, as long as Li Tang also builds a scientific research base on Mars, we will lose a large number of scientific researchers. "

Bristol looked at everyone present and said again: "When you can't even keep the people, do you still have the confidence to compete with Li Tang?"

Firwin frowned, not understanding why Bristol had such extreme thoughts in his words.

The Symbiosis Society still has certain advantages in several areas of science and technology, and has not fallen so far behind that others cannot catch up.

Are we going to just admit defeat and take extreme confrontational measures?
Thinking of this, I couldn't help but say: "Even if we can't continue the competition, we must try our best to maintain a certain level.

As long as we don’t fall too far behind Li Tang and his team, we will catch up sooner or later.”

Bristow pointed to the holographic projection image that was parked there, "Don't you see? The gap has become even bigger in a few months.

We have just been overtaken by the opponent not long ago, if we give them more time.

I'm afraid we'll be completely despaired!
By that time, I was really worried that the mushroom eggs might be really useless.

In short, I hope you will think about it seriously again.

Will the empire be reborn in nirvana, or will it decline and fall?

At this critical moment for the survival of the empire, I hope you will consider the interests of the empire and think about the future of the empire."

Bristol's words made everyone silent.

Looking at the [Golden Chariots] flying in the space in the projection, it really makes people feel suffocated.

Think about it, it takes the Empire at least 2-3 months to build a starship.

During this time, the other party produced hundreds of [Golden Chariots] with more advanced performance.

The technical level and manufacturing capabilities are far beyond the reach of the empire.

As Bristow said, the opponent's snowball has already started rolling. If it is allowed to continue rolling down with this momentum, what a terrible big snowball it will become?
By that time, I'm afraid no country will be able to stop this snowball.

But the Empire is now in the S3 season where both sides suffer losses, and they are afraid of killing enemies but losing of their own!

Apart from anything else, the other party's human, material and financial resources all far exceed those of the Empire. Even if it is the Star Alliance against the Western Alliance, they are far superior.

In this case, if you lose 3,000 yuan in exchange for 800 people, won’t the final outcome still be a “loss”?

What if all of my elites were gone in the process? Then...

If you are not crazy, how can you make the decision to die together?

Bristol looked at the hesitant expressions on everyone's faces and immediately realized that this matter was difficult to decide.

He sighed deeply, "Everyone, it doesn't matter if we can't make this decision this time. I hope we can make a backup decision.

We just need to make preparations in this regard first, and if we finally reach a unanimous decision, we can implement it immediately.

Otherwise, by the time we reach an agreement, if we don’t have enough time to prepare and miss the best opportunity, that would be a pity.”

Michelle Brick immediately agreed, “Yes, it will take a long time for the military to prepare for this.

We need to conduct comprehensive inspections on many of the mushroom eggs in stock, and those in service also need to be repositioned.”

Ms. Loren suddenly asked, "If we maintain and test the mushroom eggs in this way, I'm afraid it will cost extra, right?"

Michelle Brick smiled bitterly: "Yeah, without extra costs, there is no way to conduct a comprehensive test."

Philvin was having a headache because this was a critical moment in the Mars colonization plan and funds from all sides were being mobilized.

If we allocate funds to maintain and test the mushroom eggs, wouldn't it be troublesome if the plan to colonize Mars is disrupted?
"Everyone, can this matter be delayed for a while? At least wait until the Mars Colonization Plan achieves the first step of manned landing on Mars. It won't be too late to start preparations, right?"

Bristow's face was serious. "How long will it take? One year, two years, three years, or five years?"

Firwin was stunned. What did Bristol mean by this?
Didn’t I explain the timing of the well-known Mars plan at the beginning of the meeting?
Starship 8 will land humans on Mars in the middle of next year.

"Bristol, have you forgotten the timetable for colonizing Mars that I just mentioned?"

Bristol shook his head slightly, “I haven’t forgotten that the plan you gave was the middle of next year, but that’s just a plan.

Mark had also given a plan, and four months ago Starship VI was going to launch and fly to Mars.”

(End of this chapter)

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