Chapter 365 Both jade and stone are destroyed
"What do you want to explain?" Phil asked knowingly.

Bristol looked grim and said, "My meaning is very clear, plans are plans, and there will be unexpected events in the process of implementation.

The timing of the Empire's plan to destroy itself and its enemies together is critical. I hope it will not be affected by these unexpected events.

Therefore, it is best to advance it simultaneously with the Mars colonization plan and not let them constrain each other. "

Firwin couldn't help but press his forehead. He really didn't expect Bristol to become so pessimistic and aggressive at this moment.

"But...Ms. Loren has already said that this will require additional expenses. Where are you going to squeeze out the money from?"

Bristow said calmly: "It's simple. The military has eliminated two aircraft carrier formations. The cost of operating and maintaining the aircraft carrier formations is enough to start the maintenance and testing of the mushroom eggs.

If that is not enough, a portion of the compensation previously paid to East Japan can be allocated.

General Brick, what do you think?"

Michelle Brick was suddenly speechless. What should he say?
Banging the table and saying that the aircraft carrier fleet cannot be disbanded?
Military expenditures are already stretched to the limit, and the sinking of two aircraft carriers before has led to a theory within the military that aircraft carriers are useless.

It would be irrational to insist on not cutting jobs. It would be better to squeeze out funds from here to reorganize the mushroom eggs, which would be more deterrent.

In this regard, the imperial military may really need to learn a little from Russia.

Alas, how come the imperial military has unknowingly fallen into the same situation as the Russian army?

Michelle Brick finally spoke up: "Bristow is right, we can squeeze out the cost of reorganizing the mushroom list from the cost of cutting the aircraft carrier fleet.

We should even further strengthen the Imperial Army's mushroom-based deterrence capability."

After listening to this, Ms. Harley seemed to have figured something out.

An empire that was once extremely powerful in her heart is actually declining, and the speed is accelerating.

If the S3 season really starts, it might be possible for her to issue that shocking order.

Suddenly, she thought of something, and a hint of ambition flashed in her eyes again.

She suppressed her pounding heart and said, "Bristol, I'm afraid your idea is difficult to realize.

If we lose the election in 12 days, then three months later, it will be a different group of people sitting here making decisions.

Do you think they will approve of this plan? Even if the plan is being implemented, will they terminate it?

By the way, Firwin, will the Mars colonization plan that you are in charge of also be terminated?"

Harry's words immediately made everyone fall into deep thought.

The empire's two-party system of taking turns in power has had no problems for more than two hundred years, going through S1 and S2.

It has even become a global model and beacon.

But at this moment, every elite present suddenly realized that when the empire was facing life and death, if they were faced with a change of dealers, they might really lose a certain opportunity.

Finally, it was Bristow who broke his silence. "This is a matter of life and death for the empire. I will meet with the relevant people of the Elephant Party to ensure that these two plans can continue to be implemented."

Ms. Hari shook her head and said, “You are pinning your hopes on the Elephant Party to continue the two plans we have formulated after they come to power.

But ask Ms. Loren, how much of the empire's fiscal revenue will be taken up by these two plans?
Putting aside your plan of destroying both sides, the plan to colonize Mars will devour nearly half of the empire's annual fiscal revenue next year.

Do you think the Elephant Party will allow the funds to be tied up so that they have no money to do anything after they come to power?"

Firwin was startled when he heard this and said, "The Mars colonization plan is a plan that the two parties have reached a consensus on. They can't stop its implementation."

Ms. Harley sneered but did not explain.

Bristol frowned even more and turned to look at Ms. Loren. "Has the Mars colonization project really taken up so much money?"

Ms. Loren sighed and said, “It’s mainly because the empire’s fiscal revenue has dropped significantly, but expenditures have not decreased.

This year's deficit has already set a record.

Another point to note is that the Mars colonization plan is actually currently receiving investment from some of the world's wealthy people.

Otherwise, the program would cost more than half of the Empire’s revenue by the end of this year.”

Bristol said sadly: "Do you understand the seriousness of the problem? Li Tang has completely cut off the empire's financial revenue sources.

If it drags on for a few more years, the empire will collapse due to lack of money without them having to fight.

The government shutdown trick we play every year may soon become a reality.

Do you still think it's possible to colonize Mars in time?
Do you still think you can maintain the empire's technological level?
Look at the current situation of Russia. It took them 30 years to decline.

We may be worse off than them, and we may end up in this dire situation in five years!"

Bristol's pessimistic voice echoed in the conference room, making everyone feel heavy in their hearts, and a sense of collapse loomed in their hearts. Firwin was a little panicked. According to Bristol's idea, it was obvious that with the simultaneous preparation, the S3 season might be launched next year.

This way, the leader's plan could not be completed and he could not escape.

However, the election defeat is certain. Will those people from the Elephant Party sitting here three months later implement Bristol's plan of destroying themselves together?

He looked at Bristol's resolute face and gray-haired head and seemed to see some kind of determination.

Suddenly, he felt a little uneasy and asked, "If Ms. Kale takes over here three months later, how can we get her to approve the start of Season 3?"

Ms. Harley turned her gaze to Bristol, she also wanted to know the same thing.

Although she was very unconvinced, she also knew that she was about to lose the election.

The ambition just now was actually based on an unlikely delusion.

Bristol looked at everyone and asked, "Are you willing to support the launch of the plan to destroy both sides now?
Only if we are willing can we work together to accomplish relevant tasks.

Otherwise, this plan will be stillborn and the empire will be ruined.

As for you here, you will lose everything.

What are your choices?
Personally, I think we can vote now. Please raise your hands if you disagree with the plan of destroying everything together."

When these last words were spoken, everyone present felt a little uneasy.

How did a discussion unknowingly turn into a vote on a plan to destroy everything together?
If you disagree at this time, you should make your position clear and raise your hand.

But you said that you support the plan of destroying both sides, but in fact you are also very afraid.

After all, this could potentially drag the entire human race to death.

In fact, although the empire's destruction was related to them personally, it was not related to the point of life and death together.

They are all rich people and elites. Even if they are not on the stage or in the empire, they can live well anywhere in the world.

Why should we mess up Blue Planet for the sake of the empire's future?
At this time, Ms. Loren raised her hand.

As a wealthy person and a strong woman who deals with wealthy people, she knows what is truly valuable in this world.

The empire is but a name.

The Holy Roman Empire can collapse, the British Empire can decline, so why should the empire last forever?

The empire is in ruins, why should I be buried with it?
It’s not like Li Tang hasn’t been the world’s boss before, so what’s wrong with him returning to the top of the world now?

The empire is in decline, and a wealthy man like me can live comfortably under the system of the Li Tang Dynasty.

Ms. Loren didn't even look at Bristol. She would not let others influence her thoughts, nor would she bear any moral shackles.

This world is about interests. For her, there is no benefit in destroying everything together, so why should she support it?
Ms. Harley looked at Firwin quietly. From his speech just now, she could feel that Firwin probably did not agree with the plan of destroying both sides.

At this moment, Philin kept silent, watching his nose and his heart.

He would never reveal his true attitude, and executing the leader's orders was the top priority.

There is something wrong with today's meeting. Bristol is gradually launching a plan to destroy himself and the enemy together. He must find a way to find out its true content.

The decision-making can be entirely left to the head of the meeting.

A light cough broke the silence, and Bristol said, "Except for Ms. Loren, is there anyone else who objects?"

He glanced across the room, and everyone else seemed to nod slightly.

So he announced: "Okay, the plan of destroying both sides has been approved.

Ms. Loren, although you voted against it, I hope the minority will obey the majority, and you still need to cooperate in implementing this plan."

Ms. Loren sighed, suddenly stood up, and said softly but firmly: "No, if I am required to implement any part of this plan, I will resign as Minister of Finance."

Bristol's eyes revealed a deeper fatigue, and he said: "In this case, you don't have to participate in this plan at all.

You may leave now. Matters concerning the planned funding arrangements will be handled by your deputy."

Ms. Loren bowed slightly to everyone and left.

Bristol looked at the remaining people and said, "Since everyone supports the plan of destroying both sides, I will discuss with them the issue of the Elephant Party that you are worried about."

Fei Erwen shook his head somewhat dissatisfiedly and said, "It's already this time, don't hide it.

Since we are all in the same boat, please tell us what measures you have to ensure that the plan of burning everything together survives the disaster of the Xiang Party coming to power."

(End of this chapter)

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