Chapter 375: Dividing the Territory
Although the elites of the Elephant Party support the plan to colonize Mars, they are unwilling to support the plan of destroying both sides.

The financial groups behind these people are either from the oil and steel industries or arms dealers.

They would never be willing to fan the flames of war and die together with the enemy.

Today, as the Western Alliance becomes increasingly separated from the Star Alliance, although the Western Alliance has begun to lag behind the Star Alliance led by Li Tang in the field of science and technology, traditional fields such as oil and steel still bring huge returns.

After all, the two sides have already decoupled, and oil and steel are both bulk commodities.

The Western Alliance can easily block the corresponding transportation channels, which will naturally limit the dumping of similar goods on the Star Alliance side.

This comfortable life of doing business behind closed doors actually makes me more profitable than before.

In addition, with the two alliances now competing with each other and wars breaking out frequently everywhere, the arms business is also very good.

After all, wars do not rely entirely on high-tech weapons. There are still many conventional weapons and munitions with high sales.

For example, in the fight between the Big Mao and the Second Mao, one could make a lot of money just from the large-caliber artillery shells.

Wouldn't it be stupid to let these financial groups give up their good life and perish together with their opponents?

Originally, these guys supported the old real estate developer, but they never expected to be ambushed.

Fortunately, although Ms. Calle came from a technology upstart family, she was able to give them corresponding promises, so they turned to support Ms. Calle.

It seemed that the sponsored party had finally reached the top and was about to redeem the promise.

You ask them to fight with the Star Alliance and destroy the entire Blue Planet.

Even though these wealthy people could survive that terrible winter comfortably in their underground shelters, who would be willing to be a mole?
If the Empire's plan to colonize Mars is successful, they would still be willing to participate. After all, the former glory of the Empire is still something they would like to remember.

But now they are starting the S3 season directly. If they kill enemies but lose of their own, wouldn't these people be just bored?
This is why Bristow could never convince the Elephant Party elites.

The empire was originally a stage where the elites of the two parties took turns to be the boss. Now that the Donkey Party wants to force its way into the position, the Elephant Party will naturally not be polite.

Not to mention that Ms. Kale escaped, even if she didn't escape, these Elephant Party elites would not give up just like that.

In short, because the group of elites led by Bristol broke the rules of the empire for many years, cracks and chasms finally appeared again in this huge empire.

Bristol asked the secretary, "Do you know where Ms. Carle is now? Are there any new actions?"

The secretary immediately replied: "Ms. Kale did not specify where she is, but she has posted another video on the [Dream Shadow] platform.

The video calls on supporters to gather in New Orleans, where she may appear.”

Michel Brick's face was much darker than its original color. He originally believed that all the bigwigs in the military supported him, so he confidently issued a statement and led his troops to control Washington and all the congressmen.

Who would have thought that in the blink of an eye, a group of actual generals would leave his camp. It really is true that one can only judge a person by his appearance but not by his heart.

After hearing what his secretary said, he slammed the table and said, "Louis is controlled by the Elephant Party, and the neighboring states of Texas, Michigan, Arizona, and Florida are all Elephant Party bases.

I'm afraid New Orleans has become the headquarters of the Elephant Gang, and Ms. Carle must be hiding there.

I think it would be better to send the 82nd Airborne Division directly to carry out a decapitation operation against the city of New Orleans.

With the current combat capability of the 82nd Airborne Division, we can guarantee success in one fell swoop!"

Bristow shook his head and said, "Don't act rashly. The enemy situation is unclear right now, although the generals of these troops have issued a statement in support of Ms. Kale.

But if the Chief Justice issues a ruling on vote-buying tomorrow and these people still fail to comply, we can officially send troops in the name of suppressing rebellion!

The most urgent task, before that, is to ensure that none of the members of parliament who are controlled in the Parliament Building can escape.

Without these MPs, the Elephant Party would not be able to obtain legal support and would lose its legitimacy.

We have grasped the righteous cause, and suppressing the rebellion will be a natural and unstoppable process!"

Michelle Brick immediately said, "Then I will go to the Parliament building in person and make sure that none of the members can leave."

Bristol nodded slightly and said, "Okay, go ahead. Remember, separate these congressmen and don't let them gather together to discuss.

By dividing and ruling in this way, we can then freely obtain the legislative power we want! "

Michelle Brick stood up, saluted hastily, and left.

Bristow looked at a map of the empire on the wall next to him, with red and blue markings on it to indicate the states controlled by the two parties.

There are also some conspicuous states without any color markings. In these states, either the two parties are evenly matched or neither party is strong enough.

Since 2016, the number of red states has exceeded that of blue states.

The same thing happened this time, with even a few more candidates exceeding the number, which led to the Donor Party losing the election.

Bristow looked at the map, his eyes falling on Florida, thinking that it was the Southern Command that took the lead in declaring its betrayal that led to the military's opposition.

I couldn't help but feel annoyed.

Suddenly, he thought of something and was startled. He quickly returned to his desk, picked up the phone on the desk and dialed. "Fierwen, where are you now?"

Firwin's tired voice came from the microphone, "Where else can I be? I've been at the new starship factory at the Cape Launch Center recently.

Starship 7 has just completed all tests. Although it is a week later than the scheduled launch time, it is not too late at least.

This time, Starship 7 will definitely take off smoothly tomorrow and fly to Mars!"

When Bristol heard this, he immediately realized that Firwin was too busy to watch the news.

So he said: "Ms. Kalai of the Elephant Party has escaped from Washington, D.C., and is probably in New Orleans.

The Elephant Party guys mobilized a group of people in the military to defect and declared their full support for Ms. Kalai to complete the upcoming inauguration ceremony. "

"What? What the hell is General Brick doing? He can't even keep an eye on a woman. Didn't he send an entire special operations battalion to guard her?"

Bristow replied: "The commander of this combat battalion took the lead in rebelling."

"Falco! How did General Brick choose his men? Such an important matter was entrusted to an unreliable person. What should we do now?"

Bristow said: "We have already implemented Plan B, General Brick is personally in charge of Capitol Hill, and those congressmen are our trump cards.

After the Chief Justice issues a statement tomorrow confirming the vote-buying and invalidating the election results, we will issue a declaration to suppress the rebellion."

"Well, let's just confront those guys."

Bristow said: "The problem now is that the Cape Ka launch site and the new starship factory where you are are on the rebel side's territory.

How much guard force do you have now?"

"Falco!" Firwin swore again.

It turns out that he is now surrounded by the rebels. The key point is that all the new starship factories are here, and the Empire’s second alternative plan for colonizing Mars is all here.

If he had known, he would have stayed at the Vandenberg Launch Center in California.

SpaceX is also simultaneously building Starship 8 and the subsequent nuclear-powered version, Starship 9.

In order to avoid time delays due to launch failure, Feerwen arranged to build the same type of starship and spaceship at two locations at the same time.

As long as one side fails to launch, the other side's backup starship will be immediately activated.

Anyway, the plan to colonize Mars is a huge project, which requires a lot of starships, and it will not be wasted if they are built.

This ensures that the same batch has two launch opportunities.

If Starship VII had been successfully launched at the end of last year, he should have gone to California to supervise the manufacturing of Starship VIII, which would be launched in the middle of next year.

At least he won't stay in this place called Kajiao.

Now, the army supporting the Elephant Party suddenly turned against him. It would be difficult for him to leave unless he took a boat.

The problem is, it's not clear whether the Navy has rebelled.

"Bristow, is there anyone in the navy rebelling now?"

Bristow replied: "Not yet, are you planning to leave by boat?"

"Yes, we can only take a boat. If we take a plane, we are really worried about being shot down by the rebels. If the navy doesn't have one yet, I will prepare a boat as soon as possible."

Bristow understood what Firwin meant, "You plan to leave after the launch is completed tomorrow?"

"What else? If we leave right now, I'm worried that those guys in Kajiao might just not launch the attack."

Bristol thought for a moment and said, "You'd better confirm the affiliation of the Cape Guards. If they are unreliable..."

"I hope they will consider the importance of the Empire's landing on Mars and not sabotage the launch, even if they are rebels."

"Okay, then you should be careful. After the launch, California will also be able to track and monitor you. You should leave as soon as possible."

"Understood. I don't want to be a prisoner of the rebels."

Bristol hung up the phone, thought about it, and dialed again.

"Kaminlun, you are openly creating divisions like this. Aren't you afraid that the empire will be torn apart?"

A cold and hard voice came from the microphone, "Bristol, it is you who disobeyed the rules and broke the empire's two hundred years of tradition!

Since you choose to overturn the table, then of course we will fight you to the end.

As for whether the empire is falling apart, that is all because of you who always claims to be doing it for the benefit of the empire!"

(End of this chapter)

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