Chapter 376 Civil War breaks out
The Empire's Starship VII was successfully launched amid the shadow of civil war.

On the viewing beach at Cape Ka, many people of the empire were in tears.

A white old man with a full beard looked at the successfully recovered first-stage rocket.

He couldn't help but sigh: "It will take six months for a starship to fly to Mars. When it arrives on Mars, will the Empire still exist?"

When the people around heard this, they were filled with mixed emotions.

Mark once told everyone in the Empire that it would take a year for a starship to fly to Mars, and he hoped that the time could be shortened further, ideally to be able to arrive in six months.

Now, through people's efforts, this time has really been shortened to six months.

Although this speed is still half as slow as the three months of Datang Aerospace's [Golden Chariot], it is still worthy of the pride of the people of the empire.

After Mark's martyrdom, the Empire's aerospace technology continued to advance.

However, such an empire will be divided into 51 states, except for California and Texas, which actually separated last year.

Of the remaining 49 states, 24 support Ms. Kale from the Elephant Party, 18 support Ms. Haley from the Donkey Party, and 7 are undecided.

The military and the Navy have currently expressed a neutral stance, as have the Air Force's 14 active aviation units and three reserve aviation units.

Ms. Calle is supported by eight active air forces plus one reserve air force.

Supporting Ms. Halley are another 6 active air wings plus 2 reserve air wings.

Of the 10 divisions in the Army, 7 of the 2 divisions in the mainland support Ms. Kalai and 5 support Ms. Haley.

In terms of overall military strength, Ms. Harley's side has a clear advantage. At the same time, they also control the federal government and all members of parliament.

The original legal gap was also filled in the Chief Justice’s statement early this morning.

But anyone with a discerning eye can see that the Chief Justice’s statement is questionable.

After all, it is not surprising to make such a statement when surrounded by armed soldiers.

On the contrary, the heroic scene of sacrificing one's life for the country is a rare scene in the empire today.

The Donald Trump Party elites, who were already in power, immediately issued a statement through Ms. Harley.

In view of the rebellion in the empire, the empire directly entered a state of national martial law.

As the current deputy boss, she will directly become the interim boss, and a new round of elections will be held after the rebellion is quelled.

In the statement issued by Ms. Harley, she called on the army that had previously sided with Ms. Kale not to let the empire fall into civil war, but to lay down their arms and return to the barracks.

The military should not be involved in this fight!
Faced with such a public opinion offensive, Ms. Calle did not show any weakness. She claimed that Ms. Halle and other Donald Trump Party elites were unwilling to accept the election defeat and, together with Michelle Brick and other military personnel, brazenly launched a military coup.

This is a blatant violation of the Imperial Constitution.

They resorted to military means, placed the Chief Justice and other public servants under house arrest, placed all members of parliament under house arrest, and openly used personal threats to achieve their shameless goal of seizing power.

Ms. Kale called on all citizens of the empire to rise up and fight against the tyranny of the Donkey Party.

The verbal battle between the two sides is, on the one hand, to declare their own legitimacy and wage a public opinion war to win the hearts of the people.

On the other hand, the military was urgently expanded and prepared for war, ready to conquer the enemy by force.

During the Civil War, the Elephant Party occupied the North and ultimately won.

This time, the Donkey Party occupies the north, and we will have to wait and see who will win.

At this time, the imperial diplomats, led by the elites of the Donkey Party, were exchanging various interests with their Western allies.

The troubled White Elephant also benefited, obtaining the authorized production license for the F35 directly from the Empire, as well as the sale of the production line.

As for the finished fighter planes, in view of the impending civil war, the Empire ultimately only sold 8 to White Elephant.

Because the Lockheed Martin factory that produces the F35 is in the hands of Texas, which has already been de facto separated.

Although Texas separated from the federal government, it did not stop producing F35s to supply the Imperial Air Force.

It's just that it naturally supports the Elephant Party, so the Donkey Party's Air Force will definitely not be able to obtain new F35 fighter jets.

Fortunately, the Donkey Party had made preparations in advance and had rebuilt a new factory in the area controlled by the Donkey Party using the technology it had acquired.

The Elephant Party was actually not fully prepared for this sudden civil war.

Because they never expected that the Democratic Party would not acknowledge the election results and would take such an extreme approach.

Only some of the top people who have come into contact with Bristow know the reason.

But they didn't think Bristol would do that.

I thought he came to discuss the plan of destroying both sides together or some kind of exchange of interests.

To this end, the Elephant Party called loudly through public opinion, hoping that both sides would sit down and talk in order to avoid the division of the empire.

Bristol would not give up this moral initiative to the Elephant Party. Otherwise, he would not have to wait for the Lord Chancellor's ruling, let alone get the MPs to pass some anti-rebellion bill.

Therefore, Ms. Harley immediately responded in a high-profile manner, saying that the Federation was willing to give the Elephant Party a chance to negotiate, "everything for peace, everything for the eternal empire!"

However, while the negotiators from both sides were negotiating on the Isle of Wight in Virginia where the power of the two parties was balanced, the armies supporting the two parties were rapidly mobilizing and gathering.

Due to the overlapping territories of each other, small-scale exchanges of fire occurred during the assembly of troops, and the atmosphere of war became increasingly tense.

From east to west, there were three places where the two sides gradually became key battlefields where heavy troops confronted each other.

To the east, two heavy armored divisions faced each other between Atlanta and Birmingham, Georgia.

In the central part, in the St. Louis area between Michigan and Illinois, both sides had an army of 100,000 each facing each other.

To the west, between Arizona and New Mexico, two heavy armored divisions were facing each other.

Other small battle lines are everywhere.

Judging from the states it controls, the Elephant Party has an absolute advantage.

However, judging from the situation of the confronting armies, the advantage is clearly on the side of the Donkey Party.

So even though the state is clearly controlled by the Elephant Party, there are still troops of the Donkey Party.

This also proves from another perspective that the Elephant Party was extremely unprepared.

This is also the reason why the elites of the Xiang Party come up with such a means of negotiation. They just want to delay time so that their side can mobilize more forces.

But Bristol and his men had been preparing for so long that they would naturally not give the Elephant Party any chance to catch their breath.

The only consensus reached by the negotiators of both sides was not to go to war in California and Florida, and both sides would work together to ensure the smooth implementation of the plan to colonize Mars.

Apart from this consensus, the two sides could not agree on anything and the negotiations quickly collapsed.

On the fifth day after the Chief Justice's statement, and with only one day left before the new boss was to take office, the war broke out!
The original small-scale firefights instantly turned into an all-out war.

The air forces of both sides first launched a stranglehold operation against each other, hoping to gain air superiority.

They are all members of the Imperial Army, and they all know that the Imperial Army's forte is to seize air superiority. Once they lose air superiority, the Imperial Army will not fight.

Once the war started, the situation instantly became intense, dragging the entire empire into a state of mutual hatred.

When those missiles hit, taking away lives, they also planted the seeds of hatred.

You are from the Empire, and so am I, but we are sworn enemies!
When faced with all this, the common people are always the rich and powerful who can run away.

Before the war broke out, a large number of middle-class and wealthy people in the empire had already fled this land desperately.

The common people who could not escape would either become cannon fodder on the battlefield or become the souls killed by bombs or missiles.

The outbreak of the Imperial Civil War was so sudden and so swift that it took everyone on Blue Star by surprise.

Especially those experts and scholars who had previously vowed that there would be no civil war in the empire. They could not believe that the system of the former beacon would collapse so completely after its decline.

The separation of powers and various checks and balances can be followed when everyone benefits.

Once someone feels that this is an obstacle, it will collapse and disintegrate in an instant when the country's strength is weakened.

The empire's allies were dumbfounded, not knowing whether to be thankful or to be wary.

The admirers of the empire were in a state of panic, as if they had lost their parents.

At the moment when faith collapsed, I realized that human nature is the most unreliable thing.

At this time, the Star Alliance led by Li Tang issued a statement advocating peace, "We hope that the warring parties can maintain the status quo, exercise restraint, and resolve their differences peacefully.

During war, civilian areas must not be bombed indiscriminately and humanitarian channels in war zones must be kept open.

The Star Alliance will send an evacuation fleet to help expatriates from its member states evacuate the war zone.

The Covenant will organize humanitarian aid to give civilians in the Imperial war zone hope of survival.

The Covenant warned the warring parties not to use the Empire's vast mushroom arsenal at will. If any party dared to use it, they would become the public enemy of mankind.

The Star Alliance will hunt down such public enemies worldwide until they are humanely destroyed."

The first half of the Covenant's statement was almost identical to the tone used by the Empire when it faced its civil war.

The second half, however, issues a startling warning regarding the use of the Empire’s mushroom arsenal.

What this means is that even if you two fight to the death, you are not allowed to use the Empire's mushroom arsenal. Whoever does so will be the enemy of the Covenant and the public enemy of mankind!
Shortly after the Star Alliance issued its statement, the Western Alliance issued its statement.

There is nothing unique in the entire text, except for the last part, which is surprisingly consistent with that of the Covenant.

It also issued a strong warning to either side of the empire if they used mushroom eggs.

(End of this chapter)

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