Chapter 382 Signal Disappeared
"This live broadcast room has a special report about the war crisis caused by the underground experiments in East Japan.

The latest news is that the Star Alliance's special rapid counter-peacekeeping fleet is heading to the waters near East Japan.

Obviously, after the East Japanese Foreign Minister held a press conference and issued a statement, the Star Alliance did not accept East Japanese explanation and had begun preparing for military action.

At the press conference, the Empire's ambassador to Eastern Japan, Hyland, also made a related statement, saying that the Empire's Seventh Fleet in Guam was weighing anchor and heading north.

The fleet will conduct joint exercises with the East Japanese Task Force in the waters off Tokyo Bay.

Once the two fleets come within firing range of each other, war will be imminent.

Blue Star has reached a very critical moment. If the Empire fulfills its security clauses towards Eastern Japan, a shocking war will inevitably break out.

So, will the empire, which is in the midst of a civil war, be drawn into this foreign war?
Please wait and see, fans. This live broadcast room will follow up the follow-up situation at any time. "

Afterwards, some images of the Covenant fleet were played in the live broadcast room.

The whole world was stunned when they saw the entire fleet, which consisted of three large aircraft carriers, four amphibious assault ships that could be called light aircraft carriers, and 30 destroyers and frigates that were obviously shield ships, cutting through the waves and passing through the ocean east of the Gonggu Strait.

Where did this fleet come from?

Those three large aircraft carriers seemed to have never been seen before. They were filled with cool-looking fighter jets, which looked like sixth-generation fighter jets at first glance.

For such a large aircraft carrier, people who know the business can immediately assess its standard displacement.

15 tons level!

The full load displacement is probably close to 18 tons!

Just the wide deck makes people feel suffocated.

Combined with the cool diamond-shaped fighter planes on the deck, no one would think this is a toy.

In the outer circle of the fleet, the 14 warships are the Feiyu-class frigates that have gradually become familiar to everyone.

The Hiyu-class frigate first appeared in Pagan. In the first battle, a single ship fought against the Kongo-class Aegis battleship "Toriumi" and won a complete victory!

In the second battle, the three ships fought against the Eastern Japanese double aircraft carrier task force and won a complete victory!
For a time, the international market was flooded with buyers for Feiyu-class battleships.

It’s a pity that the Pagan, which claims to be a domestically produced warship, is only sold to a limited number of countries and regions.

At this moment, in addition to flying the Star Alliance flag, these Feiyu-class frigates on the screen also flew the national flag of their own country.

In addition to Pagan, the flags of Giant, Great Mao, Sonam Kingdom, New Luzon, Batam, Nigeria Federation, Tanzania, and other countries are flying, indicating the ownership of these Feiyu-class battleships.

In the middle circle are 7 giant 052G ships, and in the inner circle are 5 055G ships.

The first two most important ships are giant aircraft carriers of unknown model, and the last four are amphibious assault ships that are very familiar to all countries.

However, at this moment, the decks of these four amphibious assault ships are no longer filled with containers of Datang Motor’s electric vehicles and other goods.

Instead, they are a number of new and cool diamond-shaped fighter jets and unmanned armed helicopters.

Those who are concerned will feel a little disappointed when they think of this type of cargo amphibious assault ship, which can be seen everywhere in the four oceans.

If all these cargo amphibious assault ships were armed like the ones in the current video, what a terrifying amphibious assault force this would be?

At this time, countless netizens were discussing on the [Mengying] platform.

"I can't believe that the Star Alliance can easily pull out such a powerful task force. With such a fleet, which country in the world can not abide by the international order of the Star Alliance?"

"Thank God, the Covenant is finally taking care of global affairs!"

"Eastern Japan already has frequent earthquakes, and they dare to conduct experiments underground. They are really asking for trouble!"

"Those northerners in the Empire are really crazy. The East Japanese are making mushroom eggs, and they actually sent a fleet to support them. Aren't they afraid that the East Japanese will throw mushroom eggs at the Empire in revenge?"

"Do you think the carrier-based aircraft on the Star Alliance's aircraft carriers are sixth-generation aircraft?"

"This should be the world's first sixth-generation fighter, and it's a carrier-based version. It's so cool!"

"What do you think? If the East Japan refuses the ultimatum, will the Star Alliance fleet really break into the East Japan territory when the time comes?"

"Alas, the Star Alliance is too bullying. Why can those countries weaker than our Great Japan have mushroom eggs, but we can't?"

"The people above, you are the defeated nation, you are not allowed to do this before you confess your guilt!"

"What happened in Season 2 was the fault of the older generation. Why should we, the current generation, be made to pay for our sins?"

"Because you are enjoying the wealth they robbed! Because it is only natural that a son should pay for his father's debts!"

"Eastern Japan has openly changed its peace constitution and conducted underground experiments, courting its own destruction!"

"Yeah, why would the East Japan want to expand its military? No one is coming to invade you!"

"The Eastern Japanese have invaded our Great Pagan again, violating the enemy clause. Now they are conducting underground experiments. The Star Alliance must naturally defend world peace!"...

As the saying goes, the truth will never be made clear until it is argued, with the heated debate among netizens around the world in the comment section, 72% of them finally supported the Star Alliance stationing troops in East Japan to prevent East Japan from moving towards dangerous militarization.

When this number came out, Fang Dasheng, the first Secretary-General of the Star Alliance and former Public Relations Director of the Future Science and Technology Research Institute, released a statement video on the Star Alliance homepage.

After confirmation, there are only 4 hours left for East Japan.

It requires Eastern Japan to accept the inspection of the Nuclear Safety Organization under the Star Alliance, open its territorial waters, airspace and territory, and accept the deployment of the Star Alliance special peacekeeping force.

In this way, returning to the track of peace constitution is what a normal country should do. Don’t lose your way!
Once the ultimatum time has passed, Eastern Japan still refuses the Covenant's demands.

Then the Star Alliance special peacekeeping force will be ordered to disarm East Japan, and all resulting casualties and property losses will be borne by East Japan itself.

The above is all, don’t say I didn’t warn you!

Some people noticed that Secretary-General Fang Dasheng also said this to the Empire when he just took up the post of Public Relations Director of the Future Science and Technology Research Institute.

Since then, the Empire has not dared to conduct any so-called armed inspections on the shipments of products from Future Technology's subsidiaries.

Speaking of which, that kind of cargo amphibious assault ship was born at that time.

Just as Secretary-General Fang Dasheng issued another ultimatum on behalf of the Star Alliance, in the Pacific Ocean frontier between East Japan and Japan.

In addition to the remnants of the Empire's Seventh Fleet conducting joint exercises with the East Japanese Task Force off the coast of Tokyo Bay, a second large task force consisting of three aircraft carrier formations was approaching the Guam front line.

However, after arriving in this area, this large fleet began to cruise in place.

For a moment, everyone's attention was focused on the two imperial fleets.

Under the sea surface without anyone noticing, an Ohio-class strategic missile nuclear submarine has quietly approached the waters on the Pacific side of eastern Japan.

Not far behind it is the famous Mariana Trench on the blue planet.

The Imperial Navy has 18 Ohio-class submarines, which are equipped with 20 Trident submarine-launched ballistic missiles, each carrying 14 mushroom eggs.

This means that one Ohio-class submarine can strike and destroy 280 cities!
This terrifying attack power is the basis for the empire's dominance over the Blue Star.

Even though it is currently engaged in a civil war, no country dares to underestimate it.

The USS Kentucky submarine was cruising in this area at this time, carrying out a combat readiness cruise mission.

The strategic missile submarines of major powers usually carry out combat readiness cruise missions, which means they hide in the deep sea hundreds of meters deep.

Once the battle reaches the stage of throwing mushroom eggs, these deep-sea killers will surface to the launch depth of submarine-launched missiles and throw the mushroom eggs they carry at the designated targets.

This is the most important force for a major power to launch a second nuclear counterattack.

The original cruising range of the "Kentucky" was in the area east of the Mariana Trench. The reason why it appeared near the east coast of Japan was because it was tracking a special signal.

A week ago, the USS Kentucky submarine accidentally discovered a faint sonar signal in the deep sea.

After several comparisons, the sonar soldiers confirmed that it was not a natural signal, but a signal from a human ship.

Such a signal appears at a depth of four or five hundred meters in the deep sea, so it can only be a submarine.

The captain of the "Kentucky", Lieutenant Colonel Fryer, judged at the time that this might be Giant's new type of nuclear submarine. After all, they had never encountered this sonar signal before.

As a responsible naval officer, even though his motherland was in the abyss of civil war at this moment, he felt that he should try his best to track the submarine and record more sonar information.

However, after crossing the Mariana Trench, the sonar signal actually headed directly towards the eastern coast of Japan.

This immediately made Lieutenant Colonel Freir a little suspicious, wondering if he had guessed wrong.

This submarine actually belongs to Eastern Japan?

However, the underwater speed of this submarine is clearly only achieved by nuclear submarines, which is simply beyond the reach of conventional submarines.

If it wasn't from Eastern Japan, how could a nuclear submarine sail directly towards the coast as if returning to port?

Because Flair tracked the signal a week ago, hiding in the deep sea, he didn't know about the underground experiments of the East Japan, nor did he know about the ultimatum of the Star Alliance.

They were even less aware that their own country had sent almost its entire navy to the Western Pacific while the civil war was raging.

Just when everyone was so confused and uncertain, the sonar signal suddenly disappeared!

"Shut down the engine and use passive sonar to search with all our strength. It should be not far away."

Freir thought that perhaps after following him for so long, the other party had discovered him.

At this time, if you want to hide, you can just dive or hide in a favorable terrain.

(End of this chapter)

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