Chapter 383 Deep Sea Bait
“No wonder it rushed all the way to the coast. It must be more familiar with the terrain here, so it wants to use the seabed terrain here to get rid of its pursuit.

If it is familiar with the terrain here, doesn't it mean that it is a nuclear submarine from Eastern Japan?

When did Eastern Japan have nuclear submarines? "

While Lieutenant Colonel Freyr was deep in thought, his submarine shut down its main engine and moved along with the ocean current in the deep sea.

If they were not well-trained submarine officers and soldiers, they would definitely not dare to do this.

Especially near the coast, it is easy to run aground.

"Captain, the signal has completely disappeared!"

In the quiet environment, the voice of the sonar soldier awakened the contemplative Lieutenant Colonel Freyr.

"Forget it, let's record the sound print of this signal and prepare to return."

After Freir finished speaking, he said to the deputy captain: "Surface to the communication depth, we will receive a communication from the base."

"Yes, prepare to surface."

At this moment, the sonar operator suddenly shouted: "A new sound signal has been detected, which is very regular. It should be a submarine!"

Freir made a gesture to the deputy captain to stop ascending, and approached the sonar operator and asked in a low voice: "It's a new signal, isn't it the one we have been tracking before?"

"No, this signal is very clear. I knew it was definitely a submarine as soon as I heard it!"

"Then check the voiceprint database to see if it's someone you know."


The sonar soldier immediately called up the voiceprint database for comparison.

About a minute later, the sonar operator said in surprise: "Captain, this is very strange, this sound pattern is very similar to the Canglong of the Eastern Japan, but there are still many differences.

Could it be that Eastern Japan has built a new submarine?"

"How fast is it going? How deep is it diving?" Fleur asked.

The sonar operator immediately replied: "Speed ​​18 knots, diving depth 450 meters!"

Freir frowned and said to the deputy captain, "It's strange, when did the East Japanese have so many new submarines?
This data is better than conventional submarines, but worse than nuclear submarines. It is really hard to figure out. "

The deputy captain said: "Could it be that the other side did this on purpose? Maybe the submarine that sent the signal earlier found a way to notify this submarine that it was coming to pick them up."

Freir asked, "You mean it deliberately lured us away so that the nuclear submarine could slip away from under our noses?"

"It's possible."

"But if it hadn't come, wouldn't we have left already?"

The deputy captain laughed, "We haven't left yet, have we? They don't even know we're leaving."

Freir slapped his forehead and said, "I really got it wrong. Forget it. There's no need for us to keep a close eye on the East Japanese's new submarines.

Sonar soldier, record the voiceprint, we should retreat..."

Before he finished speaking, the sonar operator suddenly shouted, "Torpedo incoming, seven o'clock! Depth 520 meters! Collision in one minute!"

Flair was furious when he heard this.

"Damn it! They actually wanted to ambush us! Emergency dive to 600 meters! Full right rudder, forward two!"

Following Freir's instructions, the huge strategic missile nuclear submarine dived downwards at a high speed in the dark sea like a ghost in the deep sea.

550 meters!
580 meters!
600 meters!
"Level the boat, accelerate right turn, lock onto the incoming submarine, prepare torpedo tubes 1-3!"

The Ohio-class submarine, like a nimble tiger shark in the deep sea, turned around easily, and the torpedo tubes at the bow were filled with water and ready for launch.

"Location of incoming submarine locked!"

Fleur was waiting for this moment, and immediately gave the order: "Torpedoes 1-2, fire! Torpedo 3, fire after ten seconds!"

In the sea, three torpedoes were fired from the bow of the Ohio-class submarine, forming a V-shape and rushing towards the seven o'clock direction.

In the deep sea, the sounds of three torpedo explosions were heard.

Freir ordered: "Pay attention to monitor the movements of the other submarine, it must still be nearby!"

Many people like to launch torpedoes in pairs, but Flair likes good things to come in threes.

Strangely enough, in every exercise, the submarines that were locked by him would be hit by at least one of his three torpedoes no matter how they tried to evade.

This made him even more fond of launching three torpedoes.

In this actual combat, Freir firmly believed that the submarine must have been sunk by himself.

"Captain, that signal appears again!"

Flair nodded. It was indeed so.

The Eastern Japanese must have secretly developed nuclear submarines, which were discovered by me accidentally.

Then during the tracking process, the other party also noticed me.

Perhaps the Eastern Japanese had already had a plan, which is why they retreated all the way here.

Then a submarine came out to lure him, but when it saw that he was not fooled, it directly fired a torpedo.

The Japanese nuclear submarine must have thought it was sunk, right? Otherwise, it would have appeared so quickly.

"Everyone keep quiet. Sonar, keep an eye on that guy and see where he goes."

"Report, it's diving! The depth is already 620 meters!"

"What?! Are the nuclear submarines of the Eastern Japanese so good?"

Freir was a little confused. The maximum diving depth of the Empire's Ohio-class submarine was only 610 meters. The performance of the East Japanese nuclear submarine had surpassed that of the Empire, at least in terms of diving depth.

Well, come to think of it, the first Ohio-class submarine was launched in the late 1970s, which is more than 40 years ago.

The empire's technology had been stagnant for so long, no wonder it has now been completely surpassed by the giants.

Now a civil war has broken out inexplicably in the country. This war may severely damage the vitality of the empire, and it will no longer be able to compete with giants in technology.

While Freyr was thinking, he heard the sonar report again, "It has stopped diving, the depth is 800 meters, and it is heading towards a trench."

Freir sighed. The Empire and East Japan are still in a semi-alliance relationship now, if the other party had not launched a torpedo just now.

Freir will not fight back. After all, the Imperial nuclear submarines had played underwater hide-and-seek with the Red Alliance's nuclear submarines in the past and they have rich experience.

Over the years, both sides have exercised restraint and have not launched torpedoes or engaged in violence.

Unlike the newbie Dongwo, who didn't follow the rules from the start and deserved to be sunk by himself.

"Ascend to the communication depth, contact the base, report the situation, and request further instructions."

"Yes, ascend to the communication depth!"

As the order was given, the Ohio-class nuclear submarine began to drain the water from the water tank, and the bow quickly rose toward the sea surface.

Below the submarine at three o'clock,

At a depth of 2000 meters, a larger submarine is quietly floating in the sea.

In the command room of the ship, Wu Honghai looked at the surrounding situation awareness projected by the submarine's combat brain.

In a trench next to the giant submarine, a bright green light was swimming. It was only the size of a killer whale.

If Flair saw this, he would definitely scold his sonar operator, "How did you hear it? This is the nuclear submarine you asked me to track for more than a week?"

This is actually the most commonly used decoy submarine by the Red Star Security Submarine Force.

It can simulate the voiceprints of submarines from various countries that are already in the database, and can also generate new submarine voiceprints.

This is the bait released by a transport submarine when it is accidentally discovered by a submarine cruising in the ocean. It can lure the enemy submarine away.

Although transport submarines are extremely silent and their diving depth is generally below 1000 meters.

But there is always a chance that it will occasionally surface and float to a depth of about 500 meters.

This time, it was at this time that it was discovered by the sonar operator of the "Kentucky".

Because the sound pattern has been captured by the other party, the bait submarine can only use this sound pattern and maintain the speed of a nuclear submarine to lure it away.

In this situation, the pursuer could easily be led away for a distance and completely thrown off.

Unexpectedly, this time the opponent's sonar operator was quite powerful and actually kept an eye on the decoy submarine.

In desperation, Wu Honghai could only lead towards the eastern Japanese coast.

Wu Honghai was a member of the first Red Star Security Naval Brigade. Now he is able to command such a giant transport submarine, an opportunity he obtained after fighting through layers of battles.

He didn't want the shame of the Dragon Whale submarine being discovered to fall on him.

Therefore, he just released a decoy submarine that simulated the improved conventional submarine of East Japan.

That’s right, the decoy submarine carried by the giant transport submarine, although not large, can also carry two torpedoes.

Wu Honghai used two torpedoes to make the pursuer feel like he was ambushed, so that he would choose to evacuate quickly after the counterattack.

Now it seems that it really worked.

It seemed that he could finally get rid of his pursuers and leave.

At this time, Wu Honghai noticed that the enemy submarine had surfaced to the communication depth, obviously trying to contact the base.

"Good opportunity. Release the Jellyfish immediately to obtain the other party's communication frequency band and intercept the corresponding encrypted communication information."

To be honest, the Empire's Ohio-class strategic missile nuclear submarines, and their entire transport submarine force, have encountered them countless times.

But unfortunately, because most of the time we were diving in the deep sea below 2000 meters, we never had the opportunity to get close to each other.

Therefore, there is no chance to use our advanced reconnaissance equipment to obtain the communication channel when the other party contacts the base.

"You've been tracking me for a week, and you've delayed my mission for so long. I'm glad I got my money's worth."

Wu Honghai showed a knowing smile on his face.

Soon, the communication frequency band between the "Kentucky" nuclear submarine and the base as well as the encrypted communication information were all intercepted.

Barely two minutes had passed when the war brain connected to Zero sent back the decrypted information.

(End of this chapter)

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