Datang: What's wrong with my fief being a billion points larger?

Chapter 330: The people here want to become my subjects, but they are not qualified!

"General Feng Li pays respect to His Majesty!"

Li Yuanji came to Feng Li and helped Feng Li up with both hands.

"Get up quickly. I haven't seen you for a long time. You look stronger and more stable, and a lot darker. You must have worked hard.

I already know your battle record, and what you said to Sheshangjia was very good.

All under heaven belongs to the king, and all the people in the world are the king's subjects. This is the momentum we need.

When Shesangka was unwilling to continue to be the enemy of the Harsha Dynasty and Kamarupa rebelled and sided with the Harsha Dynasty, he stabilized the situation and resolved the crisis together with Wei Yunqi. He handled it very well. "

Li Yuanji admired Feng Li very much. It can be said that Feng Li's ability was definitely among the best among all the generals in the Tang Dynasty. To be entrusted with important tasks by Li Jiancheng, to follow him around and command the troops of the Eastern Palace, it would have been impossible without ability.

In other words, Feng Li was Li Jiancheng's man and even Li Jiancheng's confidant. Historically, after he surrendered to Li Er, although Li Er still used him, he did not reuse him.

Li Yuanji was surprised as to Feng Li. He didn't need to worry so much. Anyway, there was no way Feng Li would betray Li Er. Moreover, Feng Li's ability was top-notch in his opinion. He was still surprised.

What he said now was undoubtedly a recognition of Feng Li. Feng Li's performance here was indeed very good.

Feng Li's face was full of emotion. He had been here for such a long time and had talked a lot with Wei Yunqi. Now he followed Li Yuanji wholeheartedly, because in this world, only Li Yuanji could be Li Er's opponent.

He and Wei Yunqi were originally both Li Jiancheng's men, but although Wei Yunqi was Li Jiancheng's man, he was not as close to Li Jiancheng as Wei Yunqi was.

Wei Yunqi often told him that the past was past and what needed to be focused on now was the present. Moreover, there would inevitably be a battle between Li Yuanji and Li Er, so there was no need to think too much about it. Feng Li gradually agreed with this.

"Thank you for the compliment, my Lord. This is my duty.

The king trusted me and asked me to come here to lead the war. How can I let the king down?"

“Haha, that’s enough, we’ve known each other for so many years, and we’re still strangers now.

Let’s go into the city first.”

Li Yuanji and Feng Li had indeed known each other for a long time. When they were in Chang'an, he and Li Jiancheng were very close. How could he not be familiar with Li Jiancheng's confidants?

Didn't you see that when he was in the Prince of Qi's Palace in Chang'an, all the generals of the army in his palace were Li Jiancheng's people, and Xie Shufang was also very close to people like Feng Li and Xue Wanche. It would be strange if they were not familiar with each other.

Li Yuanji entered the city and looked at the dilapidated Rajagriha, shaking his head. Even this, which was the capital of Magadha before, looked shabby to Li Yuanji.

This city, let alone compared with his Haikang and Chang'an of the Tang Dynasty, is not even comparable to an ordinary city or the capital of this country.

It was not until he arrived at the royal palace that Li Yuanji's eyes finally brightened.

Although this palace is in some damage, one can still see its grandeur just by looking at it now.

Of course, this grandeur is compared with the city outside the palace. Compared with his palace, Li Yuanji can only describe it as shabby. As for comparing it with the imperial city of Chang'an, Li Yuanji has no intention of comparing them.

How can you compare them? A royal palace is probably about the same size as a hall in the imperial city of Chang'an. What is there to compare them to?
Only the building looks okay, as for the rest, there is absolutely no comparison.

It was not until he came inside and looked at the decorations inside the palace that Li Yuanji believed that this was the palace.

It is embellished with various gems and jewels, and the throne above is made of jade. The surrounding area of ​​the throne is all carved jade. It looks simply luxurious.

But in Li Yuanji's eyes, that's it. Whether it's his palace or the imperial city of Chang'an, although the halls are not decorated with these things, Li Yuanji has no shortage of these things, so it's just the way it looks.

Coming in front of the throne, Li Yuanji saw something shining on it. He took a closer look and saw that it was inlaid with a diamond the size of a pigeon egg.

Li Yuanji became interested. Although diamonds in this era could not be promoted like in later generations, their sparkling appearance would definitely attract many people.

"Your Majesty, this is the throne. Please take your seat."

Feng Li on the side reminded Li Yuanji, but Li Yuanji shook his head.

"Gaudy thing, put this broken chair aside and bring me my chair."

Li Yuanji had no interest in this so-called throne. In his eyes, other people's thrones were just that, not as comfortable as his own chair.

The guards on both sides immediately took action, moved away and brought Li Yuanji's chair over, and then Li Yuanji sat down.

"There is a shining gem on that chair. Go down and look for it to see where the gem mine is. Once you find it, no one is allowed to approach."

After handing the matter over to his subordinates, Li Yuanji looked at Feng Li.

"The army led by Yunqi is in Vaishali across the Ganges, right? Has Yuwenbao's navy arrived yet?"

"Reporting to the king, General Wei is leading an army of 110,000 in Vaishali, and there are 160,000 troops in Rajgir, of which 100,000 are originally composed of troops from various countries.

General Yuwen Bao's fleet has been docked at the port outside of Rajgir for half a month."

Li Yuanji nodded, then took out the map and looked at the generals after a moment.

“This time, the king is personally leading the expedition in order to quickly pacify the Harsha Dynasty and the small countries surrounding it, and to take them down together, while also guarding against Persia sending troops.

Now all the prefectures in Lingnan are preparing for a war with Li Er. The war here must be resolved as soon as possible and cannot be delayed.

Now I command!"

As soon as Li Yuanji finished speaking, Xie Shufang, Feng Li, Xue Wanche and others stood up one after another.

Several people were filled with excitement. The sooner the problem was resolved, the better they would like it. They couldn't wait to start the war. After finishing the war here, they would go and fight Li Er.

Comparing the two battles, they were more eager to attack Li Er.

Li Yuanji looked at everyone and said solemnly: "The army will rest for ten days and start preparing at the same time. Ten days later, we will launch an attack on Huashi City!"

"Order Wei Yunqi to keep an eye on the armies in Varanasi, Kapilavastu, and Sravasti. If there is an opportunity, you can fight them in the field and destroy them. If there is no opportunity, do not act rashly!"

"At the same time, all units should send out scouts to keep an eye on the enemy's movements!"

"The last general takes command!"

All the generals responded in unison and then went down to prepare the army.

"Someone, go get Yuwen Bao!"

These people like to build cities by the Ganges, right? This time he wants to let these people know that building a city by the Ganges is a sign of the destruction of a country.

After making the arrangements, Li Yuanji called Wang Xuance and Ning Chun.

"Xuan Ce, Da He, from now on, you will be responsible for taking over the captured areas. I will give you another 10,000 troops to command. I don't care what means you use, no matter what method you use, stabilize the area as soon as possible.

In addition, some people were gradually migrated from other prefectures. The people here will not be naturalized for the time being, and land will be allocated to the migrated people as much as possible. If the people here want to become naturalized, they must make certain contributions and be loyal to be eligible.

Remember, you can become a naturalized citizen only after you have qualified and passed the comprehensive assessment. You can enjoy the same treatment after becoming a naturalized citizen.

You can set the standards for how to proceed specifically. As for verifying whether it is feasible, you can also try it out in one place first.

To those restless people, you must remember not to be lenient. Even if we conquer this place, they are still not my subjects. Only after they become naturalized citizens, can they be considered my subjects.

There are also quite a few people here, and you can assign them to do various tasks directly. Anyway, you can control the details yourself, and I only want the results. "

Li Yuanji felt that what he had said was no longer a hint, but an explicit statement, that he wanted the two to rule with an iron fist, just like the iron fist rule in Dongzhou Prefecture.

Before in Lingnan, even when he conquered Linyi, Ryukyu, and parts of Zhenla, he did not do this, because those places, even Linyi, had a large number of Han people, and he could accept them.

Now, Li Yuanji is not naive enough to think that as long as he conquers the Harsha Dynasty and the surrounding countries, the people here will be his subjects. If he wants to get those benefits and treatments, forget it.

In fact, even if Li Yuanji had not said all this, Wang Xuance and Ning Chun had already been prepared. The people here really could not accept it so intuitively. Neither Wang Xuance nor Ning Chun could treat the people here the same way they treated the people in their fiefdom.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

They had originally wanted to do this in their hearts, and now with Li Yuanji's words, they can do it with more confidence.

After chatting for a while, not long after Wang Xuance and Ning Chun left, Yuwen Bao hurried over.

"See you, Your Majesty."

"Get up, has your fleet completed its rest now?"

Li Yuanji looked at Yuwen Bao. This time he was going to make those people living along the Ganges regret building the city along the Ganges.

"My lord, the fleet has completed its rest and is ready to go into battle at any time!"

Yuwen Bao's face was full of excitement. He originally thought that he was just escorting Li Yuanji here. He really didn't expect that his navy would actually enter the inland rivers to participate in the battle.

Yuwen Bao was not stupid, so he was naturally happy that he could get a military achievement for nothing.

For this matter, he had made it clear that as long as the war started, the naval fleet must fight with all their might. Such an opportunity could not be missed.

Li Yuanji also smiled when he saw Yuwen Bao's excitement.

Li Yuanji liked this situation very much. It was normal for a general to like fighting. But it would be a big problem if the leaders were resistant to fighting.

“Okay, the king has already issued an order to launch an attack on Fahrenheit City in ten days, you go down and make preparations.

During this period of time, you must first eliminate the pirates on the Ganges River and the local navy. Ten days later, the fleet will sail to the river area near Pataliputra City.

After arriving, aim all the cannons on the warships at Fahrenheit City and wait for the order to bombard!"

This time, Li Yuanji is going to prepare a big gift for these foreign races, a baptism of fire, and he hopes these people can accept this gift.

"The last general takes command!"

Yuwen Bao responded excitedly and then retreated.

Ten days passed in a flash, and Li Yuanji's army gathered outside the city, with 220,000 soldiers standing with flags flying.

Among the 220,000 troops, the morale of 100,000 troops was relatively weak. Those were the armies of the former Gundam Kingdom and other countries. Just looking at them, it was obvious that they were much inferior to Li Yuanji's own army in all aspects.

"Disband the camp! Set out!"

Following Li Yuanji's order, the army slowly moved towards Hua City.

During the march, Xie Shufang came to Li Yuanji's side.

"Your Majesty, according to the scouts, Kusumapura sent 50,000 troops to Pataliputra. Now Pataliputra has 100,000 troops. Pataliputra's army has sent tens of thousands of troops, but the exact number has not been confirmed. At the same time, Varanasi has also sent tens of thousands of troops, and they are converging on Pataliputra.

Wei Yunqi led his army to march towards Varanasi, and the enemy forces of Kalpilavastu and Sravasti also began to move out. "

Li Yuanji laughed when he heard this.

"These people are waiting for my army to move, right? Don't pay too much attention to them. If they want to come to Huashi City, let them come. I will just destroy them here.

Remember to send scouts to keep an eye on the movements of the enemy troops in Fahrenheit City to see whether these people are going to defend Fahrenheit City or come out to fight us in the field."

What Li Yuanji wanted most was to see these armies gathered together. He himself wanted to end the war here as soon as possible. The more others cooperated, the happier he was.

As the army slowly approached Hua City, news gradually came.

“Your Majesty, we have found out the news from Huashi City. The enemy has left the city and is camping thirty miles outside the city. It seems that they are planning to engage in a field battle with us.

There are now more than 200,000 enemy troops in Huashi City, trying to stop our army."

"Besides these, are there any other armies approaching Huashi City?"

"Your Majesty, there are no more."

Li Yuanji smiled, and his smile was extremely cold.

"In this case, this time, we must make these alien races tremble!"

Li Yuanji led the army to maintain the offensive formation and slowly came to the outside of Hua City, confronting the Jie Ri army.

Li Yuanji looked at the army of Harsha through a telescope. They held spears in their hands and only had armor covering the chest. Most of them did not even have armor at all.

The only thing that interested Li Yuanji was the elephant army. Yes, Li Yuanji looked through the telescope and saw densely packed elephants. The elephants in the front were even wearing armor, and there were three or five soldiers on the elephants.

There were archers and elephant handlers on it. Li Yuanji probably thought they were elephant trainers. There were also soldiers holding shields and swords, as well as soldiers holding spears.

Li Yuanji nodded as he watched. Apart from anything else, the personnel configuration on the elephant, including long-range, close combat, and charge, was quite comprehensive.

Li Yuanji looked for a while, then put down the telescope in his hand, and the messenger came to his side.

"Report! Your Majesty, the musketeers in the front are all ready, and the artillery units in the rear are all loaded with shells and can fire at any time! The rocket forces are all assembled and can launch an attack at any time!"

Li Yuanji looked at the Japanese army from a distance, and saw that the Japanese army seemed to be unable to wait any longer, and the elephant army began to move out and rushed straight towards him. (End of this chapter)

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