Datang: What's wrong with my fief being a billion points larger?

Chapter 331: Artillery fire washed the ground, besieging the point and attacking the reinforcements

Li Yuanji sneered as he watched the Japanese elephants rushing out.

"Pass on my order! Artillery fire immediately!"

As Li Yuanji's military order was conveyed, the messenger waved the flag in his hand. When the artillery position saw the waving flag, they immediately began to fire.

"All guns ready! Fire!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the heavy artillery roared first, and the shells fell directly towards the elephant soldiers of the Jie Ri Army.

Accompanied by a huge roar, countless elephants were injured and fell to the ground. More elephants seemed to be frightened and began to run around.

The soldiers on the elephants also suffered countless casualties. Some of them fell down and were soon trampled to death by the elephants behind them. Wherever the elephants stepped on a part of the body, that part would sink into the ground.

The survivors also began to panic, with expressions of fear on their faces.

It's not that the Japanese army had never suffered from artillery bombardment. They had also suffered artillery bombardment when they fought against Wei Yunqi and Xie Shufang's armies before. They were very clear about the power of artillery, but the power of these artillery now far exceeded their imagination.

Even if they are not at the impact point but in the vicinity, they will be affected. The huge impact force and scattered shrapnel will take their lives.

Before these people could recover from the shock, shells of other calibers poured down one after another, and the heavy artillery had already begun the second round of bombardment.

Li Yuanji used a telescope to watch the elephant soldiers who were bombarded by cannons fleeing in all directions. When some of the elephants even began to run backwards, the smile on his face became more and more obvious.

The entire area where the elephant soldiers were located was covered by artillery shells, which fell densely among the elephant soldiers, continuously harvesting the lives of the elephants and the Japanese soldiers.

The horror of artillery shells bombarding the ground was vividly displayed at this moment.

"Order! Riflemen, attack immediately and push forward!"

"Order! Aim the heavy artillery backwards at the enemy's center, aim and fire immediately!"

"Send a message to Xue Wanche. After bombarding the enemy's center three times, lead the cavalry to attack immediately and head straight for the enemy's center!"

Now the Japanese army's elephant soldiers were scattered before they even reached the range of the rifles, and they had to take the initiative to attack the elephant soldiers.

In the front army, Xie Shufang personally supervised the battle.

"General, the king has ordered the Shenwu Army to move forward! The Shenwei Army's artillery moves forward to provide long-range support for the Shenwu Army!"

"Pass the order! The Shenwu Army will attack immediately!"

"Feng Li! Lead the army to follow closely behind the Shenwu Army and cover their attack!"

As the military orders were gradually conveyed, 12,000 Shenwu troops (soldiers armed with Shenwu rifles) and 8,000 musketeers armed with flintlock rifles began to attack. Feng Li personally led 20,000 troops to provide close combat protection for the Shenwu army.

The Shenwu Army continued to move forward, and when they were within the range of the rifles, they immediately began to aim, pulled the trigger, and the bullets rushed towards the Japanese troops.

Every time a gunshot was heard, countless Japanese soldiers and elephants fell to the ground. Those elephants that continued to flee forward and to the sides, driven by instinct, kept fleeing backwards and began to attack their own troops.

The center of the Qiri Army was also stunned by the scene before them. However, before they could react, heavy artillery shells began to fall towards them, causing all the Qiri Army to panic. Countless people were killed or injured, including the king's son.

After three consecutive rounds of artillery bombardment, the Japanese troops began to flee backwards, completely losing the courage to charge.

At this time, Xue Wanche led the cavalry to attack from the flank.

Looking at the fleeing Jie Japanese troops, Xue Wanche led the cavalry and charged directly in without any defense. The fleeing Jie Japanese troops did not put up any resistance and if they ran slowly they would be killed, so everyone scrambled to flee backwards.

Once someone was pushed down, he would be trampled to death by his own people. There were even scenes where people would directly hack and kill their own people with the weapons in their hands in order to run faster.

When Li Yuanji saw that the Japanese troops began to flee, he immediately ordered the entire army to attack.

Xie Shufang led the army to start a full-scale attack and pursue the army of Jie Ri. It was a completely one-sided battle.

After three hours of pursuit, only tens of thousands of Japanese troops managed to escape back to Hua City.

Li Yuanji watched the Japanese troops entering the city with a smile on his face, without any sign of anxiety.

"Order! The army will blockade Huashi City. If the enemy breaks out, kill them!"

As the army completely blockaded Fahrenheit City, today's battle came to an end.

Inside Li Yuanji's tent, Xie Shufang and others all gathered together.

"My lord, today's battle was so exciting. Those creatures that looked neither human nor ghost fled without any resistance.

The cannons of the Shenwei Army and the rifles of the Shenwu Army are so easy to use. Even at such a long distance, the enemy is gone without any contact.

My king, when will you let the entire army equip themselves with the Divine Martial Spear? "

"Your Majesty, what Uncle Fang said is true. Before this, I never thought that one day fighting a war would be so easy.

Although there were cannons and flintlock rifles before, each shot required a considerable amount of time to reload ammunition. After those humanoid creatures got used to it, they were not afraid anymore and began to resist resolutely.

Although our army still has an absolute advantage in field battles, it has not been as easy as this time, especially sieges, which are even more difficult.

Now that we have the Shenwu Spear, I suggest that we really promote it to the entire army and have them all use the Shenwu Spear in combat."

Xie Shufang, Feng Li and others spoke one after another, and Li Yuanji smiled and nodded.

“We have already started to implement what you mentioned. Now that the production capacity is insufficient, we have increased it and are making all-out efforts to manufacture the Divine Martial Spear.

However, it will still take one or two years to change the uniforms of the entire army. After all, with so many people, it is impossible to do it in a short time.

When the war here is over, I should be able to equip most of them when I return.”

Let alone Xie Shufang and his companions, even he was extremely excited after seeing today's scene and wanted to complete the army's re-equipment as soon as possible.

The difference in weapons is really too great, especially in field battles, which means they are almost invincible.

In today's battle, before he even launched rockets, Harsha's army could not stop him and was directly defeated. On the front battlefield, it can be said that the two armies had basically no contact.

The army was in pursuit, and Harsha's army also did not fight back. In this battle, no matter how you looked at it, it was just a few shots, machine gun fire, and then the harvest began, and it ended in the end. It was that simple.

Under the premise that no one has started to use trench tactics, as long as he is not facing a large number of cavalry, it can be said that his army is almost invincible. Only large-scale cavalry can pose a certain threat to him, because even rifles, as long as they are not firing continuously, there will always be time to reload.

Considering the range of the rifle, these several hundred meters would indeed be a very long distance if one were to run, but with the cavalry's high-speed charge, they could quickly reach the front.

As long as these cavalrymen are not afraid of death, the threat posed by the cavalry will still be very great until heavy machine guns come out.

Unless his army has an absolute advantage in numbers, for example, he himself has tens of thousands of troops, but the cavalry has only a few thousand or at most tens of thousands, then under the suppression of numbers, he can create the illusion of a machine gun in disguise.

When Xie Shufang and others heard Li Yuanji's affirmation, they became extremely excited, not for any other reason, but because they were all thinking, when they brought such an army with a large equipment to fight against Li Er, how would Li Er's army resist them.

As for this, they had never thought about it at all. Even without these firearms, in their eyes, these so-called Harsha army would not be their opponents.

Li Yuanji stopped thinking about it and looked back at everyone.

"Have the casualties of this battle been counted?"

Xie Shufang stood up and said, "Your Majesty, I have sorted it out. No one in our army was killed in the battle, but 371 people were injured. All of them were injured because they were too excited during the pursuit and didn't pay attention.

In this battle, nearly 110,000 enemy soldiers were captured, of which nearly 60,000 had extremely dark appearances, nearly 30,000 had extremely white appearances, and another 30,000 were a little dark, but not that dark.

Your Majesty, these people are really disgusting in appearance. I suggest that you kill them?"

As soon as Xie Shufang finished speaking, Feng Li, Xue Wanche and others spoke up.

"Yes, my king, these people are not human at all. Their faces are too ugly, especially the color. I am really angry when I see them. How can there be such people in this world?

My king, I will do whatever it takes. I am not afraid of being criticized. I cannot stand watching these people anymore."

Xie Shufang was really disgusted. In the past, they thought that the Turks, Tuyuhun and others were foreign races, but now, compared with these people, they felt that the Turks and Tuyuhun were not foreign races at all, but other countries.

Li Yuanji was looking at everyone and pondering this question. It was impossible to kill them all. The Harsha Dynasty and the surrounding countries were full of such people. It was impossible to kill them all. And if they were all killed, where would he move people from such a large area?
But now he must take the disgust of people like Xie Shufang seriously.

"I know what you mean, and I have already told Xuan Ce and the others how to govern.

What I can tell you is that even if we conquer the Harsha Dynasty and the surrounding countries, the people here will not directly become Tang citizens, and I will not allow them to become naturalized citizens easily.

As for the captives, and even the other people here, they all play a huge role.

Whether it is reclaiming wasteland, building roads, mining, building canals, etc., people are needed. Now these people can do these things. You must pay attention to them, otherwise they can't do the work, otherwise we will suffer a great loss."

Li Yuanji knew that Xie Shufang and the others were afraid that he would do the same thing here as in other places and allow the people here to become naturalized citizens. They were so proud and proud in their bones that they could not accept these people becoming naturalized citizens and becoming Tang people like them.

Li Yuanji knew that he had to make it clear to them now. In Li Yuanji's mind, the governance here was just an experiment.

In the future, his fiefdom, or territory, will definitely be more than this, especially the fertile land in America, which he will not let go.

The people in those places also have huge facial differences from them, and those places will eventually have to be governed.

Now that we are conducting experiments here first, we can summarize the experience so that we can apply it to other places in the future.

After hearing Li Yuanji's assurance, Xie Shufang and the others gradually calmed down and smiles appeared on their faces again.

They absolutely agreed to let these people do those jobs, and as long as Li Yuanji did not allow these people to become naturalized citizens, they would absolutely support it.

Seeing that the few people didn't say anything else, Li Yuanji started to talk about business.

"Okay, everyone, calm down!"

“Now the enemy troops are all hiding in Huashi City. You go down and make preparations. We will start the siege in five days.

During these five days, we will thoroughly investigate whether the Jie Ri Dynasty will provide support to Hua City. If they send troops to support, we will first defeat the enemy's reinforcements.

If no reinforcements arrive, we will begin the siege in five days!"

Besieging a point and attacking its reinforcements is not a new tactic, but here, it is still considered a new tactic. He wants to see whether the Harsha Dynasty will send a large army.

Nowadays, a lot of soldiers of the Harsha Dynasty have been annihilated and captured, and the army is getting smaller and smaller. Now Li Yuanji just needs to kill more people in the field battle, which will make it easier to attack the city.

Li Yuanji now tries to avoid the street fighting after the siege as much as possible. Street fighting is different from field fighting. Even though his weapons and equipment have a huge advantage now, as long as he engages in street fighting, the army will still suffer casualties.

"I will obey your orders!"

Xie Shufang and others were also able to think of this problem. Now, Hua City is the bait, but whether they can catch fish depends on whether the bait is strong enough.

Two days passed, and Li Yuanji became more and more melancholy in the tent. It was because he had not seen any movement from the other armies of the Harsha Dynasty in the past two days. Even the Harsha army on Wei Yunqi's side began to become conservative.

Two more days passed, and there was still one day left before the scheduled time for the siege, but there was still no news of any troops from the Jie Ri army coming, and Li Yuanji had calmed down.

"It seems that this bait is not working. It really can't even attract a small fish."

Listening to Li Yuanji's sigh, Xie Shufang below also had a helpless look on his face. In order to encircle and attack the reinforcements, Feng Li and others made preparations in the camp every day. Xue Wanche even led the cavalry outside, but there was no news.

Just then, Feng Li hurried in.

"Your Majesty, there is news, but it is not from the Harsha Dynasty, but from other countries.

Fourteen small states including Sindh, Metraka, Rata, Kalachuri and Pallava formed an army of 300,000 men and were marching towards Patraya.

Now that we have passed Ujjain, this is the news from Liu Rengui. I have sent someone to verify it, but it will take some time. "

Li Yuanji looked at Feng Li in surprise. Was this news from Liu Rengui?

Feng Li also saw Li Yuanji's doubts and immediately took out a battle report.

"Your Majesty, this is the military report from Liu Rengui."

Li Yuanji opened it immediately and started reading it. After finishing it, he burst into laughter.

"Haha, good job, Liu Rengui did a great job!"

Li Yuanji looked at Xie Shufang and Feng Li, and said with a smile: "Liu Rengui led the navy and 20,000 land forces, and cooperated with the marines. He used part of the army to attract attention in Metraka and Rata, while he personally led the main force to attack and destroy the Lion Country!" (End of this chapter)

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