Chapter 39 Li Yuanji's Accident
Ning Mingchang became extremely frightened when listening to Ning Kailu's words. He stared at Ning Kailu with a pair of eyes. Ning Kailu didn't want to die. Did he want to die?

However, Ning Kailu had said everything that needed to be said. Ning Mingchang kept thinking and immediately spoke in panic.

"Your Majesty, please do not believe his lies. He is the one who came to me to murder you. Your Majesty, I did not do this voluntarily.

By the way, my king, the Xian clan people in Gangzhou, Enzhou, Panzhou, Gaozhou, and Luozhou support you. Also, the people in Leizhou and Lianzhou where Ning Chun is, and Chen Longshu in Longzhou, all support you. Also, my king should be careful about Feng Ang.

Feng Ang had no good intentions. His own brother Feng Xuan was colluding with the chieftains of the Liaoren Cave to cause chaos. How could Feng Ang have nothing to do with it? Even when Feng Sanguan rebelled in Gangzhou, Feng Ang ordered Liu Gan to persuade him to surrender. He was so evil that he deserved death.

Your Majesty, I have elders and children to take care of, please spare my life."

Li Yuanji was quite shocked when he watched their performance and listened to their words. The situation in Lingnan, as Brother Yunlong said, was that except for the western part, the central, northern, southern and eastern parts of Lingnan were completely in a mess.

No, he learned the news when he was in Chang'an that the Liaozi tribe in the west was sending troops to Yongzhou, and several tribes in Jiaozhou were also fighting. Linyi was almost reaching Chong'an and Jiuzhen. Later, Huanzhou, Tanglinzhou, and Luofuzhou of the Tang Dynasty were all conquered by Linyi.

Li Yuanji was really frowning. The place was not big, the strength was not strong, and it was very chaotic. He wanted to develop Lingnan, but the road was long and arduous. He could not develop it without conquering it first.

Especially Feng Ang, Li Yuanji originally had a good impression of him. After all, Feng Ang was the most famous in Lingnan and he did not cause any major trouble under the rule of the Tang Dynasty. He did not know the details, but he knew that Feng Ang had no problems in general.

However, it now seems that Feng Ang’s problems are not small either.

As for whether what Ning Mingchang said was true or not, Li Yuanji could see that this man was telling the truth in order to save his life.

Li Yuanji then looked at Wang Xuance.

"Xuan Ce, how do you think they should deal with this?"

After all, Ning Kailu was Wang Xuance's superior, so Li Yuanji did not deal with him directly.

Upon hearing this, Wang Xuance glanced at Ning Kailu and Ning Mingchang and said, "Your Majesty, the people who killed you should be executed, but these two people repented in time and gave you a lot of information. I suggest..."

Ning Kailu and Ning Mingchang were so nervous that their hearts were in their throats. Even Li Yuanji was full of curiosity.

Then Wang Xuance's voice was heard.

"I suggest that the chief culprit be executed."

Li Yuanji was immediately happy after hearing this. Ning Kailu and Ning Mingchang immediately softened and kept begging for mercy from Li Yuanji. Li Yuanji waved his hand and had them taken away. Seeing that there was no hope of survival, the two men started cursing at Li Yuanji and Wang Xuance. After a while, their voices stopped abruptly.

After Li Yuanji felt that his ears were quiet, he slowly said: "Xuan Ce is really decisive. Killing me is a capital crime, and this cannot be disputed.

Now that things have calmed down here, what do you think I should do next?"

After a moment, Wang Xuance said with a smile: "Your Majesty, the most urgent thing now is to go to Leizhou. Ning Chun of Leizhou seems to be loyal to the Tang Dynasty even if he is not loyal to Your Majesty. Now that the Lingnan states are Your Majesty's fiefdoms, this Ning Chun is a friend, not an enemy.

Moreover, Lianzhou is under the control of Ning Chun. There are also the Li people in Enzhou and other places. Although we don't know the details, they are not enemies for now. There is also Chen Longshu in Longzhou, and Nanfuzhou is also nominally under the charge of Chen Longshu. These are all targets that can be won over.

These places are all close to Leizhou. As long as the king occupies Luozhou, the exits on the east and west sides will be under his control.

As for the rebellions in various places, we will put them down one by one later. The most urgent thing now is that we must take root here and gain a firm foothold. When all the people brought by the king from Chang'an arrive, we will put down the rebellions according to the situation.

Even if the king leads his army to quell the rebellion in various states, what he gets is only enclaves, which he cannot directly control. Instead, it will benefit others, which is not worth the loss. "Li Yuanji also agreed with what Wang Xuance said. In his opinion, quelling the rebellion now is helping others, not him. Even if it is Guizhou, Xiangzhou, Liuzhou, Rongzhou and other places, he cannot directly control them.

Because his destination is Leizhou. Once he goes to Leizhou, he won't be able to take care of this place for the time being. As for leaving a large army behind, what's the point?

If there were too few troops, there would be no effect. If there were too many troops, what would he do in Leizhou? The baggage and the elderly, children, women and children in the rear also needed the protection of the army. As long as the local people could not be subdued, they would make trouble from time to time.

And most importantly, his system mission is in Leizhou. Besides, going to Leizhou will make it convenient for him to escape.

If the Tang Dynasty sent troops to attack him, he could at least flee overseas by ship in Leizhou, but in places like Guizhou, he would just have to wait for death.

"Okay, let's do as Xuan Ce said."

After Li Yuanji finished speaking, he immediately looked at Su Dingfang.

"Dingfang, tell Shufang to go immediately, go to Shi'an first, rest for a night, and then set off."

Afterwards, Li Yuanji led a large army to Shi'an, easily took over the city defense of Shi'an, came to the governor's mansion, searched around, and finally found Ning Changrong in prison.

In the governor's mansion, Li Yuanji and Ning Changrong sat together. After being treated by the imperial physician, their complexions improved a lot.

"Your Majesty, the journey to Leizhou may not be smooth. I still have 3,000 soldiers that can be mobilized. If Your Majesty does not mind, I can take them with me so that I can protect Your Majesty."

After hearing this, Li Yuanji shook his head and refused.

"I appreciate Chang Rong's kindness, but you should stay here. After I leave, this place may face threats from other people.

If Chang Rong is interested, he can go to Leizhou with me, so I don't have to worry. How about that?"

As for Ning Changrong, although he didn't know what this person's ability was, Li Yuanji admired him very much because he would rather die than go along with those people.

Ning Changrong shook his head and rejected Li Yuanji.

"Your Majesty, it's not that I don't want to, but Your Majesty has just arrived in Lingnan and has no roots. I am here to share your worries. If they come to attack me, then at least things will be better for Your Majesty.

I, your humble servant, dare to ask the king for one person. I wonder if the king can leave a general to command the troops of Guizhou. If possible, we can also capture Xiangzhou, Rongzhou, Liuzhou and other places at the same time.

I am not familiar with warfare, and I see that your Majesty's army is well-trained. Your Majesty has left a general here to train the army and help your Majesty in the future."

Li Yuanji looked at Ning Changrong. This time he was really surprised. This man was very good. Li Yuanji found that he appreciated such interesting people more and more.

"Okay, in that case, I will leave one person here. I will remember Chang Rong's kindness today. When I take control of the Lingnan states, I will definitely use Chang Rong!"

After the conversation, Li Yuanji found Li Xiang, the Central Guard General, and after giving instructions, Li Xiang led a hundred people to stay in Guizhou.

Early the next morning, Li Yuanji led the army and continued towards Leizhou.

 Leizhou was called Nanhezhou in the fourth year of Wude, Donghezhou in the first year of Zhenguan, and changed to Leizhou in the second year of Zhenguan. Because of the map, the name Leizhou was used.

(End of this chapter)

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