Chapter 40 An Unquiet Journey

Ten days later, outside Wulang of Sitang Prefecture, at the border with Gongzhou, Li Yuanji was taking a simple rest.

Xie Shufang hurried to Li Yuanji's side.

“My lord, there is news from Dingfang that the road to Gongzhou has been cleared. We were ambushed twice, both times by local chieftains who were incompletely armed and armored, and some were even wielding hoes.

After questioning, it was found that these people were rebelling because of the propaganda of Ning Changzhen and others, saying that you, the king, came to Lingnan to forcibly incorporate Lingnan into the Tang Dynasty, and would require them to register as Tang residents and collect taxes. "

When Li Yuanji heard what Xie Shufang said, he wanted to curse. He had never thought about collecting taxes from these poor people. How much could he collect?

"Damn Ning Changzhen, Ning Daoming, Feng Xuan and those other bastards, especially Tan Dian, they just rely on the fact that he is the chieftain of the Li Liao people so I don't dare to kill him, right?"

Li Yuanji was really angry. These people actually dared to destroy his reputation like this. It was really despicable. Especially along the way, since leaving Guizhou, he had been attacked three times. There were not many people, but they were all suicide-style attacks.

There were only a few hundred people each time, but no one surrendered. They clearly had nothing, but from the momentum, Li Yuanji seemed to see the shadow of the wolf soldiers.

Have you ever seen a situation where a group of several hundred people without armor and incomplete weapons dared to charge at a well-equipped army of tens of thousands fully armored and fully armed? Li Yuanji encountered this now, which was simply bizarre.

Later, Li Yuanji sighed for these people and didn't want to kill them, but they refused to leave and even rushed towards him. What could he do?

He was so confused that he had no idea what was going on, and he could only let Su Dingfang lead 3,000 troops to clear the way in front. This time, he was not attacked, but Su Dingfang in front of him was attacked for the fifth time.

Fortunately, I asked him the reason clearly this time and let him know what happened along the way.

Li Yuanji then looked at Xie Shufang.

"Let's go, I want to go and see what these people have, just relying on Ning Changzhen and the others' words?"

Li Yuanji walked forward angrily. He was really angry now.

Wang Xuance followed Li Yuanji closely. He had no intention of persuading Li Yuanji at the moment. Such a thing would be frustrating for anyone who encountered it.

After more than an hour, Li Yuanji arrived at Su Dingfang.

"Dingfang, where are the people? Where are they?"

Su Dingfang saw Li Yuanji coming and brought Li Yuanji captive directly to him.

"Your Majesty, it is them. There are fifty-three people in total, including eight ten-year-old children and five old men."

Li Yuanji, who was already very angry, listened to Su Dingfang's words and looked over again, full of disbelief.

"Child? Elderly? Dingfang, what's going on with you?"

Su Dingfang was also filled with bitterness when he heard this.

"Your Majesty, I didn't expect that these fifty-three men were right in front of the army. When they saw us, they rushed over with hoes and sticks. I had my men subdue them without hurting them."

Li Yuanji was even more speechless at this time. He didn't do anything damned, but looking at these people, he felt as if he had done something that angered God and man. This feeling was stuck in his throat, making him extremely uncomfortable.

Then he stopped thinking about it and came in front of these people.

"Who is in charge here? I am the one you want to kill, Prince Qi Li Yuanji. Now I am here, you are the ones in charge, so stand up quickly."

As soon as Li Yuanji finished speaking, all these people looked over. Each of them looked as if they wanted to swallow Li Yuanji up. Several young men stood up directly.

"Bah, you bastard King Qi, you still want to come to Lingnan to collect taxes? We are not from your Tang Dynasty. Do you want to learn from that bastard Chen Longshu and force us to become citizens and collect taxes? Don't even think about it."

The soldiers around immediately drew their swords, but Li Yuanji waved his hand to let them put them away. Looking at these people who showed no fear, Li Yuanji still admired them in his heart.

However, I admired him, but it was also really frustrating. "Who said I was going to collect taxes here? You are so poor, how much tax can I collect? Look at the people next to you, look at their armor and weapons, the money of all of you combined is not enough to build a set.

What do you think I want from you? Are these words meant for you? Do you all have no brains? Are you all pigs? Can't you think for yourself? Do you just believe whatever others say?

Even if they want to kill me, let the person behind the scenes lead the troops. Why let you, the common people with hoes, come here?"

Li Yuanji, who was furious, started to scold these people. After talking for a while, Li Yuanji felt much better.

When these people heard Li Yuanji's words, they were stunned at first. They were originally full of anger and wanted to kill people, but now there was only confusion in their eyes.

If for no other reason, they knew very well that they really didn't have the money to make this set of armor and weapons, and then what tax did Li Yuanji want from them? They had to have money and food to pay taxes, and they were so poor.

At this time, a steady man stood up and walked towards Li Yuanji. Xie Shufang and Su Dingfang wanted to stop him, but were stopped by Li Yuanji.

The man came up to Li Yuanji and stared at him without any fear.

"King Qi, you said you came to Lingnan, not to collect taxes?"

Li Yuanji sighed and had to speak.

"No, do you have money and food for me to collect taxes? Look at your naked appearance, how much do I need from you?"

The man was silent for a while, then looked up again.

"King Qi, this is what Ning Changzhen told us. He sent people to spread this matter everywhere. We don't know about other places, but he sent people to Gongzhou and Xunzhou to spread this matter."

Li Yuanji really hated Ning Changzhen to the core. If this man hadn't done these immoral things, how could these people fight so hard?

But at this moment he had no choice but to suppress his thoughts.

"What's your name? How many people are there in your cave chieftainship?"

This guy didn't hide anything.

"My name is Yang Shu. We have thirty-two households and one hundred and thirty-two people."

Li Yuanji suddenly felt a headache. There were a total of 132 people, and the elderly, children, women and children must be counted. The only males should be these 40 strong young men.

At this moment, a voice suddenly came.

"Give me back my man's life!"

Li Yuanji turned around and saw dozens of women rushing towards him with sharpened wooden sticks. Li Yuanji's eyes widened and he shouted angrily, "Don't hurt them!"

"Yang Shu, what are you still standing there for? Hurry up and call those tiger women back!"

Li Yuanji was really enlightened. He had always said that the people of Yan and Zhao were fierce, but the people here were simply so fierce that they didn't care about their lives. He had never seen such fierce people.

Yang Shu immediately asked people to calm down the women. Half an hour later, everyone finally cleared up the misunderstanding. In order to repay his kindness, Yang Shu and his people insisted on following Li Yuanji.

Li Yuanji was also in a difficult situation. After all, in order to speed up the march, he did not bring the elderly, children, women and children with him. Now, if he brought these people with him, wouldn't it increase the difficulty of the march?

At this time, Wang Xuance gave Li Yuanji a plan, which was to take some people away, so that if they encountered another attack later, there would be someone to explain.

Li Yuanji eventually took away eight people, and Yang Shu was one of them.

(End of this chapter)

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