Chapter 316 Unexpected Disaster
Su Yu is not stupid. The quota that students care about is in school. Besides the quota given by the teacher, what else can it be? She has never done it before, so she asked the child confidently!
"Besides, what makes you think I stole it? I don't even know I have an extra quota. My family and teachers haven't told me about it. How come you, an outsider, knew it earlier than me? And how can you be sure that the quota you mentioned is yours? Did you get it through your own efforts?"

Su Yu kept talking to everyone. The teacher was a little surprised that Su Yu reacted quickly. The fourth child in the class only cared about what Su Yu said, "Is the quota yours?"

"It's mine! My parents said it's mine! It's you! It's you who stole my spot! I should have been the one to participate in the competition! It's all because of you, you liar! You're a bad guy! You're so young and you don't learn your lesson!"

The principal quickly covered the child's mouth!
At this point, what else doesn’t the principal understand?
Competition places can indeed be manipulated, but this is in the early stages.

For example, some schools are going to send a certain number of children to participate in the competition, and provide free food and accommodation during the competition. The school is not doing charity, so of course they will select those with good grades. But in some team competitions, if there is a genius leading the team, if the principal still wants to be the principal, he can't refuse some people to join and get a place.

For example, some competitions require collective registration, and only school registration is valid. In this case, there will be no preliminary selection, and only school registration will count. In this case, the school also has the right to allocate quotas.

"The child is ignorant and has caused trouble for your work. Why don't you take the child away yourself and find a suitable teacher to teach him? After teaching him, apologize to our little classmate!"

The principal is not stupid. Compared with Su Yu, this little kid whom he has no impression of, of course Su Yu is more important!

He learned through gossip that Su Xi, the current head of the Su family, was suspected to be a non-marriageist and was planning to train Su Yu to be a qualified heir to the Su family. Su Yu was definitely a gold nugget!
If she is not satisfied, she can transfer to another school immediately. Liang Yan and Tang Can will most likely transfer to another school after seeing her leave!

When the principal thought about offending three huge money men, his hands began to tremble, and his eyes became convulsive as he winked at the dean of studies!
The dean hurriedly took the crying child and took him to the office to clarify the matter!
The list of contestants hasn't been announced yet. Who had the mental problem leaked the information?
After sending the police away, the principal went to the class to explain that the places for the competition had not been finalized and the list had not been released yet.

This competition was jointly organized by several schools and the school attached great importance to it.

After the quota is determined, in order to select students to participate in the competition, there will be two consecutive school-wide tests, and the number of participants will be determined by the average score of the two results. There is absolutely no unfairness or internal quota operation. Everyone should not spread bad remarks about classmates because of the misleading of some children's parents.

Su Yu and her classmates were forced to take an ideological education class that day, mainly taught by several psychology teachers who came to guide the children to tell the facts and not to believe in or spread rumors!

The dean of studies soon found out the teacher who was related to the child and asked him to explain it to the child. After watching the two of them explain the matter clearly, the dean of studies took the child back to apologize to Su Yu.

Su Yu learned the whole story from Wulong Cha, and also knew that it was the adults who misled the child. In addition, the apology was made in front of the whole class, so she accepted the boy's apology calmly.

[It's really an unexpected disaster, it has nothing to do with me! ]

Su Yu saw that the child's eyes were swollen from crying. What could she do? She was the one who was splashed with dirty water, but the culprit acted more aggrieved than her!
Tang Can and Liang Yan also felt very puzzled. It can be said that as long as it is not a secret of the Su family, they know most of Su Yu's affairs. Similarly, Su Yu also knows most of the affairs between Liang Yan and Tang Can.

They had never heard of the quota thing, and the boy directed and acted out the scene himself, but because he cried so pitifully, he didn't get any punishment at all? They felt it was unfair!

All three children are in low spirits!

The principal who was observing from the window immediately informed the parents of Su Yu, Tang Can and Liang Yan of what was happening here.

The school also held a teachers' meeting based on this incident, emphasizing the school's discipline and information security. After the meeting, the principal talked to the teacher who leaked the information, and decisively applied to the Education Bureau to rotate the teacher to another school, and notified the teacher to suspend the teaching plan and let other teachers take over.

There were various discussions in the school’s private group, but seeing the principal’s determination, no one dared to talk nonsense to parents or students.

No one wants to lose their job with good benefits for a few small things or complaints!
After returning home at noon, Su Yu, Tang Can and Liang Yan had lunch, rested for a while and then went to school again.

It was not until they got home from school in the afternoon that Su Yu and her friends had time to talk about this matter with their parents.

"This is so unfair! It's obviously not my fault, how can someone who did something wrong have the nerve to cry?"

[If you really want to calculate, it might be him who took the quota from others, okay? He obviously had connections and knew about it in advance. My uncle is so powerful, but I didn’t know the news in advance! He also scolded the three of us and our parents. Why?

If I didn't know that the principal had already done his best, I really wanted to draw a card to vent my anger! 】

Su Yi remained silent about Su Yu's complaints. If it were him, he would probably have to fight with that boy!
If the principal hadn't protected Su Yu for the sake of money and allowed that child to slander Su Yu and the others, no matter how good Su Yu and the others' grades were, others would have said they cheated!

Su Xi was very satisfied with Su Yu's response of remaining rational and calling the police!

very good!

At least she didn't inherit her father's impulsive personality. She won't beat people up without saying a word, and she will even think of taking revenge in private. She is much better than Su Yi!

"It's over, but if you keep holding on to it, the culprit will receive everyone's sympathy. Don't pay any attention to that kid in the future!"

Su Yu nodded.

"I hate him so much!"

The same situation happened to Tang Can and Liang Yan in the community. They were very unhappy about their children being scolded, but it was too much of a fuss to ask them to transfer schools just because of a scolding. In addition, the student apologized and the principal dealt with the teacher involved, so they accepted it and just asked their children to stay away from the boy.

On Tuesday, the trio still had breakfast at Su's house and went to school happily.

When they arrived at the classroom, Su Yu saw the people and things near his seat, and the corners of his mouth instantly flattened. He hurriedly dragged Liang Yan and Tang Can to find the head teacher.

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