Chapter 317: Messy
It was also during this time when Su Yu was looking for a class teacher that she suddenly remembered that she was still a child, a child who was only four years old and less than two months old, and she didn't need to be so "rational"!
"Teacher, teacher, help me! That guy yesterday wanted to poison me and take my place!"

The head teacher, who was still eating breakfast, was speechless for a moment.

She was already familiar with the imagination of children. She didn't expect that Su Yu, who seemed smart, would have such an unreliable idea.

Tang Can and Liang Yan said nothing. On the way here, Su Yu told them to wait and see how she performed. If she felt that she didn't perform well, she should shake their hands, or if they wanted to help, they should shake her hands.

"He might want to apologize to you!"

Between children, the best gift to apologize is food.

Su Yu shook her head violently. "I was scolded yesterday, but I had to forgive him. I hate him! If it was someone I hate, I would definitely not go over to him and give him food!"

Su Yu shook Liang Yan and Tang Can, and Tang Can and Liang Yan quickly agreed.

"Yes, he doesn't have to be punished even if he cries!"

Tang Can cried when she did something wrong, but it was completely useless. When it was time to be punished, her aunt, parents, grandparents, and Grandpa and Grandma Ren would punish her!
He is ugly, and cries ugly, so why shouldn't he be punished? Because he is ugly?

Liang Yan directly used the example given by his father, "Teacher, if I said in front of all the teachers in the school that I saw you kill someone, and called the police, and when the police came, I said that someone else told me, and the police found out that the person was a liar, and I cried and apologized to you, would you treat me as a friend and give me food?"

head teacher:……

These words are enough to give me a heart attack!

If she is really investigated, it will be a question whether she can keep her job.

"What do you want?"

The head teacher kept the principal's request in mind and responded to the requests of the three children.

"Teacher, can you please persuade that kid to go away? I don't want to talk to him! Besides, we have an exam today, we have to concentrate on the exam and we won't eat anything given to us by others!
Dad said, be careful when you go out. If you eat the wrong thing, you could lose your life!"

The teacher thought about the huge family business of the Su family and Su Yu, the only child, and could fully understand the parents' worries. Their family didn't have a throne to inherit, but they had billions of assets!


This request is not excessive. The head teacher thinks it is very simple!
"You guys are coming with me?"

The head teacher saw that it was getting late and classes would start soon.

"Okay, thank you teacher!"

Su Yu followed the head teacher, playing the role of a coward!
She was not stupid. What if she went in first and that person rushed over to pester her? This kind of troublesome matter should be left to the head teacher to solve.

As Su Yu expected, when Su Yu and the others followed the head teacher, the boy came over with something in his hand and tried to pounce on them.

Su Yu quickly grabbed Liang Yan and Tang Can and ran towards the principal's office.

She didn't plan to stop even when she heard the bell for class.

As for the head teacher, she stopped the little boy and tried to reason with him.

"Student Sun Shirong, please don't disturb other students' studies!"

Sun Shirong followed his mother's instructions and looked at the teacher pitifully, "I just want to apologize to them and beg them not to take my place!"

The head teacher could understand the child's stubbornness, but this matter sounded particularly uncomfortable. Especially since Liang Yan had given her an example before. In the teacher's opinion, not grabbing a place equals not killing people!
She became particularly angry when she thought about others advising her not to kill in front of other teachers.

The head teacher, who was too involved, took a deep breath, looked at the food prepared by Sun Shirong, and called the psychology teacher on the spot. "Teacher An, there is a child here who needs counseling. He may have some misunderstandings. He always feels that other children are trying to take his place. Yes, it has been going on for two days..."

Teacher An ran over in a hurry, and after seeing who it was, he felt helpless for a moment.

"I had a great conversation with him yesterday!"

Teacher An didn't understand. He had made it clear yesterday. The quota was never Sun Shirong's, it belonged to the school! The school hasn't issued it yet, it's like giving something away, the original owner hasn't given it away yet, so the item still belongs to the original owner!

Since none of the things belonged to Sun Shirong, how could it be said that Su Yu "stole" them?
Students from all over the school will compete for those places by taking exams, but they are not "snatching" them, but competing with the school!
Fight for it with results!
"You should give him some more guidance. Family education is still very important!"

Sun Shirong's small body stiffened, and a look of guilt quickly flashed across his eyes.

Teacher An is a psychology teacher. As soon as he saw the child's reaction, he knew that the matter was related to the parents.

"Let's go!"

Sun Shirong hasn't completed the task his parents gave him yet, and he doesn't want to leave.

He didn't believe the psychology teacher either! Mom and Dad said they were all liars! They were trying to please the family of Su Yu, the liar!
"Teacher, I haven't given them apology gifts yet. I shouldn't have said it directly. I want to apologize to them!"



The two adults present remained silent.

The teacher who came later asked other students a little, but it was hard to say anything. But after Teacher An took Sun Shirong away, she took her class teacher out and said, "Little class, if the trouble continues, either those three children will be transferred to another class, or this child will be transferred to another class."

There were many people in the school who were willing to be the class teachers and teachers for Su Yu and the other two. Their families had invested a sum of money in the tutoring fee, and the principal also distributed the money to the teachers who taught Su Yu and the other two on a monthly basis, and the rules had been made public.

Teachers don't have a problem with money.

Therefore, the subject teacher gave the young head teacher some advice, also for the sake of his own wallet.

The head teacher scratched her hair. She wanted to push the three little guys out, but she was reluctant to spend the money!

"I don't know where they ran off to. I'll go to the security room to look for them first!"

The head teacher had some confidence in Su Yu's IQ, so he did not rush to notify the parents, but instead looked for them in the security room.

After she found her target, she wailed inwardly, but had to walk to the principal's office with heavy steps.

In the principal's office, Su Yu, Tang Can and Liang Yan sat on the sofa, swinging their little feet, listening to the lecture and highlighting the key points of the teacher temporarily hired by the principal.

From the looks of it, the three children all study very hard.

The principal sat aside, handling school affairs, as if the teaching sounds beside him had no effect on him.


When the principal saw Su Yu and her classmates’ teacher, he walked out naturally.

"Is the matter resolved?"

"No, probably because of my parents' teachings. I want to fight for a spot."

The child is obviously only in the fourth grade. I really don’t know what those parents are in such a hurry for. Why do they have to make a fuss at this time!
Good night, babies.

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