Yichu said this sadly and pitifully, even his voice trembled pitifully, but his squinted eyes shone brightly, and he secretly gave Lancer a look.Just look at the entertainment embarrassment picture
Feng Qining is definitely a hundred times more wicked than them, and now she pretends to be him, and he will not give up until she reveals her true nature.

"My mother is devoted to Buddha now, we should not seduce her, you should respect me."

Lan Se jumped over and stretched out his claws towards the flesh in Yichu's hand, but Feng Qining was one step ahead of him.

"Whoever said that my heart is devoted to Buddha, I am devoted to flesh"[

Feng Qining took a hard bite of the meat in her mouth, seeing her appearance, Yi Chu and Lan Se gave each other a wink, eating the meat in their hands, Feng Qining completely forgot about the fact that this is a temple and you cannot eat meat clean.

I didn't notice it just now, but now Feng Qining realized that there was a river in front of them, and there were fishes swimming in the river, looking at those swimming fish, Feng Qining thought of those couples at the Yinmen. sky.

At that time, Zong Zhenghao taught her how to catch fish, why did she think of him, Feng Qining shook her head, shaking the figure out of her mind.

"Mother, what's the matter?"

Seeing her frowning and shaking her head for a while, Lancer felt strange.

"Nothing, just a sudden craving for fish"

Feng Qining looked at the fish in the river and suddenly became interested. These fish should not be as bad as those from the hidden door.

"Then I'll catch it"

Lan Se looked at the clear river water and became interested, Feng Qining looked at him suspiciously: "You go? Did you catch it?"

It's not that she underestimated him, but that she couldn't catch him the first time, so how could he catch him?

"Why don't we go fishing"

Shucui came over and suggested.

"Fishing is too much trouble"

Fishing depends on one's heart, she probably won't be able to get it, not to mention how long it will take to fish.

Lancer didn't worry so much, took off his shoes, and walked into the river with bare feet. After a while, he really caught a fish from the river.

"Mother, look"

Grabbing the fish in her hand, Lan Se smiled, Feng Qining was dumbfounded, thinking that at the beginning, she almost pierced her own feet but missed the fish, now that he easily stood inside, the fish would automatically run to him hand.

What's happening here?

Shu Cui was also surprised, and couldn't help running over, as if wanting to confirm whether the fish in his hand was real. [

"You, how did you do it?"

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