"It's the difference between a smart man and a fool"

Lan Se said arrogantly, Shu Cui was speechless for a moment, a white light flew out from Feng Qining's sleeve, before Lan Se and Shu Cui had time to see what was going on, Lan Se felt light in his hand, and the white light disappeared, The fish in her hand was in Feng Qining's hands.Fiction Rankings
"Since the son is so powerful, then the mother can enjoy the blessings. My son, hurry up and get some more. When I'm full, you don't have to fish anymore."

Lancer had a bitter face, did he shoot himself in the foot with a rock?Why is he showing off?Isn't this suicidal?

After eating and drinking enough, Feng Qining felt drowsy. She didn't sleep well last night. Now that she was full, she felt drowsy. Lying drowsily in Murong Li's arms, Feng Qining was comfortable Sighed. [

This embrace is really suitable for her, so warm.

"Are we going to walk the bamboo bridge?"

Shu Cui suggested that Feng Qining's spirit suddenly rose, the bamboo bridge, the bridge that the legendary lovers can walk for a long time.

"Aren't you not interested? Why are you interested again now?"

Murong Li joked, Feng Qi Ning pursed her lips, it's because girls have an innate liking for romance, not to mention the legend that it will last forever, even if it is a wish, it is a very beautiful wish.

"How far is it from here?"

Shucui looked around and shook her head half-heartedly: "I don't know, I haven't been here either."

Feng Qining came out of Murongli's arms, and jumped in front of Shu Cui in disbelief: "I haven't been here, but you haven't been here?"

Shucui is embarrassed: "I just heard about it, I haven't really been here"

She is a rich lady, and her father seldom lets her go out. She rarely even goes to the city, so how could she come to this mountain alone?What's more, she didn't meet anyone she loved before, and it was useless to come here.

"It doesn't matter if you haven't been here before, you have come here, don't you know the way and ask people?"

Seeing that the atmosphere had suddenly changed, Jing Sheng opened his mouth to make a rescue, and Shu Cui gave him a grateful glance.

"That's right, it's all here anyway, can't you find it?"

Feng Qining took a look at Shu Cui, in fact, she was just afraid that she would be tired, she walked with them for a day yesterday, and now she is still sitting here with them, with a smile on her face, how wonderful should such a woman be? considerate.

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