"Let's go, it's almost noon, if you don't go, you may not be able to go down again today"

They don't care, but this young lady, they should send her back quickly, if something happens, they can't afford it.Just look at the entertainment embarrassment picture
The bamboo bridge is on the other side of the temple. They walked back and walked past the temple, and they arrived.

Bamboo Bridge, as the name suggests, is built from bamboo. On both sides of the bridge are cliffs. Below the cliff is a river. Even standing on it, everyone seems to be able to hear the sound of waves hitting the stone wall and look down.

The white mist was so confusing that I couldn't see anything. The strong wind blew in my ears, and everyone's clothes were flying up, as if they were about to become immortals, and they went home with the wind. [

Feng Qining took a visual inspection. The bridge was at least ten meters long and a little over one meter wide. Looking at the bamboo, Feng Qining suddenly became worried. Will the wind and sun leave? Fall down halfway.

It's so high, there are still cliffs on both sides, it's fatal to fall, Feng Qining flinched a bit.


Seeing her appearance, Murong Li raised her eyebrows and asked, Feng Qining nodded honestly: "Well, I'm afraid, I'm afraid that if I fall halfway, my life will be gone like this."

She is so cowardly, she would risk her own life for such an unrealistic legend, no matter how she thinks about it, she doesn't think it's worth it.

"Don't be afraid, I will carry you there"

Murong Li grabbed Feng Qining's hand, bent slightly in front of her, looking at the tall and straight figure in front of her, Feng Qining lost her courage instantly.

"No, it doesn't make any sense if the bridge can't be crossed"

"Why should Ning'er be afraid? We'll go there with you"

Yichu took a step forward and stood with Murongli, and even Lancer said, "Mother, you are so timid, you don't look like my mother at all, you must be someone pretending to be you!" ?”

"It fell and all died"

Feng Qining said to them viciously, these people are not afraid of death.

"If you walk, you have to keep walking, and you can't stop halfway, otherwise, it means that your relationship will not go far."

Shucui added another sentence, everyone was silent, this bridge is ten meters long, and it is not difficult to walk ten meters with a person on your back, but who can guarantee that you can walk ten meters on this rickety bamboo bridge? Walking steadily?

"Don't be afraid, I will definitely carry you there"

Murong Li's voice was neither soft nor heavy, but it carried a reassuring firmness.

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