Feng Qining's eyes were full of expectation, Murong Li signaled her to look forward, Feng Qining saw that the man had already started dancing, he danced irregularly, most of the time he was spinning in circles, the most ridiculous thing was that his facial muscles were still will move.Fiction Rankings
When the eyes are discharging, they are always blinking non-stop. The man's facial muscles move, which drives the movement of the eyes, so the women take it for granted that the man is discharging them.

"My lord, I'm here to accompany you"

The woman's hand boldly slid into the man's neck, and the man was still dancing involuntarily. If a woman pounced on him, others would naturally be impatient.

"Master, I will dance with you" [

A woman grabbed the man's hand, and the man's hand just stretched out. The woman was caught off guard and was thrown aside by the man just like that.

Feng Qining stared dumbfounded, this, this is too fierce, Murongli looked at the smile in Feng Qining's eyes, and shook her head, sure enough, she will never be short of her bad taste.

Feng Qining thought that if a woman was treated like that by a man, they would be afraid, but she didn't expect that those people had the courage to become more and more courageous, if one of them couldn't do it, they would all jump on them.

"It's so fierce"

Feng Qining came to a conclusion, looked at the man who was thrown by the woman, and mourned for him in her heart, the man was eaten by those hungry wolf-like women over and over again, from the inside to the outside, and then from the outside to the inside, in the man's feeling After his own skin was about to be peeled off by that terrifying woman, Feng Qining finally appeared and rescued him from the hands of those wolf girls.

"Say it or not? You have two choices now. First, say it. Second, continue to suffer. I will let you know that sometimes living in this world is also a kind of pain. If you want to live, you can't die."

The gloomy voice resounded above the man's head, like a gust of wind blowing, the man couldn't help shivering.

Living in this world without death or life, it would be better to die, the man opened his mouth and was about to bite his tongue, Murong Li pinched his mouth quickly with his hands.

"Want to kill yourself? Tell you, as long as you have a breath, I can save you. I'm afraid you will suffer even more."

"Say, I say"

Early death and early rebirth, with such thoughts, the man chose to speak out. It turned out that he was a flower picker. When he saw young and attractive women, he would attack them. At the beginning, after he raped them, he would kill them. .

Later, I found that if I sold them, I could make a fortune, which was much better than selling them.

Then he discovered that this was really a way to make a fortune, so he began to develop his subordinates. The few Feng Qining killed were one of his first subordinates and also his effective subordinates.

"You mean, you still have a lot of subordinates? Then you don't do it yourself, just collect money?"

You really know how to enjoy, how come they haven't discovered this way to make a fortune?

"Should I compliment you, you are so smart?"

Feng Qining stepped on his stomach fiercely, and the man yelled in pain: "I, I told you, you, just let it go, let me go!"

"Let you go? Where are your men? Don't kill them, but let them continue to harm the world?"

"No more, all, let you kill" [

It turned out that a man is not a businessman, and if he has too many subordinates, he is easy to be discovered.

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