It is easy to be caught if you expose yourself, so he only kept the two most capable ones. Anyway, they sold women all over the country and made a lot of money, not very much, but he spent it, there is no problem.Just look at the entertainment embarrassment picture
"That's right, it's really good, you don't have to do it, and there are girls to play with, isn't life very enjoyable?"

Murong Li said angrily, such scum, if they stay in the world, they will waste food and harm the people, so let's deal with it directly.

"Excuse me, forgive me, I, I won't dare again"

Feeling the murderous look in Murong Li's eyes, the man felt scared. He really felt that the recent years were not good, not only did he lose money, but he was also arrested. [

"Excuse me? Tell me, what are you doing in this world with a scumbag like you? It's fine to waste air and land, and even harm others."

Feng Qining blinked at Yichu's words, although she already knew that Yichu was not a cheap lamp, but when did he become so vicious?

"Don't be so wordy, why don't you just solve it directly?"

Lan Se raised the knife and dropped the man's head to the ground. Looking at the rolling head, Feng Qining and Murong Li looked at each other, did he want to be so fast?

"Um, is there anything else you need to ask?"

Seeing their stunned expressions, Lancer panicked. He must have acted too quickly. Is there anything else they haven't asked clearly?

"Forget it, kill everything, ask what should be asked, we have been delayed here for too long, kill it early, go back to sleep quickly, and start on the road tomorrow"

It was too late to sell the inn, so Feng Qining left it to Lancer, and it will be Lancer's property from now on. Zhou Qing couldn't sleep at night, and only fell asleep when it was dawn. Feng Qining and the others fixed it all After that, she was still sleeping soundly.

"Woke up"

Feng Qining stood beside her bed, unexpectedly, there would be a day when she would wake someone up, when did she become someone else's maid?

There was no movement, Zhou Qing on the bed seemed to have not heard Feng Qining's words at all, and did not move at all, Feng Qining was helpless.

"Get up, Miss Zhou, do you still want to go home, if you don't want to go home, then stay here"

Speaking of going home, Zhou Qing finally opened his eyes.

"Miss Feng, why is it so early?"

Zhou Qing looked outside, only to see the light, should it be so early?She just fell asleep.

"It's still early, get up quickly, after breakfast, it will be dawn, and then we will start our journey again"

Half dragging and half dragging, Feng Qining pulled Zhou Qing up from her asshole, splashed a glass of water on her face, Zhou Qing woke up instantly, quickly fixed it, and the group of people set out on the road again.

"I said, you don't have to be afraid, he should not come after him again, and now that you are with us, no one will dare to harm you"

Seeing Zhou Qing's haggard look, Feng Qining sighed, it was the first time she came out, and she encountered such a thing, and I'm afraid she will leave a feeling of fear in the future. [

"I know, I know what you said, but I don't know why, as soon as I close my eyes, those pictures flashed in my mind, and I can't forget them no matter what."

Zhou Qing grasped Feng Qining's hand tightly. In fact, she also wanted to forget quickly, but the more she wanted to forget, the more clearly she remembered, so that she could think of those things as soon as she closed her eyes.

"Didn't you think of it before? Why do you still think about it now? It's all over."

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