"How do you know? You wouldn't say that if you'd seen her before. See
Yichu said for sure, Zhang Kai was more sure than what he said, no one knew better than him what kind of person Feng Qining was, even if she was reincarnated, even if she changed a lot, but in her bones, she should not change.

"Stop arguing. I want to let nature take its course. Don't force or force. No matter what decision Feng makes, I will respect it. I believe that she will choose me."

Murong Li hugged her tightly, Feng Qi Ning's hair slowly changed back to its original color, Jing Sheng moved his hand away, Zhou Qing saw the pale Feng Qi Ning in Murong Li's arms, his eyes flashed with worry.

"So, you must go?" [

Zhang Kai didn't expect them to be so persistent. He thought that if they knew the reason, they would definitely not go.

"We have to go. We have to leave this place sooner or later. Only when we find the person you mentioned can we go out. If we stay here, even if we don't go to him, he will find us sooner or later. Since we have to face , it’s better to face it bravely.”

You have come through ups and downs, and you have reached the last step, so how can you back down?Even if they retreat, where else can they retreat?There is no way out for them.

"you go"

Murongli turned around, resisting the urge to beat him up, if someone else treated Feng Qining like this, he would definitely beat him up, but this person, Feng Qining might not be able to bear it , She didn't reprimand him for what he did just now.

Feng Qining wants to do something, even at the last second before she dies, she can instantly kill others.

"Don't you want to find him? Do you know where he is?"

Murong Li looked at Feng Qining in her arms: "We don't know, but if that person wants to lure Feng away, he will definitely tell Feng."

Since all of this is under his control, he should have arranged how to go and how to go. If they go wrong, he will also bring them back to the track.

"You really know him, but according to what I know about him, he should only want to go in. Whether you can go in is not certain."

"I see, are you finished? If you are finished, then you can go"

Murong Li gave the order to drive away the guests, and after she finished speaking, she didn't speak anymore, but just focused on looking at Feng Qining in her arms. He diagnosed that she was stimulated, so she fainted, and she will wake up soon. .


Feng Qining, who hadn't opened her eyes yet, said the first sentence, and Zhang Kai stopped when she heard it.

Youyou opened her eyes, there was a strange light in Feng Qining's eyes, Murong Li looked terrified, she, she must have thought of something.

"Limei, let me down"

Feng Qining came out of Murongli's arms and looked at Zhang Kai. Zhang Kai was overjoyed to see the familiar nostalgia in Feng Qining's eyes.

"Brother, thank you, I know, you are worried about me"

Feng Qining looked behind Zhang Kai, but her attention was not here, she seemed to be looking far away, trying to see through her life in this life and her previous life at a glance. [

"However, there are many things that can't be avoided. I owe you the debt in the previous life, but I can't pay it back in this life. If you can, you should be my brother."

Feng Qining said this very sincerely, as if there had never been any unhappy things before.

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