"Feng, did you think of something?"

The abnormal Feng Qining could only make Zhang Kai think in that direction, Feng Qining shook her head: "No, I didn't think of anything, it's just that I have a different feeling."

She really didn't think of anything, but a voice told her in her heart that she can't blame him, anyone can blame, but she can't blame him, because she owed him in the previous life, and in this life, no matter how he treats her, It should be.Fiction Rankings
"Then what about you?"

I remember that after he didn't believe her, she was always indifferent and indifferent to him. He thought, he really hurt her, but she didn't even give him a chance. [

"It's weird, isn't it? I think it's weird too, but there is a voice in my heart that says, I can't blame you for this incident. I think I should really blame you, and you are here to stop me now. I owe you"

Zhang Kai was just about to say something, but Feng Qining stopped him from speaking: "Don't think this is forcing me, in fact, it's not forcing, what can I do to make you remember and miss me for the rest of your life?"

Thinking about the problem in another direction, I actually found that I have gained a lot, hating a person is too tiring, it is better to be grateful, he did not hurt her in the past, so she forgave him a long time ago.

It's just that at that time, they felt that they couldn't be friends, so they were strangers, but today, he followed her, what else could she say?

"younger sister."

Zhang Kai hugged Feng Qining, Feng Qining's eyebrows were curved, and she had another brother, and another person to love.

"Brother, it's done, I'm the boss here, you have to listen to me from now on."

Feng Qining looked at Zhang Kai like a queen, and Zhang Kai patted her on the head: "You call me brother, why should I listen to you?"

"Because, because I am young, you have to let me go, otherwise, I will let Limei teach you a lesson."

"You are a typical person who is backed by someone, so you are domineering"

How about it?Don't you like it?Let the horse come if you don't like it.

"Since you are on a pirate ship, you have to obey. Here, she is the boss, so naturally you have to obey her."

Murong Li hugged Feng Qining, Feng Qining looked at him proudly, what, it's too late to regret now, later, it's too late to regret.

"At this time, it's too late to regret"

When Yichu opened his mouth, Feng Qining knew that he had accepted Zhang Kai.

"Brother, do you know how to get there?"

Feng Qining blinked at Zhang Kai, and looked at him expectantly, her wishful thinking was well planned, since Zhang Kai knew that person, he should know how to get there.

"I don't know, but I think he must be in your favorite place."

her favorite place?Can she say that her favorite place is her home?Then he will wait for her at her house? [

"This road should be wrong. You should walk along the road that you have walked, so that you should be able to get there."

How does she know where she's been before?Feng Qining rolled her eyes, she had already forgotten all the things in her previous life, and if she could, she would never think about it again.

"Going wrong? How is it possible? This is the only road here, how could it be wrong?"

Jing Sheng grasped the point of Zhang Kai's words, they had obviously inquired, and this is the way to go to the southernmost city.

"There are roads everywhere, not only official roads can be walked"

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