"Then according to what brother said, we have to go back?"

No way, this is the way to go on the official road, how long would it take to walk on the mountain road.look
"You don't need to go back, you can walk back to the right path after walking through this mountain."

Feng Qi was silent, what he said seemed that they were not on the right path, they were just on the wrong path, and when he didn't say it, he said it at this time.

"Brother, you appeared so timely, I wonder if you did it on purpose, waiting until this time to tell us." [

When she said this, Feng Qining glanced at Jing Sheng intentionally or unintentionally, one unresponsive one was enough, if there was another one, how could they bear it?

"Why are you looking at me?"

He didn't know what the original path was, so he couldn't be blamed for this.

"No, I was thinking, after my brother comes, the two of you can form a group."

"What combination?"

The two asked in unison, they were so consistent. Feng Qining glanced at them, hooked her lips, and answered easily: "Take a beat slowly, you see, one of you speaks and the other sings, anyway, your way of thinking is the same , it will definitely be a pleasure to cooperate.”


"Feng Qining."

The two rushed towards Feng Qining with all their teeth and claws, and Feng Qining blocked Murongli in time: "Li beauty, help me, they are bullying me"

Enough squabbling, the few people leaning against the root of the tree, the familiar scene made Feng Qining resound the night when they met Zong Zhenghao on the mountain. The evil ghost, Murong Li and the others fell asleep, and in the end, she separated from them.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen tonight"

Sensing Feng Qining's fear, Murong Li whispered something in her ear, Feng Qining nodded, she will be fine, she knows.

I spent the night safely. On the second day, a few people walked up the mountain, because they couldn’t get a carriage when they went up the mountain. A few people led the horses and walked up the mountain. At first, the road was easy to walk. At that time, the road began to become difficult.

"Why are there so many weeds"

Feng Qining looked at the front where there was no road, and frowned. Did she have a head in her previous life? Why didn't she choose such a road? How could there be romance in this kind of place?Not even feathers, still romantic.

"There must be weeds on the mountain. If there is no weeds on the mountain, then what do you think?"

Jing Sheng said something angrily, Feng Qi stared at him, but she didn't ask him, can he shut up?

"The mountains here are all like this, bear with it, didn't Kai say, just walk to the top of the mountain."

Murong Li grabbed Feng Qining's hand, and the two walked forward hand in hand. [

"I think, it's so desolate, will I encounter something like a wasp?"

Yichu suddenly said such a sentence, and everyone's footsteps paused because of his words.

"Brother Yi, don't talk nonsense, okay? If we really meet, we won't be able to escape from this ghostly place."

Just as Feng Qining finished speaking, a strange voice came to their ears. Everyone turned around in horror, and Zhou Qing pointed at the top of their heads.

Everyone looked up and saw a rectangular hornet's nest hanging on the big tree above their heads, and Zhou Qing's hand was resting on the trunk.

It turned out that Zhou Qing accidentally leaned heavily on the tree just now, and the tree shook heavily. The hornet's nest was also a bean curd dregs project, and because of that shaking, a piece of it fell off.

(here today)

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