When the buzzing sound rang in their ears, Feng Qining and the others finally came to their senses. The first reaction was to turn around, and the second reaction was to run away.
But even if they ran as hard as they could, they couldn't escape the weeds in front of them.

"Forget it, let's destroy them."

Feng Qining turned around, if she couldn't escape, then let's die together, but she didn't believe that a few wasps could kill her.

"But mother, there are so many, it's life-threatening."

Lan Se looked at the tens of thousands of bees, this is really fatal, Murong Li lit a torch in this short time, and rushed forward.

"Use fire, they are afraid of fire"

Feng Qining held a torch in one hand, and waved the torch in the air. The smell of burning came quickly, and the number of bees around her gradually decreased.


At the last moment, a voice that shouldn't be heard rang out. Feng Qining looked back, and there was a big bump on Zhou Qing's face.

Sure enough, he shouldn't have brought her with him, she didn't understand anything, she was simply a burden, and now, his pace slowed down again.

"It's okay"

Jing Sheng supported Zhou Qing, the big bump on Zhou Qing's face tended to enlarge, Feng Qining was horrified, and grabbed Murong Li.

"Li Meiren, help Miss Zhou to see, is she okay?"

Murong Li turned her head, saw the wound on Zhou Qing's face, frowned, grabbed her with her big hand, took out a silver needle from her bosom, and was about to pierce Zhou Qing's face.

"You, what are you doing?"

The long silver needle in Murong Li's hand really frightened Zhou Qing. She was afraid that she would be disfigured if he stuck the needle.

"Help you poison, if you still want that face, then shut up"

Murong Li originally wanted her to sit, but the ground was full of wasp corpses, so she might not be able to sit still, so she asked Feng Qining to support her, and the silver needle stuck her face, causing Zhou Qing to cry out in pain, Without thinking too much, Qining sealed her dumb acupoint.

After pouring out a large pool of black blood, Zhou Qing's face became pale. Seeing her weak appearance, Feng Qining was really worried. It is difficult to heal her wounds in this barren mountain.

"I think we'd better find a place to rest before we go."

Yichu looked around, and said after a while, Feng Qining nodded: "But there must be a place, I don't see such a place in a broken temple."

They can't just find a tree hole and get in. I'm afraid there won't be any tree holes.

The tiger and leopard sat beside Feng Qining, feeling the soft layer around her feet. Feng Qining lowered her head, and when she saw the tiger and leopard, Feng Qining's eyes lit up, but the tiger and leopard felt danger. Grabbed it back. [

"Where are you going? Go, find out if there are any caves nearby."

After finishing speaking, Feng Qining threw the tiger and leopard out, and the tiger and leopard let out a low cry, does the master want to abuse it like this?It's like this every time. Let it do the hard and tiring things. It's a leopard, not a dog looking for a way.

Looking at Feng Qining sadly, the tiger and leopard could only turn around and disappear into the grass.

"Feng, are you sure there is a cave near here?"

Murong Li wondered, with so many weeds, how could it be possible to find a foothold, it would be difficult to find a cave.

"Not sure, but she can't leave, we have to look for it, otherwise we don't know."

Feng Qining's words were agreed by several people, Yichu looked around, and saw a big tree not far away, because the hornets had all come out of the nest, there were a lot fewer hornets in the nest.

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