"Brother Yi, I told you that before, have you ever blamed me?"

Feng Qining looked back and thought about it, she was really selfish, never thought about their feelings, never thought about whether they would feel uncomfortable when they heard those words.Fiction Rankings
"No, the matter is over, why should Ning'er think so much? We are fine now, you see, you have your Li beauty, and I am still by your side, Jing Sheng, I will figure it out in the future, what are you It's all for his own good"

Yi Chu didn't tell Feng Qining, but he also thought about attacking her. The treasure he had guarded for so long gave him despair when he saw hope, and he said in his heart that there is no hatred.

He even thought about turning her into his own first, and then she could only follow him relentlessly, but at the moment when he was about to attack her, looking at her sleeping soundly, he suddenly thought of the thing that happened when he was a child. thing. [

Will he stimulate her to think of that incident by doing that?He still remembers her half-dead appearance before closing that memory, and if it goes on like that, they will not suspect that she just passed away.

In the end, Feng Jue invited a doctor with superb medical skills to seal Feng Qining's memory, and then she would return to this state.

The outstretched hand withdrew at the last moment. Looking back now, Yichu felt confused. If he really did that, I'm afraid they would not be like this now, sitting down and talking about everything.

Life decisions can only be made if you really think about it. If you really walk on such a road, it is destined to be a road of no return. Yichu can't imagine it. If it is really like that, what will he become in the end? Just like that.

When Jing Sheng left, Feng Qining and the others felt that it was not a good feeling. Everyone has feelings. We have experienced so much together. It is impossible to talk about feelings. When they committed crimes before, it was Jing Sheng who helped them Turn on the water.

"Mother, don't be sad, at most in the future, I'll help you teach him a lesson."

At this time, he knew what to say, why didn't he make a sound just now, they didn't make a sound, and didn't help her, hum.

It's time to settle accounts. Several people glanced at Feng Qining, and Murong Li pulled the corners of her mouth off: "If you don't want to laugh, then don't laugh. No one forces you to laugh."

Feng Qining lowered her mouth, she wanted to be happy, those people didn't occupy a big place in her heart, why should she worry about them?Why do I feel unhappy, but I don’t know why, I really feel bad, super bad, very bad.

"Why is Feng unhappy?"

Murong Li looked at her, it was really difficult to understand a woman's mind, there was clearly no sadness in her eyes, but why wasn't she happy?

"I don't know, I just feel bad in my heart. Tell me, why is there love? Love is beautiful, but only one copy is fine. The love of three people is too crowded, and the love of four people is a mess. Personal love is completely messed up."

Feng Qining counted the stars in the sky, love triangles, love squares, all dynasties really have them, Feng Qining leaned her head on Murong Li's body.

"So many people are attracted to it, it must be very good, such as Feng"

She is excellent?Feng Qining smiled, with a sneer at the corner of her mouth, she also felt that she was very good, but recently, she always messed up things.

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