"Li beauty, only you say good to me"

He is the only one who is stupid and regards her as a treasure. In fact, how can she be as good as he said?No matter how powerful she is, at best, she is still a human being, and as a human being, she will have shortcomings and shortcomings.look
"Of course not, I think they will also think you are good, but as long as you have me think you are good"

Murong Li hugged Feng Qining tightly, she could only be his, and no one else could even think about it.

Jing Sheng took Zhou Qing away, Zhou Qing didn't expect that Jing Sheng would really do this, he was stunned for a few minutes before he came back to his senses, and by the time she realized, Jing Sheng had already led her out for a while. [

"Jing Gongzi"

Seeing Jing Sheng's crazy behavior, Zhou Qing couldn't calm down anymore. She was afraid that Jing Sheng would become the next young city lord, and the young city lord treated her very well, but Jing Sheng was too possessive. She didn't understand Jing Sheng yet. .

She hasn't known him for a long time, and she doesn't know him at all. His behavior made her dare not say such things to him.

"Miss Zhou, don't worry, I will send you back, and I will definitely send you back safely."

There was pain in Jing Sheng's eyes, he thought of Feng Qining's words just now, he couldn't imagine that such a stupid thing was done by him, and Yi Chu and Lan Se foolishly guarded Feng Qining's side like that.

He laughed in his heart not once, but unexpectedly, one day, he would actually do such a stupid thing. At that time, he thought, if you like it, then grab it.

Didn't Feng Qining say a word, if you like it, grab it, no matter if there is someone you like, the goal is guarded, don't you still score goals?Although he didn't understand the latter sentence, he did understand the first sentence.

When he really faced him, he couldn't do anything. He had seen the sadness in her eyes, so he wanted to see her smile, so he didn't want to make her sad.

"Thank you Mr. Jing, but Miss Feng..."

"Don't mention that woman in front of me"

Jing Sheng interrupted Zhou Qing angrily. Although he admitted in his heart that what she said was right, and although he knew that she was doing it for his own good, his attitude made him unacceptable. He was not a fool, and he didn't know what he was doing. .

Even if he is stupid, he is stupid, he is cheap, that is what he is willing to do, and he does not want others to point fingers at him, does she think he is those men?Take her words as an imperial decree.

He will not be so stupid, if he spoils another woman, he will not spoil her lawlessly.

Looking at him like that, Zhou Qing was a little scared. She was really worried whether he would strangle her to death in a fit of anger.

"Scared you, it's okay, let's go quickly"

Zhou Qing actually wanted to refuse, but seeing the rare indifference in Jing Sheng's eyes, she couldn't say the words of rejection, and she felt a little guilty. If it wasn't for her, he and they wouldn't have made it like that.

Feng Qining said that she would destroy their group of people, but she still didn't believe it. Looking at it now, it was true, she was indeed a burden, she refused to listen to her parents and insisted on running out.

After encountering such a thing, she still keeps causing trouble for others. Sure enough, she will only cause trouble for others.

Zhou Qing lowered her head, and the more she thought about it, the more sad she became. At this moment, she even wanted to die. [

Jing Sheng glanced at Zhou Qing behind him, he knew she was feeling bad, but now he really didn't have the heart to comfort her.

(here today)

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