Several people turned around, in order to avoid bumping into anyone, Feng Qining and the others walked carefully inside.Just look at the entertainment embarrassment picture
"I feel like I'm walking a maze"

Feng Qining looked at the roads on both sides. In fact, they are not roads, they just drill through wild grass. These places are completely natural. Here, they are not inferior to the mountain roads they took.

Halfway through the walk, several people heard footsteps, and Feng Qining stopped.

"What's the matter?"[

Feng Qining looked ahead, it seemed that many people were coming this way, seeing Feng Qining's serious look, Murong Li also listened intently.

"Why are there so many people?"

Almost in unison, several people exclaimed, they heard a lot of footsteps, walking this way.

"Here, it seems that there is only one way"

Zhang Kai quickly figured it out. No wonder no one was sent to guard them. It turned out that there was only one way, and they just had to guard the door. There were weeds on both sides, and they couldn't escape anywhere.

"There is only one road, so let's go from here, what are we afraid of?"

Feng Qining stood proudly, in the night sky, her self-confidence illuminated the sky.

"Yeah, what are you afraid of, since we can come, of course we can go out"

Murong Li stood beside Feng Qining, the two looked at each other and smiled, tacit understanding.

While talking, a group of people ran from the other side of them, those unclothed primitive people, surrounded them.

Chatting to them a lot, Feng Qining sifts through it, and what she said was nothing more than that they dared to escape, let's see where they can escape to and so on.

"Nowhere to escape, indeed, we seem to have nowhere to escape, but if you don't plan to let me go, I will make you regret capturing me"

After Feng Qining finished speaking, those people looked at each other, as if they still didn't understand what she meant. Looking at their expressions, Feng Qining had the urge to go crazy.

Actually chicken and duck talk.

Those people chattered again, but now, Feng Qining could hear clearly, and she always heard very clearly when others said bad things about herself.

The person directly opposite her, and the person next to him said she was ugly.

"I also think, how can there be such an ugly woman?"

That person answered like this, Feng Qining really wanted to kill them with a knife, no one ever said she was ugly, even if she was really ugly, there was no need for the two big men to discuss it, right?

"Come on, grab them for me" [

The person standing opposite Feng Qining waved to the people around her, and those people surrounded Feng Qining and the others. Looking at the knives and forks, Feng Qining smiled conceitedly, and swept across with the sword like a rainbow, domineering Leaked.

The screams rang out one after another. If these primitive tribes survived here peacefully, they would not kill people, but they actually went outside to catch people and eat them.

At first, Feng Qining was still not sure, but what they said just now made her sure that they really wanted to eat her when they captured her.

"Kill them, I see no use"

Murong Li looked at the corpses on the ground, Feng Qining could understand what they were saying, so he naturally understood, they were still talking just now, they didn't know what their meat tasted like.

They don't treat them as human beings, so they don't need to treat them as human beings either.

"That's right, capture the thief first and capture the king first"

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