Several people looked at each other, and Yichu thought of the place where he stole the baggage. Compared with other places, that place is much more luxurious and beautiful. It must be the place where the boss lives. www>

"follow me"

Yi Chu turned around with Feng Qining and the others, unexpectedly walked a few steps, and suddenly there was nothing in front of him, it turned out that those people had been prepared long ago, waiting for them to enter the net, and those people just now were just sent to catch them .

"you are here"

This sentence was said as if she was looking forward to their coming. Of course, Feng Qining did not doubt that it might be because she herself did not translate well. [

In front of them, they were standing in an open space surrounded by naked people holding torches. Not far in front of them sat a dark-skinned Biao wearing half a tiger skin with green leaves on its head. Big guy.

Feng Qining reckoned that this should be some sort of chief, and there were three people sitting on his left and right sides respectively. The six people were dressed similarly to that chief, except that they didn't wear leaves on their heads.

It should be something like a crown, Feng Qining doesn't quite understand, even if it's made of straw, it's better than just wearing a few leaves.

"Rimi, tell me, what will happen if I snatch the leaves from his head?"

Without giving Murong Li time to answer, the ribbon in Feng Qining's hand flew out, and the ribbon was precisely wrapped around the leaf on the man's head. With a little force in her hand, the leaf reached her hand.

None of those people seemed to have expected Feng Qining's move, and they were all taken aback.

"Isn't it just a few broken leaves? There is nothing to wear, and there is still a smell here"

Feng Qining threw it into Lan Se's arms in disgust, Lan Se caught it, and looked at Feng Qining incomprehensibly.

"Mother, why did you give it to me?"

Lancer looked at the leaves for a while, indeed, these leaves are almost dry, and will soon fall off, but this way, it does look a bit like a crown.

"I want you to see clearly, you should wear a golden crown in the future, not a tree crown"

Feng Qining's words finally pulled the dazed man back, the chief pointed at Feng Qining with trembling fingers, his tone was sharp, his expression was excited, his expression seemed to be swallowing Feng Qining.

"Son, give him back"

"Give it back to you, it's just a few broken leaves, give it to me, I don't even want it"

With a flick of Lancer's hand, the leaves spun and flew towards the man, the green light flew over, and the leaves precisely cut the chief's throat.

The chief's eyes widened in disbelief, and he fell to the ground under everyone's gaze.

"Son, you are miserable, killed their king"

The chief and the others may not know what it is, Feng Qining specially changed the word they can understand.

"Uh, I'm sorry, I was careless and I missed it. I just wanted to give you back what you asked for. I didn't expect this to happen" [

Lancer spoke very sincerely, but how could those people listen to what he said?Knife and fork brandished and rushed towards Lancer.

The scuffle started, and when Feng Qining and the others dealt with all those people, they also collapsed.

Blood dripped from the sword, and coquettish flowers bloomed on the ground. Feng Qining turned her head and looked at the two people who were captured over there.

Looking at each other, Feng Qining really lamented how small the world is, she unexpectedly ran into them again.

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