Those arrested were none other than Zhou Qing and Jing Sheng. Both of them had scars on their bodies, as if after a big battle, Feng Qining didn't know why they were in such a mess. www>

A few primitive people, they still can't deal with it?

Eyes swept over Zhou Qing, and Feng Qining understood a little bit, if it was only him, these people would not be able to do anything to him, but beside him, there is another Zhou Qing who doesn't know any martial arts, maybe she is dragging him down .

Zhou Qing and Jing Sheng didn't expect that Feng Qining and the others were also arrested. Jing Sheng was momentarily confused, because according to Feng Qining and the others' skills, they would definitely not be arrested here, but when his eyes swept across When it came to the people under his feet, Jing Sheng understood a little bit.

Maybe they came to teach these people a lesson. [

Those caught in the net, seeing the corpse at Feng Qining's feet, rushed towards them screaming, one knife at a time, Feng Qining easily dealt with it, with a bloodthirsty smile on the corner of her mouth.

Her smile frightened Zhou Qing, it was the first time she saw Feng Qining's mouth with such a wild, bloodthirsty smile, and it was the first time she saw Feng Qining killing so much.

Feng Qining felt that she was going to collapse. After killing so many people, she only ate two big cakes at night. She is not a robot, and even a robot would consume energy, so she only wanted a quick victory.

Blood splashed onto Zhou Qing's face, Zhou Qing was so frightened that he closed his eyes and screamed loudly.

"To shut up"

Feng Qi sneered coldly, she was tired and hungry, where was she still making noise, what did she mean by that?

The shocking coercion made Zhou Qing not dare to breathe out. After a long time, she didn't hear the sound, and she opened her eyes carefully.

In the watery moonlight, Feng Qining stood in front of her with a big knife in her hand. Her back was straight, and her whole body seemed to blend into this layer of icy moonlight. The indifference of strangers.

He glanced at Zhou Qing with cold eyebrows, Zhou Qing was so frightened that he didn't dare to breathe, put down the big knife, Feng Qining fell back, and Murongli, who was standing behind her, caught her steadily.


Feng Qining nodded: "Well, I'm so tired, but also so dirty."

If at this time, there is a place where she can take a good bath and sleep again, that would be wonderful. Of course, dreams are only suitable for dreaming. Feng Qining doesn't want to stay here for a moment.

"Take a break when you're tired"

As soon as Murong Li finished speaking, Feng Qining came out of his arms.

"No, it may not be safe here, let's go quickly"

At dawn, it happened to be the darkest time, Feng Qining and the others walked forward in the dark, Zhou Qing and Jing Sheng followed behind them, they wanted to say something, but unfortunately no one of Feng Qining's group paid any attention to them.

Walking past those dead tree trunks, Zhou Qing didn't pay attention, and followed in Feng Qining's footsteps. When she was struggling, Feng Qining and the others still didn't stop.

Looking at Feng Qining's back, Zhou Qing opened his mouth, but couldn't say anything. Feng Qining had said before leaving that she and her would only be strangers in the future.

"Mother, are you ignoring them?" [

Lan Se looked back at Zhou Qing who was still struggling, and spoke cautiously.

"If you want to take them, then I won't stop"

It's just that she doesn't want to see them, not them, and she won't impose her decision on them.

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