When Zhang Kai blinked, his clothes were already dirty. In this way, this group of people disregarded their status and face, playing and throwing mud on the mountain. After playing tired, they all turned into clay figurines.look
The rain also stopped at this time, her body was sticky, Feng Qi Ning moved, as if a little uncomfortable.

"Are we going to change our clothes again?"

Murong Li looked at her clothes, she would definitely catch a cold if she hurried on the road dressed like this.

"Well, find a place to rest" [

Feng Qining looked around, it was full of weeds, and it was all wet, and there was no place to sit, it seemed that she had to find another place.

The few people continued on their way, unexpectedly they reached the top of the mountain. On the mountain, there were two large lakes with clear water. Feng Qining looked at her own reflection in the lake, but couldn't recognize that it was herself.

The mud covered her face, and there was a lot of mud on her hair. The yellow mud had dyed her originally black hair yellow. If it wasn't for the dripping water and mud, Feng Qining would feel that this Nice color.

Feng Qining didn't hear any sound around her, so Feng Qining looked around. It turned out that at some time, Murong Li and the others had already retreated to the side, leaving space for Feng Qining.

Since they were so sensible, then she was impolite, quickly took off her clothes, and Feng Qining slid into the lake.

The lake looked very deep, Feng Qining didn't dare to go deep, and only went down to the edge of the lake.

The lake water was very cold. Feng Qining, who had just entered the lake, couldn't help shivering, and couldn't help muttering to herself: "Why is this lake water so cold?"

"Because it's snow water"

The male voice sounded from behind made Feng Qining turn her head suddenly, she raised her hand, and immediately put the clothes on her body, not caring about wiping off the water stains on her body, Feng Qining looked warily at the man who had disappeared for a long time before coming out suddenly.

Who is this man, and why does he always appear by her side like a ghost?And judging by his appearance, it seemed that he could appear in her life at any time.

"Why should Feng panic, it's not like I haven't seen your body before."

With a bang, Feng Qining's mind exploded, but her face forced herself to be calm. Impossible, how is this possible?

"If that's the case, then I'll kill you"

If he dared to take advantage of her, she would definitely not let him go.

The man smiled softly, the laughter was nice, like a warm wind blowing, but Feng Qining felt chills all over her body, what happened before?Let him always be by her side?

"I lied to you, Feng, don't be nervous"

Feng Qining looked at him suspiciously, can such a thing be used as a joke?He can joke about such things, so what else can he not joke about?

"I'm taking a shower, should you go away, or I'm welcome"

Feng Qining looked at the dirty clothes that couldn't cover her body, her eyes were as cold as an ice cave, if she wanted to do something now, she would really run naked. [

"Why does Feng think that I will definitely go away?"

Isn't it obvious that he appeared here at this time?Of course he came to watch her take a shower.

"court death"

A golden light flew out from Feng Qining's arm. Feng Qining looked up at the sky, her hair instantly turned golden, her body rose into the air, and she looked at the man with bloodthirsty eyes.

When the man saw Feng Qining's golden hair, he couldn't hide his surprise.

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