How could it be, at this time, how could it be possible?At the moment when the man was stunned, the golden light wrapped around him, the man waved his sleeve, the golden light disappeared, and the figure fluttered, appearing beside Feng Qining.
With a big hand, she supported Feng Qining's golden hair. When the man approached, Feng Qining's head began to hurt, and something seemed to burst out of the air.

"Don't think again"

The man gently hugged Feng Qining, Feng Qining opened her eyes wide, looking at the seductive face close at hand, before she had time to say anything, she fainted in the man's arms.

Gently put Feng Qining on the ground, the man's hands had the same light as Feng Qining's, and he was muttering something, brushing Feng Qining's head with his hand, taking one last look at Feng Qining, and the man left. [

Murongli and the others went to look for the cave, and when they came back, they didn't see Feng Qining coming out, so they were a little worried.


Murong Li looked at the empty lake, panicked in her voice, walked a few steps quickly, and when she lowered her head, she saw Feng Qining collapsed by the lake.

Murong Li's face turned pale, and she walked over quickly, helped Feng Qining up, and put her hand on Feng Qining's pulse, a steady pulse, nothing wrong with it, Murong Li heaved a sigh of relief, but her eyes were filled with something think.

Feng Qining was taking a bath, no matter how sleepy she was, it was impossible for her to fall asleep here, Murongli looked at the loose clothes on Feng Qining's body, and clenched her big hands tightly.


The low cry echoed in Feng Qining's ears, she opened her eyes with difficulty, and when Feng Qining saw that it was Murong Li, a pale smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

"Limei, what's wrong with me?"

Regarding her current situation, Feng Qining was a little confused. Her mind was blank and she couldn't think of anything. She didn't know why. Recently, she always felt like this. Her mind was often blank and there was nothing. She even forgot what she did in the last second.

"It's nothing, you were supposed to take a bath, but you were so sleepy that you fell asleep here"

Yeah?Feng Qining looked at Murongli suspiciously, how could she do such a stupid thing?

"Look at you, you said you were going to take a bath, but you were so tired that you fell asleep. You actually did such a confused thing."

Feng Qining saw that she was only wearing one piece of clothing, she looked at Murongli thoughtfully, "Is it really like this?"

"It's really like this. If it's not like this, what else does Feng want?"

Since Li Mei said it was so, then it should be so, Feng Qining thought, but why did she take off her clothes and then fall asleep?

"How can I be so confused, take off my clothes, but fall asleep?"

Talking to herself, Feng Qining sat up, her clothes slipped off her body, a large area of ​​spring was exposed in front of Murong Li's eyes, looking at Feng Qining's large snow-white skin, Murong Li's eyes were a little confused.

Looking at it like this, that person probably didn't do anything to her, but he wouldn't let anyone who had seen her body, Murong Li's eyes were bloodthirsty.

"Rimi, what's the matter with you? Why are you looking at me like that? Did something happen?" [

Regarding this matter, Feng Qining was still a little skeptical. She still didn't believe that she would do such a stupid thing. She slept by the lake when she wanted to take a bath. Is there really nothing tricky about it?

"Limei, are you hiding something from me?"

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