The speed was so fast that Feng Qining and the others clicked their tongues. Judging by his appearance, it seemed that he was really very hungry. Feng Qining really felt that he was hungry.
Regardless of whether they could finish eating or not, Feng Qining and the others roasted all the chickens, and the aroma spread far from the yard. These people, very bold, caught the chickens and roasted them right there.

"Do I think we're too crazy?"

Feng Qining looked at the few people opposite her, no matter what, this place is someone else's territory, wouldn't it be good for them to roast chicken here like this?

"Crazy or not, I'm doing it now, why do I think so much? Don't stop when you do it, and you can't stop" [

Yichu kept turning the chicken in his hand. With a few experiences, he made it much easier. The chicken was roasted deliciously by him, but the one in Feng Qining's hand was small and black.

Feng Qining looked at her own, then looked at theirs, they were all done at the same time, why is there such a big difference?Could it be that they are very talented and she is not at all?

Fengqi, you are depressed, aren't you, she is not so bad, is she?How can it be?

"It smells good, what does it taste like?"

Voices were heard not far away, and Feng Qining and the others peeped at each other, didn't they, they came so fast, they still had the last step, and they couldn't make it through.

"It seems to be roast chicken, who is roasting chicken?"

There was curiosity and anticipation in those people's voices, Feng Qining could even hear their sinister laughter, they probably thought they found out who was stealing chickens here, and they happened to find out, so they wanted to divide them up, but even if they were caught in the future , It's other people's business, not their business.

Everyone's eyes focused on Feng Qining's hand, the meaning was obvious, if she was asked to hand out the food in her hand, she would not be able to eat it.

Feng Qining is not happy anymore, why can't she eat it?No matter what, she baked it, the fruit of her labor, why throw it away?

Murong Li took the meat in her hand. When those people walked to the chicken coop, the black meat stretched out like that. The sudden appearance of the black thing startled those people. , It was stuffed into the mouths of those people.

The burnt smell came with a bitter taste, coupled with the scalding meat, the man was so hot that he jumped up and wanted to scream, but the piece of meat was tightly plugged into his mouth, and he couldn't get it out even with effort.

Feng Qining's ribbon was wrapped around the heads of the other people, and before they cried out, she took the rag that wiped the chicken coop on the ground and blocked their mouths.

Finally, Feng Qining tied their hands and feet with a cloth. Speaking of which, the landlord's chicken coop was also very clean, and the chicken coop was wiped clean, but those people were a little lazy. After wiping, they put the rags on the tree. On the other hand, if they are not placed on the tree, they cannot be cheap now.

"How? Think you're smart? Spotted us?"

Feng Qining took the fragrant chicken and shook it over the noses of those people, the smell was too fragrant, making their saliva flow out.

"What? If you want to eat, then tell me, where is Rich Zhang now?"

In such a big mansion, it would take some time to find someone. If someone told her, it would save a lot of trouble. Feng Qining's wishful thinking was well planned.

Those people pointed to the outside, their gagged mouths were hemmed and speechless, Feng Qining generously removed the rag from his mouth.

(to this day) [

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