
Without thinking too much, Murong Li kicked him, and the man slammed into the wall, blood flowed from his head, and he just passed out like that.Fiction Rankings
"How? Do you still want to call?"

Turning the rag, Feng Qining looked at them leisurely. Those people shook their heads in a hurry. These people didn't know where they came from, and they didn't look like people without money. Why did they come here to steal chickens? Woolen cloth?

Can't figure it out, can't figure it out. [

"Tell me, where is rich man Zhang? You just need to point it out, needless to say"

Those people peeked at each other, but none of them were willing to point in one direction. They all looked at Feng Qining with embarrassment in their eyes.

"What? Let you say, embarrassing you?"

Feng Qining rubbed her own dagger, the gleaming dagger made those people close their eyes in fear.

Yichu squatted down and removed the cloth from someone's mouth: "You still don't want to say?"

He didn't think these people were dead men. In order not to reveal Zhang Yuanwai's whereabouts, they would rather not have their own lives. In his opinion, these people would rather reveal Zhang Yuanwai's whereabouts than lose their own lives.

"Yuanwai went to the temple today and hasn't come back yet."

I usually come back at this time, but I haven't come back at this time today. Who knows if he has taken a fancy to another girl on the road?Maybe they will have another aunt here tonight!

go to the temple?Feng Qining and Murong Li exchanged glances, does a person like him burn incense and worship Buddha?He has done so many wicked things, he has half a foot in the coffin, and he is still so lustful, God will accept him sooner or later.

Since there is no owner here, Feng Qining and the others have nothing to fear, they sit on the tree generously and eat their roast chicken.

The people who were caught by them and tied to the tree looked at them blankly. They have seen arrogant people before, but this is the first time they have seen such arrogant people. Rich Zhang is not at home, but his wife is still at home. .

Are they not afraid of being discovered?

"You said, we are here, how long will it take for those people to find us?"

Feng Qining felt that if they hadn't deliberately made noise, no one would have noticed them.

"Feng really wants to be discovered?"

Feng Qining shook her head: "No, I'm just curious, when will those people find us?"

"I think that they might not find out that we are here. If Ning'er wants to be found out, she can make some noise herself. Then, people will find out."

She didn't want to be discovered, she just wanted to kill Zhang Yuanwai when he would come back, and she would kill him early, and then go back quickly.

"Don't we just wait here if he doesn't come back?" [

Lancer said sadly, it's getting dark, who knows when that member will come back?If he doesn't come back all night, then they have to wait and wait all night?

Isn't he at a loss?

"Well, let's go to his room and wait."

Feng Qining's idea was quickly opposed by Murong Li: "If he doesn't go back to his room, what should he do if he goes to his aunt?"

Everyone nodded, Mr. Zhang is a lecher, and it is very possible that he lingers in Wenrou Township every day.

"Then what do you say? Should we just go back like this and come back tomorrow?"

It's usually better to kill at night, but during the day, should they be so arrogant?

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