"Let's go and have a look, maybe he will come back after we finish shopping here."

Zhang Kai's idea was approved by everyone, except of course the people who were tied under the tree, those people were already speechless because of their words.look
finished shopping?Where are they going to visit?From what they said, they clearly wanted to visit this place. What do they think this is?is their home?Are they just shopping when they want?

Who gave them the courage to be so bold?

When they were terrified, Feng Qining and the others jumped down from the tree, seeing that graceful figure made the mouths of those present salivate. [

The few people who are full of lust only see Feng Qining's beauty, and completely forget why they are here. Their current fate is all thanks to her.

"What are you looking at? Take back your lustful eyes, or don't blame me for being rude."

Lancer stretched out his finger to them, poking their eyes, and those people closed their eyes in fear.

It's terrible, these people are all devils, the devils they can only avoid and not mess with.

"Let's go, they can't shout anymore, if someone comes, they will naturally let them go, forgive them and dare not say anything, otherwise..."

The following words were not finished, but the words were full of threats. Those people shrank their necks in fear, as if they were afraid that their necks would fall off accidentally.

When they couldn't see their backs at all, those people breathed a sigh of relief. Where did these people come from, and how could they be so scary?

After leaving the chicken coop, Feng Qining and the others came to a garden. Needless to say, this garden was the rich man's, but his garden was worse and more dilapidated than any other garden they had seen.

In the garden, there are only a few willow trees and a lake, which is considered a relatively good scenery, and the rest are only some big red flowers.

The big red flowers can be seen everywhere on the roadside, Feng Qining looked at this so-called garden, she really is a rich man, this taste is not ordinary soil, the wild flowers on the roadside are more beautiful than the flowers in his garden.

"I feel like I'm in the wild"

Lancer sized it up for a while, and finally came up with such a sentence, he wondered if the local rich man went to the roadside, looked for a few flowers everywhere, and then brought them here.

"Forget it, he has no taste, why do you ask him so much? We don't have time to appreciate this, hurry up and find out where his room is, and then maybe we can get a fortune by the way"

Feng Qining took a look at Yi Chu, this person, since when did he become so smart, at this moment he can still think of making another fortune,

"Don't Ning'er like this kind the most?"

Seeing Feng Qining looking over, Yi Chu said this very normally, Feng Qining rolled her eyes helplessly, she likes money the most, but at this time, she didn't think about it, she only thought about it Hurry up and get rid of that rich man, and then go back quickly, but she likes to do things like taking sheep by the hand.

The home of the rich man is not very big, there are only two yards, one yard is for his wife and concubine, and the other yard is for him to live in. There are only two trees planted in the yard. Feng Qining has no doubts that these two Trees come to enjoy the shade. If they didn't need to enjoy the shade, these two trees probably wouldn't be here.

Walking to the rich man's room, Feng Qining was a little unflattered by the furnishings there.

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