"You said we killed it, then we say we didn't kill it, will you believe it?"

The girl looked at her sister on the ground, and then at the group of people in front of her. With sharp eyes, she saw the wound on her sister's body. It was obvious that someone had applied medicine to her wound, and Murong Li was still holding a pack of wounds in her hand. medicine.Just look at the entertainment embarrassment picture
The girl is not an idiot, she knows that they did not kill her sister, they probably passed by here, saw her sister was injured, and wanted to save her.

"I'm sorry, I blamed you all wrongly, you didn't kill my sister, I apologize"

Feng Qining was surprised by the girl's apology. Just now she was savagely questioning them about killing her sister, but after a while, she actually apologized. [

Is it that easy for her to trust them?

"I know, you didn't kill my sister. You probably wanted to save her just now. I blamed you all."

The girl lowered her head slightly, and sincerely apologized to Feng Qining and the others. Feng Qining, who was a bit nympho and disliked her originally, liked her sincerity.

People who know they are wrong and apologize right away are rare.

"No need to apologize, your sister told us that it was Ye Ru who killed her..."

Before Feng Qining finished speaking, the girl screamed: "Ye Ru, how is it possible? Did she really say that?"

The girl shook Feng Qining's body, as if this fact was such a blow to her that she couldn't accept it.

"Yes, your sister really told me that, she was killed by Ye Ru, and he wanted to kill not only your sister, but also his three brothers."

Feng Qining told the girl very firmly that the girl's hand was hanging down feebly, her face was pale, and she staggered back.

"No, it's impossible, how is it possible, how could he kill him, he loves his sister so much, loves her so much"

The girl fell down beside the woman, looking at her corpse with dull eyes, looking at her battered appearance, Feng Qining and the others looked at each other, not knowing what was going on now.

If that person really loved her sister as much as she said, why kill her now?It must be that he doesn't love her enough. Her position in his heart is not comparable to the temptation of power.

"Thank you for your help"

The girl came back to her senses, thanked Feng Qining and the others again, then knelt beside the girl, neither moving nor speaking.

"You're welcome, I'm not only helping you, but also helping us. Those people said that we killed the leader of the martial arts and let us die."

Feng Qining's words made the girl look up and point at her: "It turns out that you are the people Master and the others are looking for."

What kind of masters, they are obviously a few bald donkeys, blood spraying people, telling stories, such people, considered a master Mao, can only be called a few flower monks.

"Yes, we are the people they are looking for, do you want to tell them?"

Yichu generously admitted, if it wasn't for Ye Ru, how could so many things happen?If he wants to kill, he can kill, if he wants to seize power, then he can seize power, but why is it this time? [

But when they were passing by, they were really unlucky. When they didn't leave, they just passed by at this time. They just happened to pass by here, and they happened to take the blame for him.

The girl looked at her elder sister, then at Feng Qining and the others, and sat on the ground weakly again. If the facts were as they said, it would be really terrible.

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