"What's going on, shouldn't you tell us?"

Feng Qi Ning squatted down, her tone was a bit coaxing, now she wants to know what happened, she can only start from the girl, the girl knows why this incident is so surprising, she doesn't believe it, and if she tells it, others won't believe it even more .
"My name is Tang Xuan, and my sister's name is Tang Yi. We are from Tangjiabao."

Tang Jiabao is both good and evil in the martial arts world, and he can do whatever he wants. For this reason, many people in the martial arts world can't understand it. The same is true for Tang Xuan and Tang Yi, because they are the younger sisters of Tang Jiabao. They are beautiful and beautiful, and many people in the martial arts world covet their beauty, but no one really dares to pursue them.

Meeting Ye Ru was a very accidental thing. That day, the two sisters went out to play, but they were taken by a gang of hooligans and accidentally drugged. Ye Ru passed by and rescued them. [

"He is the heart of our two sisters, but he only likes his sister."

There was a bit of melancholy in Tang Xuan's voice. Ye Ru was handsome, good-looking, and well-behaved. Few women would not fall in love with such a man.

At that time, he didn't know their identities, and they didn't know his background. After he rescued them, it started to rain heavily, and they hid from the rain in a cave. Because she was frightened, she fell asleep early. Then the two of them chatted there alone, chatting all night.

When she woke up, she obviously found that the atmosphere in the cave was different, and the eyes of the two were also different.

Tang Yi is gentle and beautiful, kind-hearted, and kind-hearted. She is more willful and tricky. At best, she is eccentric, but at worst, she is barbaric and unreasonable.

Ye Ru would fall in love with her elder sister and it was logical. They were in pairs, and it was not good for her to look at them sweetly. Although the elder sister didn't say anything, but seeing the uncomfortable appearance of the two of them, she herself felt the same. He left very wisely.

Later, I don't know what happened, it seems that Ye Ru took Tang Yi home, but Tang Yi finally returned to Tangjiabao crying.

"I heard from my sister that it seems that the martial arts leader knew her identity, didn't like her, and asked Ye Ru to kill her"

Feng Qining frowned. If she doesn't like it, then she doesn't like it. Just explain directly, at most, it would be better to drive her away, why kill her?It seems that he is not a good person.

"Ye Ru refused to die. Later, the martial arts leader wanted to do it himself. Ye Ru let my sister go. My sister fled back to Tangjiabao."

This matter made a big fuss, and the next day, it was widely spread in the martial arts world, saying that the youngest son of the martial arts leader had taken a fancy to the young lady of Tangjiabao.

Tangjiabao, many people in the martial arts wanted to eradicate them, but they couldn't find a suitable excuse. Tangjiabao hadn't committed any crimes in the past few years, and they couldn't find an excuse to make trouble.

Now that something like this has happened, why don't you hurry up and get into the dark?

Many people said that Tang Yi used seductive techniques to seduce Ye Ru, which made Ye Ru fall in love with her at first sight.

"Those people in the martial arts world say that my sister is shameless, and some people say that all of this was designed by my sister."

Tang Xuan's tone was filled with anger. All of this was clearly God's will. How could it be my sister's fault in the end?It's obviously none of her business.

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