Murong Li pondered, Tang Xuan only knew the beginning, but didn't know so many things in the middle, what happened to Tang Yi and Ye Ru?They didn't know how Tang Yi found out about Ye Ru's plan. www>

If they want to prove that they didn't kill the leader of the martial arts alliance, they must know these things, otherwise they will kill Ye Ru directly, and those people will think that they are villains even more.

"But for these, we still need to find Ye Ruxian first. If we don't find him, all of this will not be solved."

Feng Qining held her chin with her hands, her face was pensive, and after discussing with them, they decided that the most important thing is to go to Ye Ru first, even if they scare them, they must scare his words out, coerce and lure them, and do everything they can.

"I think we are like this, I am afraid that we will be stopped by others before we reach the martial arts lord's mansion" [

Lan Se looked at himself, then at Feng Qining, Feng Qining nodded, and finally, they decided to change their faces.

Tang Xuan waited outside the bushes. Feng Qining and the others went to change their faces and change their clothes. Tang Xuan was very curious about what they were going to look like after all.

A voice came from the grass, and Tang Xuan turned around. Even though Feng Qining told her to be mentally prepared, she was still frightened when she saw the scene in front of her.

It's not that they were shocked by their appearance, but by the seamless disguise technique that day. Tang Xuan's appearance made Feng Qining feel funny.

"What? Can't you recognize it?"

The delicate voice made Tang Xuan point her finger at Feng Qining: "Here, you, are you Miss Feng?"

"What? Are you surprised?"

Feng Qining looked at herself, there seemed to be nothing surprising, she just changed into men's clothes, she hadn't worn men's clothes for a long time, the moment she put them on, she felt a little nostalgic.

"Fifth Young Master Feng, my name"

Feng Qining told Tang Xuan solemnly, the name she hadn't seen for a long time, her sharp eyes narrowed, and a cold light appeared in Feng Qi Ning's eyes, such a cold light made Tang Xuan shiver.

If she hadn't known for a long time that the person in front of her was a woman, she would never have believed that the person in front of her was a woman.

"Miss Tang, let's go, now you are the only woman here, we want to protect you"

Feng Qining made a gesture of invitation, her overly delicate face, after changing her appearance, the lines became much firmer, when she looked at Tang Xuan, there was still a slight smile in her eyes, there was a kind of cleanliness that was soothing and slowly flowing. beautiful.

Looking at Feng Qining, Tang Xuan's face turned red slowly.

Murong Li shook her head, Feng Qining went to seduce young and ignorant girls again, did she just want to harm Tang Xuan?

"Okay, let's go quickly, Miss Tang, you should know where the martial arts lord's mansion is, hurry up and lead the way"

The slightly cold words brought Tang Xuan back from her sluggishness. There was annoyance in her eyes. She actually blushed at a woman.

Embarrassed, Tang Xuan didn't dare to look at Feng Qining, so she jumped on the horse and ran forward first, not even answering Murong Li's words.

"Feng, you scare people" [

Murong Li shook her head, and said helplessly, Feng Qining pointed at herself, is she a wolf?Will scare her?

"Ning'er, you have to be careful when joking, what will you do if you scare her away?"

Feng Qining moved her mouth, and when she was about to speak, Lan Se said again: "Mother, it doesn't matter, she doesn't like you, I like you, I won't be scared by you"

"Don't think about seducing your mother all day long, and you should change your name to Daddy now"

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