Zhang Kai patted Lan Se's head, and just as they were talking, Feng Qining had already mounted her horse, and she no longer cared about them. There were many people with different opinions, and she was used to it.
A group of people walked on the road, changing their appearance, Feng Qining and the others are not afraid of being discovered, who else would discover them now?

Tang Xuan told them that the Martial Arts Leader's Mansion is at the foot of the mountain, and they will be there just walking along this road.

"If you want to kill people, you don't need to find a place farther away, it's just behind the house, but how did those people come after them so quickly?"

Feng Qining couldn't figure this out, even if she wanted to take action, she didn't receive the news so quickly, did she? [

"That's because today is the birthday of the leader of the martial arts. Those people probably couldn't find the leader of the martial arts, so they came here."

But it won't come here so quickly, will it?Feng Qining sensed something was wrong, she smelled a conspiracy.

"Didn't your sister say anything to you in her letter?"

Yichu looked at Tang Xuan, Tang Xuan gave him a weird look, and shook her head firmly: "No, she just told me that she misses me very much, and if I'm free, come and see her, she also said She and Ye Ru are very happy together, very happy, living in the lord's mansion"

Because she said that she lived in the lord's mansion, she thought she was really good and happy, but unexpectedly she encountered such a result. Tang Xuan couldn't imagine that if she hadn't come, wouldn't even her sister's last time be the same? What if I can't see it?

"Is it convenient to show me your sister's letter?"

"It's not inconvenient, you can watch it if you want."

Tang Xuan took out the letter from her bosom, Feng Qining reached out to take it, unfolded the letter, Feng Qining quickly read the contents on it, and then handed it to Murongli, there was indeed nothing inside.

What was written in the letter was that I had been away from home for a long time. I don't know how my sister and parents are doing, whether they are doing well, and just like Tang Xuan said, tell her that she lived in the Martial Arts Leader's Mansion. It's very good, she doesn't have to worry about it.

"She obviously had a bad life, why did she say that she had a good life? I think she should know something, but it's hard to say in the letter, that's why she asked you to come here"

Feng Qining guessed, otherwise, if she didn't write it sooner or later, but why did she write it at this time, how could there be such a coincidence?

"Don't guess, this letter told us"

Yichu held up the letter, facing the sun, Feng Qining and the others saw a line of words: I am in danger

The color of those characters is a little darker than normal characters, but not much darker. If you don’t pay attention, you might not be able to see it. Like Murong Li and Feng Qi Ning, they didn’t pay much attention. Yi Chu saw it.

is she in danger?In other words, she knew something at that time, but why didn't she say it?What is she worried about?

"Brother Yi, you are really smart, but it's too late to know now"

Feng Qining glanced at Tang Xuan, with annoyance on her face.

"It turns out that my sister called me to rescue her early in the morning, but I didn't know it."

Tang Xuan said regretfully, if she had known earlier, perhaps the situation would not have happened today, and her sister might not have died. [

"What's the use even if you came early? You might even pay for yourself. Although you came late now, you are ordered to avenge her."

Tang Xuan looked at Feng Qining angrily. Couldn't this person speak better?

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