The scuffle started, and the sound of fighting here quickly attracted the guards. Murong Li only stunned a group of people, but not all of them. How could such a loud fighting sound not attract them.look
When those people saw someone coming, they didn't bother to fight, and fled away with a feint.

“Going pretty fast”

Murong Li looked at the direction in which they were fleeing, Feng Qining rolled her eyes, the fact that they fled quickly meant that they fled slowly.

"They escaped, why don't we run away quickly, should we wait for others to catch them?" [

Feng Qining grabbed Murong Li, and Murong Li hugged her waist. The two quickly disappeared in front of everyone. Yi Chu and Zhang Kai also left quickly. Lan Se was about to flee when she saw Tang Xuan standing there in a daze. In the same place, as if he hadn't reacted yet, he rolled his eyes.

"What are you still doing, let's go"

Lan Se grabbed Tang Xuan's hand and walked away in a swift motion. The speed was so fast that it made Tang Xuan dizzy.

When she stopped, Tang Xuan's legs were weak, she held onto the tree with her hands, panting continuously, Lan Se despised her useless look.

"Don't you have martial arts? Are you afraid of this?"

If she could, Tang Xuan would definitely give him a supercilious look. He was so fast just now, she couldn't see everything around her clearly. She could only hear the sound of the wind blowing in her ears. Who wouldn't be afraid of the feeling of being blinded? ?He went to ask, who would not be afraid?I'm afraid there is no one.

Murong Li took out a part of the painting she had obtained from her bosom, unfolded it, and there was only one neck inside, Murong Li had frustration in her eyes.

It would be fine if there was only one head, but what's the use if there's only one neck?

"Limei, what is in your hand?"

Feng Qining took it over, looked at the slender white neck, and glanced at Murong Li, is there anything in this painting?Why can't she see anything at all?

"It's the painting you want to grab"

This is that painting?Look at this, the one who painted is a woman, don't tell her with such a neck, she is not a woman.

Yi Chu and Zhang Kai also leaned over their heads, everyone's eyes were on the painting, and it looked like it was a treasure map.

"Look, what is this?"

Yichu pointed at the painting. It turned out that there was something in the middle of the woman's neck. He had never seen that kind of material before. Even if it was a painting, he seemed to be able to see the red light from that thing.

Feng Qining's eyes moved to Yichu's hand, and suddenly, she opened her eyes wide. She didn't pay attention to it just now, because that thing was very familiar to her, or too familiar, so she didn't pay much attention.

Because that thing can be seen everywhere on modern rich people. She has seen too many of them, and she has forgotten that this era does not have this thing.

"A diamond, that's a diamond"

Feng Qining was surprised, how could it be possible?How could there be diamonds here?She hasn't seen that thing since she's been here for so long, and even if it exists, it's still undeveloped. In this era, there probably isn't anything that cuts diamonds. [

But the one on this woman's neck is obviously artificially modified. How can it be natural with such a delicate appearance, not to mention that she can still wear it on her neck. If there is no hole, how can she wear it?

"Diamond, what is it?"

Everyone looked at Feng Qining suspiciously, it was the first time they had heard the name Diamond.

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