"Diamond refers to polished diamond, which is a natural mineral and the rough diamond.
After explaining such a long passage, Yichu and the others still had a half-knowledge, while Zhang Kai was at a loss.

"Well, it's fine if you don't know. The explanation is endless. Anyway, this kind of thing is hard to find. Even if you find diamonds, you may not be able to get them. Such a diamond should be very rare. Yes, someone must have seen it.”

She didn't believe that no one knew, Feng Qining's eyes looked at Zhang Kai, such a precious thing, a person like him should have heard about it.

"Why is Feng looking at me like that, I've never heard of this"[

Ignorant and ignorant, Feng Qining didn't even bother to wink at him. He hadn't heard of such a famous thing, and she didn't know what else he had heard of.

Isn't there another person?Yichu and Murongli looked at Tang Xuan together, only then did they realize that Lan Se and Tang Xuan were actually bickering over there.

"Why do you despise me? I'm a woman, so I'm a little timid, isn't it normal?"

"Isn't my mother also a woman, and I have never seen her so timid?"

Speaking of this, Lan Se's words were full of pride, Feng Qining is different from ordinary women.

"That's because she's not a woman"

Murong Li, Yi Chu and Zhang Kai all looked at Feng Qining, she was not a woman, and now she looks like she is indeed not a woman.

"Who do you say is not a woman?"

A cool, dangerous voice came from the side, Tang Xuan shuddered, and finally realized what she had said, oh my god, what did she say, she actually spoke ill of that woman.

Tang Xuan carefully glanced at Feng Qining, she was looking at her with a smile that was not a smile, it was dangerous, Tang Xuan felt the danger, it was still very dangerous.

"No, don't worry, I never said you are not a woman, don't worry, you are a very woman, very woman"

As if there was no explanation, Feng Qining was speechless, and stuffed the picture in Tang Xuan's arms, "Look at the things on the picture, do you recognize them?"

Do you know what?Tang Xuan unfolded the picture and looked at it for a long time, but couldn't see anything.

"What do you want me to see?"

Knowing that she couldn't see it, Feng Qining pointed helplessly at the diamond on the picture: "This, have you seen it?"

After watching for a long time, Tang Xuan opened her eyes wide in surprise, "This, is this a red stone?"

What red stone? It's a diamond. Just as Feng Qining was about to correct her, Tang Xuan said, "I remember, this was given to Ye Ru's mother by the leader."

Ye Ru is the leader's third child, but his mother is the first wife of the leader, that is to say, his mother is the wife of the leader, but the leader has married her for ten years, she has nothing to do, no children, the leader is very reasonable In order to marry the second and third wives.

Before there were those two wives, the relationship between the leader and his wife was very good. As long as there was something good, the leader would leave it to the wife of the leader, and this red stone was bought by the leader at a high price from a passing merchant. of. [

This incident was quite a sensation at the time, because there was an episode in it.

At that time, it was not only the leader but also another wealthy businessman who took a fancy to this stone.

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