Coincidentally, both of them felt that the stone was especially suitable for their wives, so the asking price of the stone gradually increased during the contest between the two, and finally, the leader bought the stone for 1000 taels.Passionate picture feast
"It's only 1000 taels"

Feng Qining was a little disappointed, she thought it was very high, but she didn't expect it to be only 1000 taels, the 1000 taels here is 1 yuan, not much, that diamond is pure in color, it is priceless.

She bought it for less than 1000 taels, why didn't she come across such a good thing?

"It's just a stone, and it's not something valuable. Is 1000 taels still cheap?"[

Tang Xuan looked at Feng Qining with weird eyes, she must be stupid, she doesn't know what she is talking about?

"You don't understand even after you say it, so go ahead and talk."

She is an ancient person, of course she doesn't know the dignity of diamonds, and Feng Qining didn't expect her to understand.

Somehow, this matter spread in the martial arts world, and people spread it more and more, saying that the leader of the martial arts leader is willing to spend a lot of money for his wife, and the leader's wife has become the envy of all women.

It's a pity that the good times didn't last long. The two got married for three years, but the wife still didn't make any sound in her stomach. Slowly, the leader's complexion became more and more bad, and the wife became more and more depressed.

In the fifth year, the leader brought back a woman with a big belly, Ye Sen's mother, and that woman was also upbeat, and the first child was a son, which made the leader very happy. He and his wife swore to each other at that time.

In order to please that woman, he even wanted to divorce his wife, but the woman put on a high profile and generous appearance, persuading the leader not to divorce his wife.

The madam is still the same madam. Everyone in the lord's mansion knows that the second lady is in charge. In the third year after the second lady came in, the lord brought back a woman with a big belly.

"The lord is really a romantic ghost."

Feng Qining said disdainfully, if she is a flirt, she should be flirtatious, but she still has to make excuses, saying that she has no children. If he really loved his wife so much, he would not marry someone else for the sake of children.

It can only be said that that kind of love is too cheap, and cheap love cannot stand a little test.

"Of course the second lady refused when she saw it, and she cried and made a fuss, but the woman had a big belly, and it was impossible for the leader to drive him away. The second lady had made a fuss, and she had no choice but to calm things down, not to mention that she was afraid of doing that again. If you keep making trouble, you will get nothing."

Not long after the third wife's child was born, the second wife was also pregnant, and at this time, the leader's wife was pregnant. It turned out that during the time when the second wife was crying and making a scene, the leader thought of his former wife.

The gentle lady, the woman who didn't even want to speak loudly to the servants, in such a sad day, he finally thought of her, so Ye Ru came.

The leader's wife originally thought that she would save her love with this child, but she didn't expect that with more boys, the leader would not care about it at all, not to mention that the second wife has a little tricks, how can she beat her?

No child, lost love, was disappointed and resigned to fate at that time, had a child, but love could not be redeemed, the wife experienced from hope to despair at that time, nothing is more sad than heart.

"Mrs. Leader, it seems that she has gone crazy since then"

Tang Xuan nodded, as if she was sure that her guess was correct.

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