"How do you know so much?"

Feng Qining's words were full of doubts, it wasn't that she wanted to doubt, it was these things, at her age, she didn't seem to know so much, who would inquire about what happened decades ago for no reason?

"My dad told me"

Her father was so opposed to Tang Yi and Ye Ru being together, and he even said that he would never let them be together. Ever since she was a child, she had never seen her father so opposed to them doing something.Grain-grain-net-first-post www>

The sisters like to go out to play, and even though Dad can't tell them to go out, but when they go out, he will only say a few words to them, and will not really do anything to them. [

"My father has never said harsh words to me and my sister. This is the first time. He is afraid that Ye Ru will be like his father. Then my sister must be miserable in the future, but my sister doesn't believe it. I can't imagine that I will end up like this ending"

There was a bit of sadness in Tang Xuan's words. I don't know if my sister regrets not listening to her father's words, maybe she doesn't, because she hasn't tried it, so how would she know?

"Things are now clear. This painting is very likely to be the wife of the leader, but who is the one who robbed this painting? Why did they rob this painting?"

Feng Qining frowned, this matter seemed to be getting more and more complicated, the more people involved, the more people involved.

"You just said that the leader's wife is crazy, so where is she now?"

Being crazy doesn't mean she's dead, she should still be there, maybe there might be some clues to find her, why did Ye Ru put his mother's painting beside him?

"I don't know, my father didn't tell me"

Tang Xuan shook her head, how did she know so much?What's more, it's been so long, maybe her father doesn't know about it, it's a family matter, who cares about nothing, and can't care about his own affairs.

"Forget it, let's check it out"

Yichu looked at the sky, it was already dawn, and it was very close to dawn, and it would not be too late for them to inquire after dawn.

Feng Qining also looked at the sky, she couldn't see it, she felt very tired, and the few people stopped worrying about it, and went to find a place to sleep, the next day, Yichu and Lanse asked It turned out that the leader's wife was imprisoned in a very secret place by the leader, because she was afraid that she would affect his reputation, so she stayed in the leader's mansion and tarnished his eyes.

It's just that no one knows where the secret place is.

"It's locked up? Isn't it in the lord's mansion?"

If it is possible, Feng Qining really wants to go to the underworld to question the lord, no matter what, it is her original wife, and it is fine if he betrays her, and finally locks her up. man?

"Don't get excited, our most important thing now is to find her"

Murong Li comforted Feng Qining, Feng Qining was a bit feminist, if she knew someone who treated women badly, she would probably kill that person.

"I think we can start with Ye Ru, who is his mother no matter what, and he will definitely visit."

Yichu said, this idea is quite good, but who of them knows where Ye Ru is now?They didn't even see his shadow, even if he appeared in front of them, they probably wouldn't recognize him.

"We can go and ask someone" [

The corner of Murong Li's mouth twitched into a confident smile, that bright smile was brighter than the newborn sun.

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