Feng Qining's words made the young woman stunned for a while, and after a while, she realized that the ripe day lily in Feng Qining's mouth was herself.Grain-grain-net-first-post www>

"Who do you say is the cooked daylily?"

She is not old at all, this person actually said she is old, has she ever seen an old man as beautiful as her?

"I'm just saying this, you don't want to be in the right seat, but I don't mind if you are in the right seat"

Feng Qining's relaxed words made the young woman's eyes widen. She, what does she mean? [

"When did I take my seat?"

But what does check-in mean?Why doesn't she understand?

"Oh, you don't know who you are, and you don't know who it is. When you talk about old age, you think it's yourself. Since you feel old, then admit it. Why do you pretend to be young? Even if you pack it up, you can't hide your inner beauty. The Facts of Nothing"

Feng Qining threw another sentence that made the young woman's angry head smoke, the young woman clenched the whip tightly in her hand, the whip hit the ground heavily, dust flew up, Feng Qining's eyes narrowed slightly.

What is she planning to do?Want to shoot yourself?Without any warning, the young woman's whip hit Feng Qining's face.

Since that face does not belong to her, then she should be ruined, Feng Qining put on a very gentle smile on her lips, watching the whip hit her without avoiding it, when the whip was about to touch her When it came to her, Feng Qining stretched out her hand and firmly grasped the whip.

The young woman saw that her whip was so easily grabbed by Feng Qining, and her eyes widened in surprise. At the moment she was surprised, Feng Qining's hand was hard, and the young woman felt a force attacking her hand. , with numbness in her wrist, she involuntarily let go of her whip.

With a flick of the whip, Feng Qining swung it towards the young woman.


The young woman covered her face. It turned out that Feng Qining's whip didn't hit her anywhere, but her face. How could Feng Qining let herself suffer? Since she wanted to hit her in the face, she naturally wouldn't let go.

"you you"

The young woman pointed at Feng Qining with trembling fingers, did she know how important her face was to her, yet she hit her face with a whip like this.

"What am I, is there anything wrong with me doing this? I just want to give you back what you did to me"

As she said that, Feng Qining waved the whip at her again, the young woman looked at the whip flying like a black dragon, she ignored the pain on her face, and quickly dodged, the whip seemed to have life in Feng Qining's hands, no matter what Wherever she hides, she can follow closely.

The young woman hid in embarrassment, her movements gradually slowed down, and finally, when she turned around, Feng Qining's whip hit the other half of her face again.

The young woman is about to go crazy now, this man, who doesn't hit anywhere, but hits her in the face, isn't it killing her?

"What to cover? Let me see if it's symmetrical. If it's not, I can fix it for you."

"I am going to kill you"

The young woman flung her teeth and claws at Feng Qining. Feng Qining bent down and easily dodged the young woman's attack. [

"Why are you so excited? I'm just doing it for your own good. You can see that you've already become like this. If it's asymmetrical, wouldn't it be ugly? It's the first time I've done something like this, and my technique isn't very good."

The young woman waved her hands and wanted to rush towards Feng Qining, her left and right hands quickly grabbed her hand.

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