Murongli and Yichu stood on both sides of the young woman, one on the left and the other on the right, each holding her hand, the strength they used was clever, and they grabbed the young woman's hand so that the young woman couldn't move even if she wanted to. www>

Feng Qining looked at the bloodstains on her face, blinked, and then looked at it carefully, nodding while looking at it, very satisfied with her masterpiece.

"Yes, this looks really good. Although it's my first time doing it, it's already very good to do it like this for the first time."

Feng Qining explained to herself, Murongli and the others listened very funny, but the young woman wanted to strangle her to death, what did it mean that she was sitting for the first time and her skills were not bad?Her face was ruined by her, but she still said it was okay.

What a hairy! [

"If you didn't block it with your hands just now, I might be able to make the two sides completely symmetrical. Unfortunately, you blocked it with your hands and it was off. Alas, why do you say you are doing this? You can't block it. In the end, I hurt my hand again."

Feng Qining's eyes looked at the young woman's hand, and the young woman followed her eyes to look up, and yelled again in fright.

It turned out that Feng Qining's whip just hit her hand, and it still hit her little finger. The red bloodstain divided her little finger into two parts. From a distance, her little finger seemed to be hard and painful. Divided into two paragraphs.

Feng Qining blocked her ears, and looked at her displeasedly: "What is it called, you caused all this by yourself"

If she didn't want to ruin her face, she wouldn't do such a thing to her. After all, she found it all by herself.

Ye Ru struggled inside and went outside. When he saw Tang Xuan, his face paled in shock. He lowered his head and wanted to walk over.

Tang Xuan tugged on Feng Qining's sleeve, and gestured to her with her eyes.

Feng Qining glanced at her, what did she do to her?Since you don't want him to leave so easily, why not make trouble for him? What's so terrible about it?

"Master Ye, your friend has been caught, don't you plan to help?"

When Ye Ru was about to walk through the exit, Feng Qining finally spoke, Ye Ru stopped, turned around and showed a half-hearted smile to Feng Qining and the others.

"You guys misunderstood, she is not my old friend, she just wanted to attack me"

The young woman looked at Ye Ru, seemingly unexpected that he would say such a thing, and Feng Qining had already guessed that he would say such a thing, this person, at this time, he would definitely protect himself.

"Is that so? But she told us just now that you are her best friend. Also, you are disheveled, and her clothes are also very messy. You look like this, tell others that you don't have any tricks, you Say, who would believe it?"

Feng Qining looked at the people next to her, those people shook their heads to show their position, Feng Qining looked at Ye Ru.

Ye Ru looked at his clothes, he was barely clothed now, just now the woman ripped off his clothes forcefully, causing a piece of his clothes to be torn, and the front skirt was already opened.

This is not important, you can tie it up when you open it, the problem is, the rope that tied the clothes was broken by the young woman, that is to say, now he can only escape wearing a clothes that can't completely cover his body up.

It seems that it is really difficult for him to be believed in his current appearance.

"You bastard, you actually want to leave me alone"

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