"Don't worry about this, I will protect myself"

Here, how can she protect herself?Feng Qining looked at her suspiciously, she doesn't know martial arts, if someone pinches her lightly, it's as easy as pinching an ant to death, so is she going to hide in the grass.Fiction Rankings
It's not safe to hide there. Once the house is set on fire, she has nowhere to go.

"Living here for so long, if I want to hide, I am confident that no one will find me"

When Su Xue said this, she was very confident. Looking at her confident face, Feng Qining suddenly agreed with what she said. She is very beautiful, and confident people are the most beautiful. At this moment, Feng Qining understood this. That's it. [

"You are very confident, but where are you going to hide? In a cave?"

Feng Qining looked around, on this mountain, there are only caves and other things to hide in. Climbing trees or hiding in bushes is not a long-term solution.

"You don't need to worry about this. I will protect myself anyway. I'm afraid you don't want to take me with you. I'm a burden to you."

Feng Qining didn't expect her to say it so bluntly. She understood that Su Xue was smarter in some respects, but she was also stupid in some respects.

"If that's the case, how can I find you if I find you?"

She can't rummage through this mountain, wouldn't it exhaust her to death?

"When the time comes, you stand on the top of the wooden house and call me a few times, and I will naturally appear."

It's so amazing. Feng Qining looked at the wooden house. She looked around carefully, but she didn't find any place to hide. But seeing that Su Xue didn't want to talk about it, she didn't ask too much. Few people know about such things. The higher the security.

After watching Su Xue leave, Feng Qining and the others left. It is always easier to go down the mountain than to go up the mountain. Even if it is dark, it is not a hindrance to Feng Qining and the others. Even if they can't see clearly, they can still see it. of.

After crossing the river, Feng Qining looked at the pitch-black area below, stepped on a leaf, and almost lost her balance.

"Be careful"

Murongli and Yichu stretched out their hands at the same time, and grabbed Feng Qining tightly. Feng Qining gasped, and what Yichu grabbed was not elsewhere, but her wound.

"Ning'er, how are you?"

There was anxiety in Yichu's tone, he touched her wound, damn it.

"It's okay, you don't need to feel guilty, anyway, Li Meiren has a way, and there will be no scars."

Feng Qining smiled at Yichu. In the dark, Yichu couldn't see very clearly, but he knew that Feng Qining was enduring the pain to say this to him, because her tone was relaxed, but still I can't hide my weakness.

"Feng, how are you?"

Murong Li was a little worried, now it's so dark here, even if her dressing needs to be changed, she can't see clearly, but if her wound is opened, it will be so painful.

"It's okay, don't worry, I'm fine, let's hurry up" [

Feng Qining wiped the cold sweat from her forehead, the wound was really painful, just imagine, the wound that was bandaged just now, had not yet scabbed, and was torn fiercely again, that kind of pain was worse than the first time Heavier and stronger.

If it wasn't for Yichu, who would have dared to treat her like this, Feng Qining would have cut him into pieces, and dared to treat her like this, did he want to die?

Murong Li glanced at her worriedly, but didn't say much, just held her hand tightly.

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