Feng Qining indicated with her eyes that she was fine, she just moved her foot, but unexpectedly the leaf stuck to the sole of her foot, she grabbed Murongli tightly to prevent herself from falling. www>

"If you go this way, I'm afraid it will take a long time to arrive."

Feng Qining frowned, she had to think of a way, get out of here quickly, stay here longer, the danger will be more.

"Well, let's slide down"

Feng Qining looked at the leaves at the bottom of her feet, and suddenly came up with the idea to slide down like ice skating, and it is estimated that she will reach the bottom of the mountain in 10 minutes. [

"Slip down? Thank you for thinking it out, this is a mountain, and there are so many branches, do you want your face?"

She thought this was a snow mountain. The heavy snow had buried all these things. With so many branches, she was not afraid that her delicate face would be disfigured.

"Yes, forget it, let's go on."

After walking all night, at dawn, Feng Qining and the others finally reached the gate of the city, and took a bullock cart back to the city.

Feng Qining was a little depressed, why did she have such a relationship with cows, but not with horses at all, it was fine to take the ox cart last time, but this time it is still the ox cart.

Last time, the bullock cart was still filled with straw, which had no smell, but this bullock cart was really filled with cow dung. Feng Qining sat next to her, and she had the urge to run away many times, but seeing that Murong Li could bear it. After coming down, she endured it.

Feng Qining didn't know that Murong Li's thought was stronger than hers, but after seeing the injury on her arm, he insisted on suppressing that thought. Her hand must be bandaged quickly, otherwise it would be easy to become disabled.

After finally arriving at the door of the inn, Murong Li jumped out of the car impatiently, gave some money to the farmer, and Feng Qining walked towards the door.

After driving all night, the faces of the three of them were covered with mud and water, a few leaves hung on their heads and bodies, and their clothes were scratched by branches. They looked like three beggars, Feng Qi Ning naturally knows how bad she looks now, but it is so bad that she has to come back in such a hurry. If she is fine, why is she coming back in such a hurry?

It's better to look at the scenery outside.

"Where is the beggar coming from? Leave now"

Before they reached the door, Xiao Er chased them away with a broom, waving the broom while muttering, "Why are there so many beggars recently?"

"You are the beggar, see who we are"

Anger flickered in Feng Qining's eyes, they looked bad, but they wouldn't be reduced to beggars, right?

The familiar voice made Xiao Er raise his head, opened his eyes wide, recognized it for a while, and finally recognized it as a customer in his shop.

"Guest officer, where have you been these past few days? I thought something happened to you."

"Send three pots of hot water up, I'm going to play, I didn't expect it to rain, and it turned out like this"

Feng Qining made up a lie casually, and Murongli and Yichu saw her finished speaking, so they took her upstairs.

Before the hot water came up so quickly, Feng Qining pushed Lan Se's door open, and as soon as she opened the door, a sword was stretched out, and Murong Li clamped it with two fingers. [

"What is this for?"

Tang Xuan was a little surprised when she saw that it was Murongli and the three of them. Surprise was followed by surprise.

"Miss Feng, you are finally back"

Tang Xuan stepped forward and looked at Feng Qining. When she saw the injury on her arm, Feng Qining hugged her before she saw the injury on her arm. Push her away.

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