Murong Li gently helped Feng Qining put on her clothes. Feng Qining lowered her head, not looking at his expression, and tried to treat him as a transparent person. Murong Li looked at Feng Qining's bright red face with a funny face. www>

"I'm curious, when will you stop blushing?"

Feng Qining looked at him sadly, did he think she wanted this?It was this face that turned red involuntarily. Did he think she wanted this?Think about it?

"I guess, you may keep blushing forever"

Feng Qining stared at him harder, she stared and stared, Murong Li's hand went around behind her, and his big hand wandered around her body, Feng Qining immediately threw off her helmet and armor. [

"Limei, stop playing, I know I was wrong"

"Feng really knows it's wrong?"

Murong Li breathed into her ear, and the cool smell penetrated into her nostrils, Feng Qining was momentarily intoxicated, but how could she be intoxicated with her current appearance?Isn't this looking for something to do?

"Why should Feng be afraid, you look like this, I can't do anything I want to do."

Murong Li's eyes glanced at her hand, Feng Qi stared at him angrily, he knew her hand was injured and still grabbed her like this, did he really think it was fun?

"It's fun, I think it's fun"

He still said that, Feng Qining stepped on him, but Murongli dodged it very sensitively.

"Rimi, you've become cunning"

In the past, he would stand there peacefully and let her step on him. Unexpectedly, he has learned to be cunning and escaped now.

"Well, what does it mean to be cunning? I just feel that Feng still owes me an explanation."

Explain what the hell, Feng Qining glared at him, she didn't believe it, he didn't know, such a thing, you can figure it out after a little thought, why do you want her to explain.

Murong Li still knew about it, seeing that Feng Qining's expression was not very good, he didn't say much.

"You should have told me earlier so there wouldn't be a scar somewhere"

He didn't want her to have any scars on her body. In his heart, she was flawless and had no scars at all.

"It doesn't matter where it is, no one sees it anyway"

As long as the face is not disfigured, she doesn't really care. Anyway, the ancient sleeves are long and big, covering the body tightly, so you can't see anything. No matter how good the skin is, if it's not the face, no one else can see it.

On such a matter, Murong Li knew that he would not be able to convince Feng Qining. In fact, he had never thought of convincing her, anyway, he knew what to do.

"When will my hand be healed?"

Feng Qining looked at her hand a little depressed, a big piece of flesh was torn off, and she didn't know when it could be repaired. [

"Aren't you afraid of leaving scars?"

Murong Li is also a little depressed, other girls like her beautiful, without any scars on her body, why is it different when she comes to Feng Qining's place?She didn't seem to care about that at all.

"Don't be afraid, aren't you there, Li Meiren?"

Feng Qining looked at him trustingly, anyway, as long as she was around, she would not have scars, just like with him, she would not be in danger.

"Feng has so much confidence in me?"

She has always had confidence in him, not just today, Feng Qining rolled her eyes.

"Limei, what's wrong with you? Are you so abnormal today?"

Ever since he found out about the scar on her hand, he hadn't been right.

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