"Limei, do you think too much, you are a big man, don't act like a bitch"

Murong Li was depressed, he just felt sorry for her and felt that she was suffering, why in her heart, he was a bitch.
"Feng, do you always look at me like that?"

Murong Li looked at her with danger in his eyes, his expression clearly said that if she dared to say yes, he wouldn't mind giving her a good lesson.

"Li Meiren, you look at me with that expression, how dare I say that?" [

Feng Qi Ning pretended to be pitiful, her eyes were filled with water vapor, as if only Murong Li said a harsh word, her tears would stay, Murong Li immediately felt helpless.

"Feng, who did you learn this trick from?"

She has learned these things without learning anything. She is really promising.

Is this useful?Isn't there someone around her who uses it every day?In fact, she was influenced, it's none of her business, she was really influenced, so many people like to use this trick, in order to experience the feeling of it, of course she has to use it.

It turned out to be so useful, this is good, Feng Qining was happy to find another trick to deal with Murong Li.

Looking at the smile on her face, Murong Li wanted to scare her again, but she couldn't bear it anymore, so she could only sigh helplessly in the end. He really had no choice but to take her down. He fell into her hands for the rest of his life. .

"What do you think they were doing in there?"

"I said, must be doing that?"

"Is it is it?"

A very low voice came from the door, although it was very low, but what kind of ear power did Feng Qining and Murong Li have?How could it not be heard?The two looked at each other, Murong Li's figure flickered, and he came to the door, and then opened the door with lightning speed.

The people outside the door were exposed in front of the two of them.

Looking at those two people, Feng Qining's face turned red. She could understand Tang Xuan's gossip. Why did Yi Chu want to mess around like them?

"Brother Yi, what are you doing?"

Feng Qining looked at him amusedly, Yichu stood up solemnly, coughed, and then spoke solemnly, Feng Qining looked at him with a smile.

With her appearance, those who didn't know thought he was going to make a speech.

"I came to see you. I haven't come out for so long. I thought something happened to you."

Yeah?Feng Qi stared at him suspiciously. What she saw was not like this. In this situation, he was clearly here to watch the excitement.

"Yes, you haven't shown up for such a long time, I'm worried about you, so I came to see it specially"

Yichu winked at Tang Xuan, who was watching the play next to her. How did this person become dumb at this moment? Don't forget, she can ask him to come when he comes. Do you want to back off this time? [

"Then we're fine now, can you rest assured?"

There was playfulness in Feng Qining's eyes, but she wanted to see what he had to say now.

"Of course there is something else. What happened to you these days? Shouldn't you tell us?"

Tang Xuan, who was silent just now, finally played her role this time. Yichu nodded. After nodding, he realized something was wrong, because he was also involved in this matter, and he knew it.

"Brother Yi also knows about this matter, just let him tell you. I think Brother Yi should be happy to tell you."

Tang Xuan looked at Yichu and shrugged, meaning that she had no other choice.

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